Tag Archive for: raw food

Green Smoothie Ideas and Recipes from Victoria Boutenko

The Green Smoothie info and recipes below come direct from Victoria Boutenko, the author of Green for Life. Some great ideas if you’re looking for good combinations and greens and fruits.

Which fruits taste good with which greens?

Here are some tried-and-true combinations that unlock the secret to delicious smoothies. The fruits in parentheses are optional. I’ve suggested banana to sweeten EVERY smoothie, but you could also use pear, apple or mango. Of course, I hope you’ll experiment to find your favorites!

Green Smoothie Power

Green Smoothie Power

    The Kale Family: Any variety of Kale OR Dandelion Greens, PLUS Apple OR Mango OR Pear, AND Banana (berries OR kiwi)
      The Spinach Family:
    Spinach, PLUS Apple OR Peach OR Mango OR Kiwi, AND Banana & a squeeze of lemon (berries OR cherries OR figs)
    The Collard Family: Collards, PLUS Blueberries OR Peaches OR Cranberries, Peaches OR Pear, AND Banana
    The Orange Family: Arugula OR Celery OR Swiss Chard, PLUS Orange OR Mango, AND Banana (strawberries, peaches OR pineapple)
    The Sprout Family: Romaine OR Clover Sprouts, PLUS Apple OR Pear, AND Strawberries OR Kiwi, AND Banana
    The Herb Family: Parsley OR Cilantro, Apple OR Mango, Banana (strawberries, pineapple)

You can use this overview as a guide whenever you’re at the grocery store looking for what’s fresh and ripe!

Now available! My Green Smoothie DVD and Green Smoothie eBooks, including 200 recipes and a Quick Start Guide, so you can learn more home at your own pace. You can become the next Green Smoothie success story!

More Healthy Recipes:

More on Fermented Foods:

More on Juicing and Smoothies:

Green Smoothie Ideas and Recipes from Victoria Boutenko

The Green Smoothie info and recipes below come direct from Victoria Boutenko, the author of Green for Life. Some great ideas if you’re looking for good combinations and greens and fruits.

Which fruits taste good with which greens?

Here are some tried-and-true combinations that unlock the secret to delicious smoothies. The fruits in parentheses are optional. I’ve suggested banana to sweeten EVERY smoothie, but you could also use pear, apple or mango. Of course, I hope you’ll experiment to find your favorites!

Green Smoothie Power

Green Smoothie Power

    The Kale Family: Any variety of Kale OR Dandelion Greens, PLUS Apple OR Mango OR Pear, AND Banana (berries OR kiwi)
      The Spinach Family:
    Spinach, PLUS Apple OR Peach OR Mango OR Kiwi, AND Banana & a squeeze of lemon (berries OR cherries OR figs)
    The Collard Family: Collards, PLUS Blueberries OR Peaches OR Cranberries, Peaches OR Pear, AND Banana
    The Orange Family: Arugula OR Celery OR Swiss Chard, PLUS Orange OR Mango, AND Banana (strawberries, peaches OR pineapple)
    The Sprout Family: Romaine OR Clover Sprouts, PLUS Apple OR Pear, AND Strawberries OR Kiwi, AND Banana
    The Herb Family: Parsley OR Cilantro, Apple OR Mango, Banana (strawberries, pineapple)

You can use this overview as a guide whenever you’re at the grocery store looking for what’s fresh and ripe!

Now available! My Green Smoothie DVD and Green Smoothie eBooks, including 200 recipes and a Quick Start Guide, so you can learn more home at your own pace. You can become the next Green Smoothie success story!

More Healthy Recipes:

More on Fermented Foods:

More on Juicing and Smoothies:

How to Eat Raw Food in Winter – Sprouting, Raw Hummus & Recipes

Some people have asked me recently about what to eat during the cold months when transitioning to raw food, especially because the price of fruit and veg goes up and the quality of fresh foods goes down. So what’s a raw foodist to do? Well, in my opinion, winter is the perfect time to start experimenting with sprouting and dehydrating foods. Why not add a new level of excitement and interest to your raw food diet choices!

The sprouting is SO easy and it is super cheap! This is the best way to save money and still have an abundance of raw foods. You can go crazy with sprouting. My favorites (just for ease) are mung beans, chick peas and sunflower. With sprouted chick peas you can make your own raw hummus:

1 c. chick pea sprouts (sprouted overnight)
Juice of 1 lemon or lime (I prefer lime)
2 T. fresh orange juice
1 clove garlic
2 T. raw tahini
Optional seasonings: ground cumin, spike or sea salt to taste, chives, paprika, cayenne pepper

Blend all of the ingredients. Add water to thin to desired consistency.
Very delicious spread on leafy greens or red bell pepper strips or even celery. Enjoy!

