Raw Food Classes and Restaurants in Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California is the place for sun, beauty, beach, stars and fun….but did you also know it’s a great place to find raw food classes and eateries? On my recent trip to LA, I was amazed at the interest and enthusiasm over raw cuisine.
Raw Food Vegan Chef Blythe Metz is all over the LA scene offering FREE classes at various Whole Foods Markets – check out the Santa Monica, Beverly Hills and Sherman Oaks locations for more details.My friend and I joined the class one Saturday after yard-saling around LA, and we had so much fun! At the class, Blythe shows each recipe and then of course we get to taste the results 🙂
Our Raw Food Class featured:
Kale Salad and Kale Chips
Butternut Squash Soup (recipe below)
Raw Chili Chocolate Treats
Coconut Smoothie
There are plenty of other raw food eateries to explore in the LA area such as Leaf Organic, Mooi, Good Earth, Elf Cafe and Cru…and there seem to be more popping up all the time, and they need our business to stay in business…so let’s support the raw food vegan community – yeah!
Living Butternut Rosemary Soup Recipe
from Raw Food Class at WholeFoods in LA with Blythe Metz
2 young green coconuts – water and flesh
1 cup cubed fresh butternut squash
1 Tbsp. raw agave (or 4 dates)
½ inch fresh ginger
¼ tsp. whole cloves
dash sea salt (to taste)
dash cayenne pepper (to taste)
Can also add fresh rosemary, chives or nutmeg. Blend all ingredients.
More Healthy Recipes:
- Rasayana Raw Food Vegan Restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand – Yum!
- Raw Food Recipe for Just Like Cheesecake – A Healthy, Delicious Dessert!
- Detox Juice Recipe
- Recipe for Ta’s Raw Food Jungle Salad with Video Demonstration
- Raw Food Snack: Recipe for Sesame Balls or ‘Raw Halva’ Dessert
Jennifer Betesh
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