Fasting Retreat, Organic Raw Food & Total Relaxation at Farm of Life in Costa Rica

Fruit feasting at Farm of Life!
I actually found Finca de Vida thanks to their excellent rating on Trip Advisor, and wow, I felt so grateful to have the chance to check it out. The farm is large compared to a typical detox resort in Thailand, but doesn’t have so many rooms, which is a good thing in my opinion, because smaller groups means more space to relax in nature, and a chance to get one-on-one attention and personal care.
The center hosts several juice fasts, raw vegetarian food and 80/10/10 retreats throughout the year; additionally guests can come and stay on their own simply to eat raw organic fruits, relax, do daily yoga, learn sun gazing meditation from Brian (the master!), get massage, do colonics, dig into their library of healing books, learn from the raw food chefs, soak in the natural mineral springs, and most of all, take time to reflect, rest, rebuild and heal. I did say Garden of Eden, didn’t I?! I just didn’t expect to find it in Central America!!

Fresh organic herbs from the garden at Finca de Vida

Cabins for guests…a real raw food nature retreat!

Staff and guests joining together for a Breath Workshop

Paradise found…view from the guest bungalow at Farm of Life

Natural mineral spring: a place to soak and heal!
It’s very, very peaceful.
And third, the type of guests and volunteer staff that Finca attracts is absolutely top-notch. I never met a nicer group of people gathering to do detox and eat fruit, really! There was no feeling of competition or ego, which can often plague larger detox resorts. This place is pure, from the heart and created for people to have a place to heal, as it should be!
Finally, a major factor to consider is how affordable Finca de Vida is compared to other fasting/cleansing resorts both in Costa Rica and worldwide. A couple can stay in a bungalow with private shower/toilet for $1500 USD per month, that includes access to eat whatever food is grown on the farm. Wifi is also included. Organized juice fasts or raw food retreats are priced differently, depending on who is running the program and how many days it lasts.
If you choose to do water fasting during your stay, there is no additional charge, and that includes cleansing support from Brian. Other places in Costa Rica charge $10,000+ per person to do a 21-day water fast, so you can quickly see what an incredible value that is. Brian (the owner) was clear to point out “I want to make this place affordable so cops and teachers have a place to come and heal. It shouldn’t just be available for rich people.”

Brian giving me a personal tour…and a taste of the hibiscus leaf!
Both Jodi and Brian shared their personal stories of healing with me, all explained in detail in my youtube interview with them. Brian was a professional athlete whose life took a detour into drugs and eventually led him to chronic fatigue and other illness which required him to be on several different pharmaceutical drugs daily. Miraculously, one day he saw a book on raw food in a bookstore, decided to buy it, and essentially went 100% raw food overnight. He is absolutely living proof that you can heal yourself as long as you are willing to change your diet and lifestyle.
Jodi suffered with rheumatoid arthritis for nearly her entire life and probably knows the meaning of pain better than anyone! But, she didn’t give up. And when she met Brian, the idea of doing a raw food diet seemed like a good thing to try. Since doing detox and raw food, she is almost 100% cured and is even a certified yoga instructor now! Amazing!

Early morning view from the restaurant at Fica de Vida, Costa Rica
Finca de Vida is about a 4-hour drive from San Jose. They can organize your pickup and transport directly from the airport to the center. The beach is about a 30-minute drive from the center (or a $25 taxi ride). There are weekly trips to a local waterfall and organic farmer’s market (for a nominal fee). The property is remote and there is no chance of temptation from bars or convenience stores, which is great for most people but challenging for some, especially anyone suffering from addictions. Be prepared to go deep into your healing when you’re there. If you are ready, Finca de Vida can really change your life.
For more info, contact Brian and Jodi at
Video Interview: Raw Food Success Stories
At Finca de Vida Detox & Juice Fast Retreat Center in Costa Rica
Jody and Brian Calvi have 2 of the best Raw Food Success Stories I ever heard! Jody suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis for 35 years before finding relief from daily pain (and many medications) after doing detox and raw foods. She tells the story of how her chronic asthma disappeared after getting her amalgam fillings removed. Brian suffered from chronic fatigue and then depression as a result of being chronically fatigued! He cured himself on a 100% raw food diet and become inspired with Jody to open the Farm of Life Retreat Center in Costa Rica. This is a place I highly recommend for detox, juice fasting, or having a health holiday in nature to de-stress and heal.
Check out my entire 14-21 day Itinerary for Costa Rica here!
More on Traveling Raw:
- 14-21 Day Travel Itinerary for Organic Vegan Raw Food, Hot Springs, Beach & Detox in Costa Rica
- Reconnect with Nature in Guatemala with Fresh Juice, Raw Food, Mayan Ruins & Volcanoes
- Find out where I moved to….! HINT: It’s a healing place
- How to Clean Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
- Panama as a health destination? Warning about pesticides in fruits and vegetables
Jennifer Betesh
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Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for sharing your journey across Costa Rica. I am searching for the best detox retreat in Costs Rica. There are so many to choose from, all with great reviews on trip advisor websites. It seems you highly recommended Finca de Vida as well as Pacha Mama. Which would you consider better of the two for a visit / detox, pros/cons? Thanks
Hi Shadi,
Read the articles and decide what feels right for YOU. Whatever you choose will be exactly what you need right now. All the best and safe travels!
To your health,
My wife and I are going to the Farm of Life in Costa Rica for 14 days. I am looking to change my health. I need to loose weight and hopefully heel some arthritis issues. I have never done the raw food way of living but want to learn. My wife does eat better then me and loves to eat raw foods quite often. Should we start eating the raw food diet before we get to the Farm of Life? What would you suggest we do to get started. Any suggestions would help.
Kind Regards
Hi Norm,
That’s great – I hope you have a wonderful experience! Usually when you book at a resort, they will send you information on how to prepare for your fast or cleanse. So, follow their guidance. After all, you chose them! Outside of that, you shouldn’t have to ask around too much. If you get different information, it may feel confusing and it’s best to follow one protocol at a time.
When I guide people onto raw foods, I recommend that they transition slowly. Hopefully you’re not eating much processed foods, animal foods or fried foods so let’s forget about those. 2 weeks out, give up refined sugar. 10 days out, give up refined sugar and wheat. One week out, give up salt, refined sugar and wheat. 3 days out, give up coffee, salt, refined sugar and wheat. With every step of “giving up” add more fresh veggies and fruits. Green Smoothies are great!
Without knowing anything about your current diet or history, I’d say that’s a general good plan to follow. The point is to transition slowly. Hope that makes sense!
Good luck and say a BIG HELLO to Jodi and Brian from me!