Mung bean, lentil & wheat berry sprouts

Mung bean, lentil & wheat berry sprouts

If you are unsure of how to begin sprouting, don’t be afraid – actually it is so easy. You don’t even need sunlight, just a jar, container or sprout bag and water.

I encourage all of you to get your seeds wet and your hands dirty and start sprouting this winter!!

The Sproutman website has some useful info on getting started with sprouts.

His instructions are:

Basic Instructions for Sprouting in a Sprout Bag

1. Soak your seeds in a jar of pure water overnight. (about 8 hours).

2. Moisten the bag and pour the soaked seeds in. Rinse and hang the bag on a hook or knob or lay in dish rack. Dripping stops in about one minute

3. Rinse sprouts by dipping the bag in water for 30 seconds, twice daily, morning and evening.

Commentary: Sprout bags travel well, they never break and since they drain on all sides and breathe throughout, mold and mildew are rare.

Another good site, Sprouting at Home, explains what the benefits of sprouting are:

Buy you own 100% cotton sprout bags, just visit my Healthy Bliss store!

Why Eat Sprouts? quoted from The Wonders of Sprouting by Lucie Desjarlais, RNC

“Lots of reasons! They carry plenty of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes, all necessary for the body to function optimally. In addition to providing the greatest amount of these nutrients, sprouts deliver them in a form that is easily digested and assimilated. In fact, they improve the efficiency of digestion. Sprouts are also deliciously fresh and colourful!

Sprouts are very inexpensive (even when organic), always fresh (they grow until you chew them) and have the potential to help solve hunger and malnutrition problems in our communities and in developing countries, because they are so rich in nutrients, affordable, and easy to transport before sprouting. Sprouts are precious in winter, when the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables is declining as their price increases.”

“(Sprouts) supply the highest amount of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. of any food per unit of calorie.”

“… sprouts nourish and strengthen the whole body, including the vital immune system.”

So, the dehydrator. Well the best thing about dehydrating in winter is that, although the food is not considered ‘cooked,’ it can still be warm when it comes out of the dehydrator so it is a nice option is you are yearning for something heated for you belly. You can make raw crackers and breads, and again, during winter when you are stuck inside, why not give the dehydrating a try!

Here is an easy recipes for Flax Crackers:

Flax Crackers

4 cups whole flax seeds, soaked 4-6 hours
1/3 to 1/2 cup Braggs Aminos
juice of 2-3 lemons

Soak flax seeds for 4 to 6 hours in purified water. You will then have a gelatinous mixture, be sure to keep moist and loose for spreading. Add Braggs and lemon juice to taste and mix well. Spread mixture as thin as possible on your dehydrator trays with a teflex sheet on top. Keep your hands wet as this will help on spreading the flax seeds (or use a spatula) Dehydrate at 105 degees for 5-6 hours and then flip the mixture and remove the teflex sheet. Continue dehydrating until the mixture completely dry. Approximately 5-6 hours.


You could add garlic, onions, carrot juice, taco seasoning, Italian seasoning, chili powder, cumin in any combination. Be creative and make up your own recipe.

Start sprouting today – get your own 100% cotton sprout bags!

<strong>More Healthy Recipes:</strong>

More on Manifestation:

More on Motivation:

You’ve Gotta Cleanse! by Scott Kalechstein at Sedona Raw Spirit Festival

King of the Raw!

King of the Raw!

Scott Kalechstein has an amazing gift for making up songs right in the moment.

Watch him inspire us with his great lyrics, energy and inspiration at the Sedona Raw Spirit Festival in Arizona.

See more of Scott at scottsongs.com. King of the Raw!

Scott says it best! Enjoy 🙂 More good clips from the Raw Spirit Festival to follow….

More on Traveling Raw:

More on Raw Food:

More on Organic Food:

Raw Spirit Festival Sedona, Arizona – Raw Food Lectures, Speakers & Inspiration!

Well, it’s all over now, but it was a great 3 days last weekend in the magical red rock of Sedona, Arizona. The 3rd Annual Raw Food Festival was in full-force, and even though the turn-out was less than expected…there were perhaps 1,000 people instead of the predicted 5,000….it was still a great time had by all.

Viktoras Kulvinskas

Perhaps the hardest thing to deal with all weekend was that there were too many things all happening at once – with 3 talks going at any time plus raw food cooking demos plus meditations every hour and exercise workshops in addition to live music and all the vendor booths, it was just impossible to see and do everything!

I met some amazing people, from the speakers to just other participants like me, and if only I had more time, I would have met more of them! I guess there is always next year….

Anyway, the speakers….so many good ones.

