New Year’s Resolution: Attract Love, Let Go of the Past
Love is the first ingredient needed and perhaps the only ingredient necessary.
If we feel loved, we make the best choices for ourselves. We feel supported and safe. We feel beautiful. We become more healthy instantly!

A new year is a time for new beginnings and one of the best things about a new beginning is it creates an emotional clean slate. When you choose to only focus on the good and the love in your life, you naturally do not have room on your canvas for any negative energies. Remember, you are what you think! Your thoughts create your reality! This is what quantum physics and the law of attraction is all about.
For more info, I recommend Esther Hicks ‘Ask and It Is Given’ and Louise Hay ‘You Can Heal Your Life,’ available in both DVD and in book format.
Take a moment to feel that new clean space in your mind and in your heart. Feels great!
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Jennifer Betesh
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