Featured Superfood: Hemp Seed

For those of you looking to increase healthy proteins in your diet, this is the superfood for you. Hemp seeds are sold either whole or in powder form. They are perfect to add to your morning Green Breakfast Smoothie or you after work-out Fruit Smoothie Blend. You can also sprinkle them on salads or fresh fruit.

Just to be clear, there is no THC (or only very small trace levels, less than 1%) in hemp seed, and that’s the distinct difference between the hemp and marijuana seed, although they both come from the cannabis spices of plant. Hemp was used traditionally for years to make rope and natural fabric because it is known to be an excellent and strong plant fiber. It is perfectly legal to sell hemp clothes, t-shirts, bags and of course hemp seed and hemp protein powder (ground hemp seeds). Even in Dubai, I have seen hemp powder for sale at an organic health food shop.

Hemp seeds are naturally a fantastic protein source. They contain all of the essential amino acids, are highly digestible, and are one of the highest sources of complete protein of all plant-based foods. Hemp also has a very well-balanced ratio of essential fatty acids (EFAs) – Omega 3, 6, and 9 – which are excellent for cardiovascular health and promote a strong immune system (among many other benefits). A great source of dietary fiber, magnesium, iron, zinc, and potassium, hemp is a true superseed.

This remarkable superfood has more than 3.5 grams of protein per tablespoon in powder form. Now that’s some raw food vegan power! You can combine your raw food knowledge by adding ground hemp protein to your Green Smoothie for even more nutrition!

Green Smoothie Recipe with ground hemp protein

Fountain of Youth Recipe

  • 1 handful Swiss Chard
  • 1 hand dandelion leaves
  • 7-8 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 mango
  • 1 cup red grapes
  • ½ cup raspberries
  • 2 Tbsp. hemp protein
  • 1 Tbsp. coconut oil
  • 1 cup water

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Add more water to desired consistency. Blend again, and enjoy!

More on Superfoods:

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Jennifer Betesh has been working with raw food, juices, smoothies and detox for over two decades to help people heal. Today, she shares her expertise worldwide, offering lectures, workshops, training and one-on-one consultations at various health and detox retreat centers. She provides Iridology Readings & Health Coaching via Skype and Phone to clients and continues to educate, motivate and inspire others on their journey of healing. When she’s not working, you’ll find her hiking in the mountains, power-walking along the sea or globe-trotting to a new and exotic health destination.
4 replies
    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Hi Subbu,

      I’ve seen hemp powder and hemp hearts for sale at the health food stores in Dubai, so I would safely guess that it is legal. However, I would always recommend that you do not carry it on you into the country; rather wait until you arrive and buy it there. That way, you are sure to not have to worry. Safe travels!

      My best,


  1. stella anderson
    stella anderson says:

    My mother was diagnosed with Stage IV cervical cancer, then i wasted a
    lot of money for years for treatment,until saw in the internet that cannabis oil
    can cure all cancer, my mother started taking it on 12th January and glory be
    to God she was healed in April after her last scan,i would want to thank
    this oil to save lives the oil works for all type of cancer and it is worth it


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