Everyone had something unique to add and something good to say – this was the beauty that I saw even within the diversity of the speakers.

David Wolfe was someone who I was really excited to see…especially because his book ‘The Sunfood Diet Success System’ was the main book that I used in my raw food transformation. I must admit that since then he has gone a lot more commercial, and many would say that he is a supplement pusher more than anything else these days, but I did enjoy his talks and his enthusiasm. You can’t deny that this guy is into raw foods, that’s for sure. He had some great points. I liked when he said, ‘We are coming out of a nutritional holocaust.’

He noted that, ‘Everything we eat is affecting our state of consciousness.’ Now we all know that, but think about it really. I mean REALLY. Include in there the coffee and cakes and chocolates and all the little things which really do add up in a big way.

I had the great pleasure of seeing Dr. Flora VanOrden speak, she has been a raw foodist for over 40 years and worked with Ann Wigmore for over 25 years. This was her first public appearance in over 10 years, and we were all blessed to hear her words of wisdom. She has done some amazing work over the years doing outreach education. She outlined her secret recipe for a longevity smoothie, and hey, it looks like it’s working for her!

Kris Carr

One of the most motivating speakers I saw was Kris Carr author of Crazy, Sexy Cancer. This woman is so incredibly positive and uplifting, and to hear her come from a place of real healing and still remain so full of love and gratitude, well it was completely inspiring. She definitely advocates changing to a healthy diet but also doesn’t over-define the diet she is on and allows room to accept herself with the cancer, instead of feeling that life would only be good or whole if the cancer were gone. I hope to see more of her outside of hospitals and more speaking to general audiences because we need to get this message to people BEFORE they get sick. Prevention, yeah.

She also talked about affirmations and saying every day, ‘Thank you for my perfect health, my spiritual wealth and my happiness.’ Something we can all do, wherever we are!

Other great quotes to remember…’Vote with your Fork!’ and ‘Make Juice, not War!’

I also saw Dr. Yashpal Jayne who spoke about Ayurvedic principles, Dr. Jameth Sheridan, Dr. Ritamarie Loscaizo talking about thyroid dysfunction, Brigitte Mars explaining color therapy, Philip McCluskey who has had an amzing transformation and has lost over 200 pounds on his raw food journey, and Ronnie and Minh talking about sprouting sunflower seeds at home (they are so cool by the way).

Minh, me and Ji Young – Raw Girl Power!!

Are you overwhelmed yet??? I was!!

I was very inspired by seeing Matthew and Terces Engleheart, owners of Cafe Gratitude in San Francisco talk about their concept of ‘Sacred Commerce.’ They are the most genuine, kind-hearted people and I am sure that every staff member they have feels lucky to work for them. They talked about ‘clearing energies’ with each staff member before each shift as a way to make each and every person feel loved and appreciated, and from there as they start their work for the day, they are only spreading more of the same love and, well, gratitude. We practiced the exercise on each other…and it really works!! I so hope to meet them again!

And, just so you know….we are only half-way through the festival at this stage!!! So you can imagine how many great speakers there were…quite a few that I was sorry to have missed 🙂

I was very happy to see Karen Knowler from the U.K. and I was impressed how authentic and down-to-earth her message was….I really wasn’t sure what to expect after seeing her website which seemed very commercialized, but I’ve gotta say that girl is speaking her truth, and living it too. She’s a great public speaker and had me feeling inspired by the end. As she said, you’ve gotta ‘find a way that works for you.’

She points out that when you eat something, ‘ask yourself, what am I trying to get from this food and why?’.

She also stresses visualization and emphasizes that you need to have a bigger version of yourself to step into on your journey. So….who do you want to be???

Sunday morning was my day of enlightenment during the festival. I had a silent prayer very early Sunday morning where I asked to meet someone who really motivated and uplifted me, and on the very first talk I went to at 8:00am Sunday morning, I knew I was receiving what I had asked for! Dr. Medicine Wolf was, by far, the highlight if my weekend. One of the first things he said was that he has dedicated his life ‘to the healing of Mother Earth and all Life.’ And he was genuine, wow this guy moved every single person in that room. The most impressive thing about him is that he has no ego whatsoever. Just a man full of love dedicated to helping everyone. As he said, ‘I don’t care if you are a butterfly, an elephant, a dog or a cat or a human being, I want to help you all just the same.’

He made it very clear that ‘we lose a species to extinction every 10 minutes, and WE are on that list!!’.

Medicine Wolf, what a special soul

He talked a lot about the chemicalization and radiation that is affecting the planet and all life today. His words were ‘we have to move from a numb and dumb situation; we need to advance our brain and we will discover that we have the intelligence to live in a disease-free state and every thing we need to do this is in Mother Earth.’ He also explained the importance of frequency 528, the exact scientific frequency of divine unconditional love. If you make one goal from reading this entry, it should be to try and meet Medicine Wolf just once in your lifetime.

