Day 14: Fasting Detox in Koh Samui, Thailand

Fasting Day 14 on Cloud 9!
Been too busy to catch up on the last few days between working and’s a hectic schedule to try to get everything done! The fast is going exceedingly well now, and it feels really good to have 2 weeks behind me. Day 1 seems so long ago looking back! So much has shifted; I am feeling clearing and more positive every day, and very focused on my objectives for this cleanse. I’ve had a lot more energy in the second week and for that I am very grateful because I needed it for work! It’s been raining nearly every day but hasn’t bothered me because I don’t feel any pressure to walk the beach and I know that I need to rest so now I do just that with no guilt whatsoever.
It’s so nice to hear the sound of the rain combined with the waves from the sea.
As I suspected I had a healing crisis on Day 9 of this fast which pretty much lasted for about 36 hours. I was in bed all day for Day 10, and I just rested and let my body do what it needed to do. It’s a wonderful experience when you see that your body is finally strong enough to go deeper into the cleanse, so even though physically I felt pretty crap mentally I was really ok. By Day 11 I was starting to feel better and man, that was a good thing because I worked for 6 hours straight without a break. No way I could have done that the day before! Since then I’ve pretty much been smooth-sailing, having high energy and so much positive emotion, truly a natural high. On day 12 I had a 2-hour Thai massage to help recover from the previous 2 days – it was just what I needed to balance the energy again. I really should have a massage every day while fasting, but I just haven’t had the time.. One of the best things about fasting in Samui is that you can go to a spa every day and enjoy a massage for just s few dollars…yes I definitely need to make more time for that!
Today I had to re-stock my water supply so I rented a Jeep for that day and did a big water run at Tesco. Now I am well stocked so I can do another full week if I so choose. I’ve been doing 2 enemas a day at home so I’ve been going through loads of water. I think the Thai family who runs my bungalow place must think I am showering with the stuff!! They just can’t figure out all the empty bottles outside every day- ha! Imagine me trying to explain what I’m really doing!!!
Having a juicer is making this fast so enjoyable.

Faster\’s Fridge (or Restaurant Stockpile….)
I am still so excited every time I use it and so glad that I treated myself with it!! At Tesco I also stocked up on fruit and veg for the juices…I didn’t really think I had that much even but the Thai taxi drivers in the parking lot asked me if I own a restaurant – no joke!! I said no, I’m just a vegetarian, no chicken no fish only healthy healthy. They didn’t believe me. (I did have 5 pineapples….)
Today I made a juice with apple, pineapple, ginger, green veggies and cucumber. Verdict – fantastic!
I do hope the sun comes out in the next few days so I can start walking again, and I would like to make an effort to only watch health videos for the next week, and I swear I will as soon as I watch the latest episode of LOST 😉 …seriously I do think it’s better for the subconscious mind, and having said that I did watch Louise Hay’s ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ yesterday, so overall I think I’m doing ok there.
Most important thing while fasting is to stay positive in the mind and not attach to any negative emotions or situations.
Actually that’s pretty important while you’re eating too!
Until the next juice…
It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been away,
Been a long, long time since I felt this way,
Been a long, long time I find the words to say,
How much I’m grateful for my life today.‘Cause under every cup you might find a nut,
Behind every corner you might get jacked up,
At the end of every rainbow you might find gold,
The last bite of your sandwich hope you don’t find mold.‘Cause none of us can live a perfect life,
The kind that we see on Nick at Night,
And sometimes we all just lose sight,
Of the pain that will guide us from dark into the light.We fall down, yes, but we get up,
And sometimes we just need a little bit of love,
to help you make it through another day,
into the night into the light into a Saturday.So in the morning when I’m waiting for the sun to raise,
And my head’s a little foggy like I’m in a haze,
I remind myself that everything is gonna be ok.I take a breath, slow down and say,
Why must I feel like this way today,
I’m a soldier but afraid sometimes to face the things that may
Block the sun from shining rays, and fill my life with shades of grey
And still I long to find a way,
So today, I pray for grace.– Michael Franti, Pray for Grace
More on Lymphatic Detox/Cleansing:
- How to Clean the Lymphatic System & Detox the Skin in 5 Simple Steps
- 10 Detox Tips
- Top 5 Tips on How to Recover from Jet Lag & Travel
- Dry Skin Brushing to Detox Lymphatic & Reduce Cellulite Naturally!
- What are the symptoms of a Herxheimer (Detox) Reaction?
More on Skin Cleansing:
- Benefits of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
- Recipe for Raw Food Detox Salad: Cucumber & Onion with Tangy Dressing
- Raw Detox Salad Recipe
- Feature Detoxification Organ: The Skin
- How to Clean the Lymphatic System & Detox the Skin in 5 Simple Steps
More on Liver Cleansing:
- Recipe: Raw Food Healing ‘Jamu’ or ‘Love’ Juice from Indonesia
- Gallstone Flush & Liver Detox – Recipe & Cleanse Info
- How to make a Castor Oil Pack for Healing, Pain Relief or Detox
- Is it safe to detox while pregnant or breastfeeding?
- Liver Flush Detox Drink – Recipe for a Daily Liver Cleanse
Jennifer Betesh
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