New Year’s Resolution: Daily Meditation Practice
‘All healing starts in the mind.’
The importance of having a regular meditation practice in one’s healing journey is not to be underestimated.
Starting the day with a 20-minute meditation is a great idea for a New Year’s Resolution. For the beginner, a guided meditation is a good practice because it keeps one focused and attentive throughout the session. For the more experienced individual, it can be a useful tool to go deeper within oneself to the core of pure, positive energy, or simply, divine unconditional love.
‘As a man thinketh, so he becomes.’
‘As is above, so is below.’
‘The kingdom of heaven is within.’
‘As is above, so is below.’
‘The kingdom of heaven is within.’
Imagine that you can experience a feeling of total acceptance, happiness, bliss and love while enjoying the beauty of the present moment just from doing a regular daily meditation! As you clean the outside of your body with soaps and the inside of your body with healthy, clean food, so you can clean your spirit with a dedicated meditative practice focusing on love, gratitude and goals and intentions. Meditation is a natural anti-depressant and it’s free!
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