Before I forget, I must mention Shantree and Lorenna, such a beautiful couple living their message and sharing so much wisdom and knowledge with others. I really felt a connection to them and would highly recommend anyone visiting their centre and working with them in the future.

I love Shantree’s concept of ‘spending 20 minutes every day with a tree’ as a way to actively meditate and re-connect with nature. You guys rock!!

I was so busy moving from talk to talk that I missed Victoria Boutenko’s talk, but luckily I was able to meet her in person and have a chat about Green Smoothies, because I tell you, her book ‘Green for Life’ is incredible, and it really helped so many raw foodists I know add an extra value-packed meal to their diet each day. That woman is so gentle and kind and really genuine…I so hope she comes to Thailand soon 🙂

Now…we are finally getting to the ‘headliners.’ Sunday was a day FULL of amazing speakers. I finally got to see Victoras Kulvinskas speak, and I can honestly tell you that this guy is so HIGHLY evolved and so incredibly intelligent that he has to struggle to come back to earth and find a way to communicate to us mere humans. It’s so unbelievable and if you weren’t energetically tuned-in, you might say that he has dementia or that he is ‘out-there,’ and guess what, in a way you would be right! This guy is super-knowledgeable and I find it such a shame that in the recently aired television show 20/20 on USA tv network ‘abc,’ that Victoras was edited to look like a complete fool when asked about this so-called new health threat called ‘orthorexia.’ If you had a chance to meet Victoras in person and if you had any ounce of conscious to your spiritual body, you would know instantly that this guy is tapped into something much bigger than what we know on earth to date. Enough said. I love him! His talk was uplifting, full of useful knowledge and very funny as well!

Victor man, keep being you!!

So many people to mention, but gotta wrap this up so I’m going to end with mentioning 2 very impressionable speakers for me this year…one is Gabriel Cousins who has been a spiritual and health teacher to so many and is so powerful in his energy and his presence. His talks centered mainly on the success he has has in reversing diabetes just through diet. Check out his new DVD on the subject. This guy is an MD from Columbia Medical School by the way, and he has embraced the raw food diet for over 30 years!!

So enough with calling us ‘airy-fairies’ – ha!

And finally I must mention Doug Graham who was one of the last speakers of the festival but had one of the most powerful messages and that was ‘I though this was a raw food festival…so where is the FOOD?’ Hahaha…you knid-of had to be here to get the joke, but the festival was over-run with vendors selling supplements and ‘super’ foods and everyone agreed there was a definite lack of ‘real’ food.

Gotta give it to Doug who is true to his message which is EAT WHOLE FOODS!

One Free Raw Food Meal Per Day

In that case there is no need for supplements or processed and refined superfoods. I liked his simplicity – it goes a long way. All the Doug crew are invited to Koh Samui anytime for some yummy Durian indulging. Earn your food – yeah!

What can I say to close except I am fully inspired to be a speaker at the festival next year! We need more girl power representing and also we need someone like me to tell my story, which is totally different to everyone’s story I heard, and to speak to the newbies in the raw food world because we have to find a way to make this lifestyle work for everyone, no matter where they are on their journey!


More on Traveling Raw:

More on Raw Food:

Raw Spirit Festival In Sedona, Arizona and I’m there!

I’m back in the raw foods again and ahh, it feels so RIGHT! The energy of the cooked foods was ok, and I guess in terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine I was removing excess ‘damp’ by having steamed veggies, but I can honestly say that my overall alive-ness feels so much more ‘alive’ when I am eating the veggies raw, not steamed.


And on that note…it’s a perfect lead into talking about the Raw Spirit Festival this year in Sedona, Arizona:

So…guess who’s going?? ME! I’m really excited. In just 1 week I’ll be back in Philadelphia visiting family and friends and enjoying all the love from home. And in just over 2 weeks, I’ll be in Sedona, Arizona celebrating life and raw food living with the best of the best raw foodists from around the globe! What an idea and already the energies of good intention are conspiring to bring good things to me out of this experience and I am not even there yet!!

I’ve met some super people online who are giving me a ride from Phoenix to Sedona, and, if that wasn’t enough, they’ve offered to let me share their hotel room with them for the festival – yeah! Shower and bed, check. I’ve got another friend who is flying all the way from Korea to come to the festival – she’ll be hanging out with some friends who have a van to sleep in…so I’ve got more people to catch up with. Friends, check. Then I’ll be seeing all the latest and freshest information and knowledge from some of the most experienced raw foodists, vegans and vegetarians ever, people like David Wolfe, Doug Graham, Victoria Boutenko, Victoras Kulvinskas, Karen Knowler, Gabriel Cousins and more!! Inspiration, check. Excitement, double check!!

