Finding Peace after Honey Boo Boo
Spending the last 2 months in the USA has made me realize how much people need to create peace within the borders of their own country. Being out of the US for 11 years has been a wonderful blessing because I’ve had the fortune to live a simple, clean, healthy life. After just a few weeks here, I felt over-stimulated with drug advertisements, fear mongering news and materialistic reality shows. When ‘Honey Boo Boo’ is the No. 1 show watched in the US and over 5 million iphones are sold in 3 days, we are clearly in need of serious spiritual re-alignment.
According to Dr. Gabriel Cousens, peace within the body is the first level of awareness. From the Essene of the Gospel of the Peace, Book 4:
“First Shall the Son of Man seek Peace with his own body,
for his body is a mountain pond that
reflects the sun when it is still and clear;
but when it is full of mud and stones, it reflects nothing.”

Broadcast Mental Waves of Bliss
With the end of 2012 nearing, it is now more important than ever to develop and maintain a spiritual practice, focusing on love, health and peace. Early morning is a good time to take advantage of the stillness of your mind. Say to yourself, “I am healthy. I am happy. I am grateful. I live in a peaceful world full of healthy and happy people. I send joy and spiritual waves of health and peace to every living being on this planet.” Keep your thoughts positive and imagine the world that you want to live in, a world without gossip, bullying, violence or hate.
As much as you possibly can, avoid mindless television. Set a limit for how much tv you will watch every week, and stay committed to it. Try to post only positive, uplifting information on Facebook and Twitter. Go to your local library and get health and spiritual books. Dedicate 30 minutes every day to developing your mental state into that still and clear mountain pond. Use the time to read, listen to a spirtual CD, watch a health DVD, join a Reiki group, or simply spend time watching a sunset or being with your loved ones. Don’t let this time slip away. Every day is a gift and your health is the greatest gift of all.
I’ve been saying this for awhile now: Our role as pioneers of health, raw food and detox is to become a beacon of love, to help the world transition into a new age. Imagine millions of beacons of love around the globe, staying grounded and focused during these turbulent times, using the most powerful force know in this universe- love, to guide the way. The ancient Essenes taught us to seek Peace within ourselves first. Now, more than ever, is the time to do so.
<strong>More on Motivation:</strong>
- Motivational Health Quotes from Paul Bragg
- Coconut Philosophy – It’s What’s Inside that Counts!
- Sometimes we’re all a bit prickly, like durian fruit!
- Healing – Sharing – Flowering – Transformation – Change
- Green Smoothie Recipes and Inspiration
Jennifer Betesh
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