Raw Spirit Festival In Sedona, Arizona and I’m there!

I’m back in the raw foods again and ahh, it feels so RIGHT! The energy of the cooked foods was ok, and I guess in terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine I was removing excess ‘damp’ by having steamed veggies, but I can honestly say that my overall alive-ness feels so much more ‘alive’ when I am eating the veggies raw, not steamed.


And on that note…it’s a perfect lead into talking about the Raw Spirit Festival this year in Sedona, Arizona:

So…guess who’s going?? ME! I’m really excited. In just 1 week I’ll be back in Philadelphia visiting family and friends and enjoying all the love from home. And in just over 2 weeks, I’ll be in Sedona, Arizona celebrating life and raw food living with the best of the best raw foodists from around the globe! What an idea and already the energies of good intention are conspiring to bring good things to me out of this experience and I am not even there yet!!

I’ve met some super people online who are giving me a ride from Phoenix to Sedona, and, if that wasn’t enough, they’ve offered to let me share their hotel room with them for the festival – yeah! Shower and bed, check. I’ve got another friend who is flying all the way from Korea to come to the festival – she’ll be hanging out with some friends who have a van to sleep in…so I’ve got more people to catch up with. Friends, check. Then I’ll be seeing all the latest and freshest information and knowledge from some of the most experienced raw foodists, vegans and vegetarians ever, people like David Wolfe, Doug Graham, Victoria Boutenko, Victoras Kulvinskas, Karen Knowler, Gabriel Cousins and more!! Inspiration, check. Excitement, double check!!

I’ll be keeping you all posted along the way.

Til then, remember, you have everything you need from Mother Nature to heal yourself.

Fall is fast approaching in the Northern Hemisphere. Apples are soon to come out in season. You know what this means? Time for some liver cleansing!!! Make a variety of fresh apple juices every day to help the liver tonify and detoxify. It’s that easy.

Slow down on the caffeine and alcohol for awhile. Give the liver a rest. Eat more GREENS! Try some GREEN SMOOTHIE POWER for yourself!!

Feel how good it feels to be healthy inside! Let GO of any anger or resentment. Live in gratitude in every moment! Feel how lucky we are to be alive and have this experience on this beautiful earth! Now…go and have some FUN!!

Read about my personal experiences and see the pictures from Sedona Raw Spirit here:

Raw Spirit Festival 2008 – Sedona, Arizona – Raw Food Inspiration!

You’ve Gotta Cleanse! by Scott Kalechstein at Sedona Raw Spirit Festival

More on Raw Food:

More on Colon Cleansing:

More on Longevity:

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Jennifer Betesh has been working with raw food, juices, smoothies and detox for over two decades to help people heal. Today, she shares her expertise worldwide, offering lectures, workshops, training and one-on-one consultations at various health and detox retreat centers. She provides Iridology Readings & Health Coaching via Skype and Phone to clients and continues to educate, motivate and inspire others on their journey of healing. When she’s not working, you’ll find her hiking in the mountains, power-walking along the sea or globe-trotting to a new and exotic health destination.
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