I’ll be keeping you all posted along the way.

Til then, remember, you have everything you need from Mother Nature to heal yourself.

Fall is fast approaching in the Northern Hemisphere. Apples are soon to come out in season. You know what this means? Time for some liver cleansing!!! Make a variety of fresh apple juices every day to help the liver tonify and detoxify. It’s that easy.

Slow down on the caffeine and alcohol for awhile. Give the liver a rest. Eat more GREENS! Try some GREEN SMOOTHIE POWER for yourself!!

Feel how good it feels to be healthy inside! Let GO of any anger or resentment. Live in gratitude in every moment! Feel how lucky we are to be alive and have this experience on this beautiful earth! Now…go and have some FUN!!

Read about my personal experiences and see the pictures from Sedona Raw Spirit here:

Raw Spirit Festival 2008 – Sedona, Arizona – Raw Food Inspiration!

You’ve Gotta Cleanse! by Scott Kalechstein at Sedona Raw Spirit Festival

More on Raw Food:

More on Colon Cleansing:

More on Longevity:

Cooked Food vs. Raw Food – Giving Traditional Chinese Medicine a try

Traditional Chinese Healing Zen

Traditional Chinese Healing Zen

Yes, yes…it is true – you are reading that correctly! I have been humbly trying a different approach on my healing journey for the last week or so and that is by reducing the raw foods and increasing cooked foods in my diet. I’ve been seeing an acupuncturist and he has told me that my stomach and spleen energy are very low and that in order to increase them I have to add more cooked foods to my diet, even if it is on a temporary basis. So I thought about it for awhile and then finally decided well, what do I have to lose really? 34 years of cooked foods didn’t kill me so what’s wrong with a few weeks or even months at this stage?

Balance, Forgive, Heal

Balance, Forgive, Heal

So, I’ve been eating mainly steamed veggies every day and also an occasional salad or some fruit. I try to stay away from the rice even if it is brown rice because I noticed that the rice really brings my energy levels down. I have also been told that there is too much ‘damp’ in my body and the best way to combat damp is with cooked foods. I don’t mind being the guinea pig here, it if works I shall let all of you know. I think we have to be flexible on our healing journeys and also be open to receiving the right information when it is needed for us. For many of you it may be the perfect time for a raw food cleansing diet and I fully support you on that path. But I have been suffering with some lingering bacterias in my body and all of the raw garlic and raw food in the world has not sorted it out for me yet, so I’m gonna give this 5,000-year old Chinese thing a try. With the change in diet and over 3 weeks of acupuncturist so far, I have felt a difference but I can’t really tell where the big picture is taking me just yet.

I do hope that I will balance out the energies and get back to 90-100% raw food soon!

That’s enough on the body for today…how is everyone doing in mind and spirit?? Here’s a little loving nudge to work on forgiveness in your life, LET GO of any lingering negative emotions and tell everyone in your life whom you love that you love them! When you work on your meditation today, focus on the gratitude that you feel for all of the abundance in your life and visualize yourself in your perfect state of health, whatever that means to you.

We must have the powerful energies of gratitude and love flowing freely through us in order to reach our full healing potential!

Much love from a sunny corner of Koh Samui…

More on Raw Food:

More on Organic Food:

More on Detox:

Green Smoothie Power and Tabouleh Raw Food Salad Recipe

I’ve found a new discovery in my healing journey….yes it is the GREEN SMOOTHIE! Wow, I am loving these things – so tasty and so packed with nutrition, and such an easy way to bring more greens into my diet!

Green Smoothie Recipe:

  • Greens
  • Fresh banana, papaya & pineapple
  • The stems from parsley (left over from raw tabouleh salad…see below)
  • 1.5 cups cold water
  • 2 Tbsp. ground flax seed
  • 1 tsp. spirulina
  • 2 probiotics, opened and sprinkled into the blend

High Energy All Day!!!

Green Smoothie Ingredients Before

Green Smoothie Ingredients Before

Green Smoothie Ingredients After

Green Smoothie Ingredients After

Next step...Drink and Enjoy!!

Next step…Drink and Enjoy!!

Another Green Smoothie Recipe

  • Greens (different than yesterday’s but it’s Thailand, so I have no idea what they are – just dark and leafy with little flower buds, all thrown in!!)
  • Fresh banana & pineapple
  • The stems from parsley (nothing goes to waste!)
  • Coconut Oil
  • 2 Tbsp. ground flax seed
  • 1 tsp. spirulina
  • 2 probiotics (same as yesterday)
  • 1.5 cups cold water
Fast, Easy & Delicious TABOULEH!

