10 Easy Ways to Make Time for Your Health
All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
It’s a very fine balance trying to succeed in today’s busy, crazy world while also making time for good food, nutrition, exercise and fun. It’s all about the balance, right? But how do you draw the line? Where do you make the time?
I myself even struggle with this issue. I get so busy with clients and writing and everything else that I can go for ten hours without a break. I can be busier with my work now than I was even in Corporate America. Everyone feels the pressure today. So what do we do?
Here are 10 Easy Ways to Make Time for Your Health:
1. Take forced breaks.
Every time I get up for the toilet, I force myself to do one other task while I’m up. It might be making my salad for lunch so that when lunchtime comes I have it already prepared, or it could be using a dry skin brush for a few minutes to get my circulation going. I might do some stretching, anything so that I have gotten something out of the break besides a toilet run.
2. Plan ahead.
I give myself mini-goals throughout the day so I now where I should be with my schedule. I plan my day to include a walk or a massage or something that is just for me, so I know when that time comes I will stop, no matter how intent I am on my work.
3. Seek out help.
If I feel too overwhelmed, I look for help and try to delegate as much as possible. At first this seems like it will take even longer because of the time to explain, but in the long run it will save a lot of time.
4. Stop for a Meditation break.
Even for 5 minutes every day I stop, reflect and give myself a few minutes of just being, breathing and focusing on the now.
5. Look for healthy take-away.
Let’s be real – you might not have the time to make lunch or dinner even. But you can find healthy options for take-out or delivery. Don’t worry about the cost – if the $10 salad will stop you from eating the $5 hamburger, it is well worth the added cost. The healthier you are, the more productive you will be.
6. Always have healthy snacks on hand.
There are times where you might have to work a 14-hour day and those are the days where we don’t want you to lose your health in the process. Keep dried fruit, raw nuts, or fresh fruit around so when you start to get the shakes you can grab a healthy bite and keep going.
7. Try not to eat late at night.
Late night eating is the danger zone for most people. That is when emotional eating occurs and even more so when you are under stress. Be aware of that time for yourself; make a cup of fresh mint or ginger tea instead.
8. Don’t eat to please others.
Often we get caught into family and friends telling us what to eat. Listen to your body; eat what you want when you want. They will get used to it. You will feel better.
9. Plan a holiday.
It’s important to give your body time to recharge, rest, relax and rebuild. Be sure to make that time for yourself and eat healthy foods during your break so you return to work feeling restored and ready for the next onslaught.
10. Have fun!
Go out with friends, watch a funny movie, have a laugh – it’s the best stress-reducer there is!
Keep in mind that you are creating the health of your future with everything you do today. So make the time, even one thing every day, to invest in yourself. Realize that health is the biggest wealth there is…as long as you do a little bit every day you can stay on the preventative side and still have balance in your world!
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- How do you know when it’s time to STOP fasting
Jennifer Betesh
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