Fast, Easy & Delicious TABOULEH!

Raw Tabouleh Salad Recipe

I also made a wonderful Raw Tabouleh Salad:

  • 2 bunches fresh parsley, chopped
  • 3 large tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 small red onion, chopped
  • 1/2 white onion, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • handful of dried goji berries (they soften in the salad after about 2 hours)
  • extra virgin olive oil, cayenne pepper, black pepper & sea salt

All the parsley, what a blast of nutrition!!

Watch out world – I’m on a role now!!!

Now available! My Green Smoothies for Dummies book and Green Smoothie eBooks,including 200 recipes and a Quick Start Guide, so you can learn at home at your own pace. You can become the next Green Smoothie success story!

More on Blenders and pH Health:

More on Juicing and Smoothies:

More on Manifestation and Weight Loss:

How to Deal with Social Pressures on a Raw Food Diet

I consider myself very lucky to have a few raw food vegan friends (ok, 2)…but it really helps when you try this new path and way of living to try to find others around you doing it too, mainly just as an avenue to share thoughts or ideas and also to help inspire and motivate.

Often I find if I am in a ‘normal’ group of people, they immediately begin to defend and preach about why they think eating meat is essential or why eating cooked foods is necessary, and I find it, well to be honest, exhausting sometimes. I am never judging others for what they eat or don’t eat, and in that respect I find it quite harsh when I feel people judging me. What’s da dilly guys?? Can’t you just accept me for who I am where I am on my life’s journey? I accept you unconditionally, regardless… so why all the fuss???

What a wonderful world it would be if we all had more love and compassion for each other. Friendship should be about support and acceptance, yes?

Where's the Love??

Where\’s the Love??

One time last year while I was on a 100% raw food diet, I went out with friends for a meal. I mainly went out to appease my one friend – her other 2 friends I didn’t even know…anyway my friend at the time knew I was eating raw foods, but mentioned nothing of it at the meal and I proceeded to order a salad without a hitch, also not mentioning any special dietary requirements myself. All safe and cruisy on the down-low. My friend then ordered a Bailey’s shake made with coconut and banana…when she tried it she said ‘Jennifer you must try this it’s amazing…’ so I said ok, and had a sip. At that VERY moment, her friend immediately commented a ‘Oh, so much for the raw food diet!’ I said’ ‘Excuse me? There isn’t any milk in the shake…’ And she said’ ‘Um, Bailey’s, DAIRY, Hello???’ I mean, can you imagine???? In front of a group of people having this stranger try to humiliate me? If I had any ego whatsoever about the diet, maybe, maybe, I could see that response, but never did I ever mention it to anyone….I was horrified to know that I was being watched like a hawk when I was simply trying to experiment with a healthier way of living.

The whole ‘healthier than thou’ tactic to me is quite elitist, condescending, and ultimately self-defeating.

These are some of the obstacles you may face when transitioning to a better diet and lifestyle.

Celebrate your differences!

Celebrate your differences!

And this is why I mention how wonderful it can be when you meet others who are already on your same journey and who help to uplift, love, support and inspire you – it is very important to find a few people like that on your journey! When you find them, stick together!!

True friends will love and support you no matter what you eat or don’t eat, but they are rare gems in this world today, and when you find them, keep them!

Anyway, my 2 raw food friends had recommended some books for me to read and I am so grateful that I asked because I am now reading them and have learned so much new information already!

Based on the one, I am going to try more green vegetable smoothies and see if I can feel a difference…up to this point I was having my ‘standard’ smoothie but with more fruit mainly and just spirulina as a green…now I see that I must add the whole green veggie as well – spinach, kale, bok choy, etc….today I made my first one and it was great!

Green Smoothie Recipe:

  • Fresh Kale
  • Fresh pineapple, banana, & papaya
  • Ground Flax Seed
  • Probiotics
  • Water

More on Detox and pH Health:

More on Raw Food:

More on Organic Food:

Day 21: Juice Fasting and Detox in Koh Samui, Thailand

Cleansing is great, but eating after cleansing is even better, especially when you know and feel healthier and stronger in every moment!!

Cleanse, Fast, Balance

Cleanse, Fast, Balance

Life is better than great for me right now. This fast was absolutely earth-shattering for me, in fact there is part of me that is missing the challenging aspects of the cleanse, in a way life is too easy post-cleansing this time around!! I cannot express in words my pure respect and gratitude for my healing progress, from the inside out, and both on a physical and spiritual level. After all these years of cleansing, I still learn more every time, and I can speak with hesitation when I say that the body can heal itself of anything through fasting and cleansing.

Gratitude is Bliss

Gratitude is Bliss

I spent a lot of time meditating during this last cleanse, and already in such a short period of time, I can see and feel my goals and intentions manifesting right before my very eyes! Thank you to every single person who has helped me through this journey of healing over the last year. From my heart to yours, I want to express my pure love, respect and gratitude for having met so many kind-hearted souls – and each one of you knows who you are!

Food, fresh, pure and delicious! Where to begin!! Many people are curious to know exactly what I eat and where I get ideas for recipes. I can tell you all now that I don’t really ‘do’ recipes…I tend to go to the market and check out what looks good on any given day, keeping variety in mind at all times, and I simply buy what looks good and somehow make my own creations from there.

Here are some example of Raw Food Salad Recipes that I threw together in the last few days:

‘Raw’ Cucumber Soup

Fresh Cucumber Soup Great for Cooling..

Fresh Cucumber Soup Great for Cooling..

  • Fresh Cucumbers (about 5) chopped in a blender
  • Fresh Lemongrass, Fresh Mint
  • Fresh Coconut Flesh
  • Virgin Organic Coconut Oil
  • Sprinkled Cayenne Pepper and Celtic Sea Salt to taste

Green Bean Salad

  • Fresh chopped green beans (uncooked)
  • Fresh chopped tomato
  • Fresh chopped cucumber
  • Fresh chopped coriander (cilantro)
  • Cayenne Pepper, Wasabi Powder & Seeds (sesame, poppy, mustard, basil)
  • Olive Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey

Fresh Yummy Raw Food Salad

  • Chopped Fresh Local Greens
  • Freshly grated carrot & zucchini
  • Freshly chopped red onion & garlic (2 cloves)
  • Freshly chopped mini-corn (raw) Olive Oil, Bragg’s Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Cayenne Pepper, Celtic Sea Salt & Freshly ground Black Pepper
  • Seeds (poppy, sesame, mustard, basil, sunflower)
  • Dried Goji Berries

Carrot/ Mung Bean Sprout Salad

Fresh Grated Carrot Salad

Fresh Grated Carrot Salad

  • Freshly Grated Carrots (2 or 3 large)
  • Freshly Sprouted Mung Beans, chopped finely in a blender (one large bag)
  • Olive Oil, Bragg’s Liquid Amino Acids
  • Cayenne Pepper, Seeds (poppy, sesame, basil, mustard, sunflower)

Fresh Raw Power Juice Recipe

  • Carrot, Apple, Ginger, Parsley, & Celery

Fresh Durian – Yumbo!

Nothing else needed but pure, fresh, gooey, stinky DURIAN BLISS!! Much love to the blessed DURIAN, so glad you are finally in season!!

More on Raw Food:

More on Organic Food:

More Healthy Recipes:

Day 17: Juice Fast Detox in Samui: from Strength to Strength

Fasting Girl Juicing up a Storm

Fasting Girl Juicing up a Storm

There is a lot to be said for listening to your own body while you cleanse. It’s just so important. I try to feel what my body needs, and I react accordingly.

My body is saying now ‘give us just a few more days we are nearly there.’ So I continue to fast, rest, meditate and be grateful everyday for this opportunity I have to so thoroughly clean out. I am convinced from this fast more than ever before in my history of cleansing that THE BODY DOES HAVE THE POWER TO HEAL ITSELF. Trust me on that one.

I’ve been switching out my bum-washing teas from pau d’arco to milk thistle, mainly because I ran out of the pau d’arco, but it’s fine with me. Also today I started doing garlic enemas. I am still getting loads coming out. What a great feeling to see that much GONE. Just a bit of FYI on the garlic…I’ve been putting 3 to 4 cloves in a processor to chop finely then I add boiling water and let it sit for about 5 or 10 minutes. After I drain the lot using a cheesecloth then add the liquid to my enema bag with more water added to slightly dilute. Doing it that way, I can hold the mixture in for about 5 minutes, which is pretty good for garlic.

What kind of Juice?  Bit of everything!!

What kind of Juice? Bit of everything!!

What else…well lots of rest most importantly, also I’ve been making an effort to get sun every day because I do think it’s important while fasting…helps the body recharge and reconnect energetically.

I also juicing twice a day now which I feel is essential when doing long fasting..the body needs more help to get through the process and it just makes the experience much more enjoyable.

Juices today – watermelon, celery and apple. Verdict – Very refreshing!

This afternoon’s juice – watermelon, ginger, carrot, apple, celery and greens. Verdict – bit of a hodge-podge but anything tastes great after 17 days of not eating!

Thought for the day – Be patient, and enjoy the journey…

Much love to everyone from my little slice of paradise.

More on Manifestation:

More on Motivation:

More on Traveling Raw:

Day 5: Fasting, Juice & Colon Cleansing in Koh Samui, Thailand

5th day of fasting and feeling fine!

5th day of fasting and feeling fine!

I was going to make that ‘fantastic,’ but I don’t think I’m at that level YET…Everything is going pretty well so far – main problem I am having the last 2 days is time management. Can be difficult to work while fasting and I am ok with it but find I need to have A LOT of down tome after. Luckily I have plenty of books to read and DVD’s the watch to keep me occupied. Because of that I was not able to exercise or have a massage or steam for the last 2 days, and when I’m fasting I generally require at least 2 of those 3 on a daily basis. (Actually, even when I’m not fasting – ha!) Tomorrow I am hoping to get all 3 in, plus more rest. Many people I see never seem to rest during the fast – they go shopping, travel around the island, go walking/running even lift weights, and more than a few even go diving and jet skiing.

Chaos for a body trying to heal itself!

There is plenty of time for all of that ANYtime…why would you burn the candle at both ends during the one time you have set aside for cleansing? Any enzymes and energy set aside for the cleanse will be immediately used up by all of those physical activities.

So in the resting mode I remain for the evening tonight.

I shall continue to stay focused and inspired through reading books such as TNT The Power Within You (the original ‘Secret’) and of course Cleanse & Purify Thyself Books 1 & 2 which I re-read at the beginning of every single fast I do. There is so much valuable information in those books, and every time I capture something new.

Also while cleansing I think it is so important to stay positive and to surround yourself with positive people.

Energetically we are much more sensitive during the fast, and it’s always best to keep the mind full of positive, loving thoughts. I definitely do not think it is a good idea to watch violent or disturbing films during this time, but you would be surprised how many people do, and think nothing of it as well. In order to cleanse the body, you must also cleanse the mind. Keep the movies light, simple and funny.

I’m focused now.

Have my goals in sight.

Lots of healing happening, and yes, feeling fine.

More on Juicing and Smoothies:

More on Manifestation and Weight Loss:

More on Nut Milk and Healthy Recipes:

Day 3: Juice Fast Detox in Koh Samui, Thailand – Time to Focus

All is going well on the eliminating side of things here on Samui…I am into Day 3 of the fast now and am getting more focused which is good – it always seems to take me a few days to settle my mind into the not-eating mode. I usually like being at the end of day 4 because if I choose to do 7 days then I am already half-way and if I go on to 14 then it’s a simple 10-day countdown left. Generally once I get cleansing I don’t think about it too much…there just always seems to be a lot of ‘mental negotiation’ in the beginning for me.

Fasting Guidance Comes from Within

Fasting Guidance Comes from Within

The weather here has been overcast, rainy and even what I would consider as ‘cold’…I’m guessing that means it’s about low-twenties Celsius which I think could even be in the 70’s F. Today I had a jumper on all day – that is cold for the tropics believe me. I do kind-of like it for fasting though, because when it is bucketing down a loud, torrential tropical rain, there is no pressure to do anything but stay indoors and relax, which is exactly what one should be doing while cleansing (the relax bit that is). I felt no guilt staying home, watching movies and reading all day.

I may be revising my one colema + one enema per day plan to 2 enemas per day, mainly because I do prefer doing my ‘washes’ in the privacy of my clean bathroom at home. I still find that I get adequate volume expelled with the enemas so there is no problem there.

I am having 4 coconuts per day + one or more juices…today I had the green vegetable juice. I don’t really care what the Spa says about juice – like I said before I follow Dr. Anderson’s program and I believe that for me the extra minerals and electrolytes in the coconuts are fantastic. I get my coconuts for 45 cents a piece, and I am well worth less than $2 a day of wonderful nutrition!!

Other than that everything is fine, the fast so far is going according to plan. Oh yes, Guidance…that is the card for me for today, and seems appropriate:

Whatever you choose is always the right path

Whatever you choose is always the right path

The angelic figure with rainbow-colored wings on this card represents the guide that each of us carries within. Like the second figure in the background, we may sometimes be a little reluctant to trust this guide when it comes to us, because we are so accustomed to taking our cues from the outside rather than from the inside. The truth of your own deepest being is trying to show you where to go right now, and when this card appears it means you can trust the inner guidance you are being given. It speaks in whispers, and sometimes we can hesitate, not knowing if we have understood rightly. But the indications are clear: in following the inner guide you will feel more whole, more integrated, as if you are moving outwards from the very center of your being. If you go with it, this beam of light will carry you exactly where you need to go.

More on Lymphatic Detox/Cleansing:

More on Spiritual Health: