Spirulina: 60% Complete Vegetable Protein Green Superfood

Superfoods are getting more and more popular these days, and it can start to get overwhelming to decide which ones you need and what is most important to add to the diet. Without a doubt, spirulina is a superfood that I would definitely recommend because it has so many nutritional benefits, it’s easily available and it’s not that expensive. What more could you ask!

Spirulina Superfood

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that grows in fresh water. It is cultivated, dried and sold either in powder, tablet, capsule or even ‘crunchy’ form. You can easily add the powder to your daily smoothie, but if you prefer you can simply take one tablet daily.

Dr. Morton Walker in his book The Chelation Way, explains the nutritional benefits of spirulina:

‘This fresh water algae has the highest conversion rate to sunlight – 8% – as compared to other plants (3 to 5 percent). Thus, spirulina brings you the most potent form of nutritional benefits derived from photosynthesis of the sun’s light. It is a complete vegetable protein and is the source of practically all the vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, trace elements, cell salts and chlorophyll your body needs for almost perfect nutrition.

Essential minerals in spirulina include iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, potassium and others. It also contain B complex, especially B-12, so that spirulina could be an important food supplement for vegetarians. One tablespoon has one and a half more niacin than a half-cup serving of brown rice. This plant is so packed with power, in fact, that the authority says you could actually live on just two to three tablespoons a day. It is concentrated nutrition.’

According to the nutritional information supplied by Spirulina Planet, ‘Spirulina has 60% easy-to-digest complete vegetable protein without the fat and cholesterol of meat. Spirulina is also the richest source of natural beta carotene, ten times more concentrated than in carrots. It is also the richest source of B-12, richer than beef liver!’

Spirulina is known to be an excellent source of iron. If that wasn’t enough, it’s also a very good source of chlorophyll, known to be a natural cleanser for the blood and a natural detoxifier.

If you are already making a daily fruit or green smoothie, it’s very easy to add 1-5 grams (1 Tbsp. is ok) to your smoothie. A simple recipe would be:

Green Smoothie with Spirulina

In a blender, blend:
2 cups water
1 handful fresh spinach
1 medium banana
3 fresh peaches or nectarines, cut into slices (no seeds)
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 Tbsp. spirulina powder

Spirulina Crunch

One of my favorite ways to enjoy spirulina is in the ‘crunch’ form. You can find these at spirulinaplanet.com or online at different raw food websites. It is so delicious and the crunch doesn’t have any ‘pond scum’ taste.

My friend Anita Cheung at i-detox.com showed me how to make a great trail mix using the spirulina crunch. She mixes dried goji berries, raw pumpkin seeds, cacao nibs and spirulina crunch for a superfood snack extravaganza. My preference is to mix dried raisins, dried goji berries, raw pumpkin seeds and spirulina crunch. Yum! What a great snack to take on the road for the day or while traveling! Just a little bit fills you up too!

I also like to sprinkle some spirulina crunch to salads occasionally just for something different.

If you decide to use spirulina powder, you can add 1 Tbsp. to a sweet fruit smoothie and the taste is usually hidden. An example is 1 Tbsp. spirulina, 1 cup fresh pineapple, 1 banana, 1/4 cup fresh strawberries, 1 cup water, 2 Tbsp. ground flax seed blended in a blender.

You can even add spirulina to plants or home vegetable garden as a way to mineralize the soil and give more nutrients to the plant. Once a month, add 1 tsp. or 1 spirulina tablet to the soil near the base of the plant. Water the plant or garden normally.

Imagine all the good you are doing for your body just by adding this one superfood to your diet. Your body will thank you with more energy and power to get you through a healthy raw food day!

More on Green Smoothies:

Featured Superfood – Green Powder Blend Vitamineral Greens

High-Quality Organic is a ‘must’ with Superfoods!

Did you know that low quality superfoods can legally use cheap ‘fillers’ and low quality ingredients? Especially when buying Superfoods, beware of low quality green food products. There is not currently a lot of regulation on these powders. Many superfood companies are taking advantage of that, offering high-priced products with lots of cheap fillers and very small amounts of pure ingredient. Watch for added fillers such as rice powder, bran, oats, apple pectin, barley malt, large amounts of lecithin or added sugar. This is an example of when 100% organic really does make a difference. Be sure your superfood is 100% certified organic!

Vitamineral Greens Powder Superfood

I recommend Health Force Nutritionals Vitamineral Green as an all-over high-mineral high-quality superfood to add to your Green Smoothies. The quality is superb – 100% TruGanic (beyond organic), 100% pure Super foods. Nothing added, No fillers, not Diluted. No synthetics. Just like we like it! You don’t have to be Raw or Vegan to experience the benefits of this product.

A green powder blend is a great addition to any diet because it helps you to build your mineral reserve, increases the variety of green you are getting on a daily basis, provides extra chlorophyll in the diet, adds a good source of vegan protein and helps to maintain a healthy alkaline pH.

Some people even claim to have a reduction in sugar cravings when adding high-mineral green powder blend to their diet. Read this testimonial:

‘I have used this product with great results. After one week using 1 tablespoon per day, I noticed a huge drop in cravings. I didn’t crave sweets or junk. I was just simply not hungry. This can probably be attributed to high mineral content within the product. I have read that constant food cravings are related to mineral deficiencies. Maybe its mind over matter. Either way it works.’

More on Healthy Living:

Green Smoothie Recipes and Inspiration

New healthy habit: Drink one Green Smoothie every day. No more excuses. Time to experience the Green Smoothie Power!

General recommendations for Green Smoothies:

Green Smoothie Bliss!

  • Blend 60% fruit to 40% greens.
  • Use 2 varieties of fruit and up to 2 types of greens.
  • Blend different fruits and greens every day.


  • 1 bunch fresh parsley
  • 3 bananas
  • ½ fresh pineapple
  • ½ lime squeezed
  • ½ cup water


  • 5-6 leaves large kale
  • ½ bunch parsley
  • 1 Tbsp. cold-pressed hemp oil
  • 1 Tbsp. ground hemp protein
  • 2 Tbsp. ground flax seed
  • 1 red apple
  • 2 cups red grapes
  • ½ lemon squeezed
  • ½ cup water


  • 1 bunch celery leaves
  • ½ bunch parsley
  • 2 cups fresh papaya
  • 2 cups fresh pineapple
  • ½ cup water


  • 2 Large handfuls of kale
  • 2 lemons, squeezed
  • 1 avocado
  • ¼ cup water

Enjoy these wonderful creations made from the healing foods of Mother Earth and blended especially with love!

More on Green Smoothies:

Raw Food and Green Smoothie Classes in Seoul, Korea

Jennifer Thompson in Seoul, Korea

Certified Iridologist, Healthy Living & Raw Food Coach Jennifer Thompson’s talks and workshops!

Detox and Raw Foods Explained
Saturday, April 16, 2011 – 5:30pm. Free Talk!
Have you wondered about the detox craze – what it is, do you need it, and how to do it? Are you ‘raw curious,’ wanting to know more about the raw food diet and how eating more raw foods might benefit you? Learn the basics and hear some amazing success stories on weight loss, natural healing and more!

Superfoods – What they are, how to eat them, do you need them?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 – 7:30pm. Free Talk!
Gain an understanding of the most popular Superfoods such as Acai powder, Goji Berries, Spirulina, Maca Powder, Cacao, Coconut Oil, Flax Seed, Hemp Seed, Green Powder, Kelp, Dulse and more!

What About (dot dot dot)….?
Friday, April 22, 2011 – 7:30pm and
Wednesday, May 4, 2011 – 10:00am.
Free Talk!
Jennifer answers all the common questions and breaks down barriers, showing you how to make the best choices for your health with where you are in your life. Get answers to your concerns about…bread, coffee, white sugar, white rice, alcohol, meat, dairy, soy milk, tofu, sushi and more.

Truth in Food Labeling – Fast Ways to Read Labels and know what is in Your Food
Monday, April 25, 2011 – 7:30pm. Free Talk!
A few simple lessons will help you start to understand the tricks that manufacturers use to sell so-called healthy food. It’s time to know what is really in your food. You can make better choices. Jennifer will show you how.

How to be Healthy in Asia
Thursday, April 28, 2011 (day) and
Saturday, May 7, 2011 5:30pm.
Free Talk!
Wherever you are in the world, staying healthy can be a challenge, but especially in Asia. When you are living in a foreign place, where do you begin? Jennifer has lived and traveled in SE Asia for 10 years and can teach you some simple techniques for travel, eating out, making better choices for your family & understanding foreign food labels. Prepare yourself now for a healthy path for the rest of your life!

Power of the Green Smoothies – Preparation and Information Class
Sunday April 17, 24 & 1 May 2011. 4:30pm – 6pm.

Jennifer explains the importance of dark, leafy greens in the diet, explains why it is the missing link to good health, then demonstrates recipes and combinations of various Green Smoothies so you have a complete toolbox of information to take home and start Going Green!
35,000 KRW per person.

Iridology Assessments
Private 1-hour consultations will be offered at the Mind Body Seoul Studio from 18 April, 2011 to 10 May, 2011 by Jennifer Thompson.

During an Iridology session, Jennifer makes personalized recommendations for improvement, taking into account your current diet and lifestyle and whatever other factors may be presently involved in your condition. After the reading, you will have a better understand of your body and health and feel empowered and motivated to begin making positive change.
100,000 KRW per consult.

Contact us to reserve your space or make an appointment!

For more information, you can also go to the Mind, Body, Seoul website.

More on Traveling Raw:

Importance of Doing a Heavy Metal Detox

A Heavy Metal Detox should be done at some point on your healing journey. You can do all the raw food eating and colon cleansing you want, but that will not take heavy metals out of the tissue. I highly recommend this for anyone who has already done a few fasts already to avoid any damage to the central nervous system. If you are experiencing any unusual numbness, bleeding of the gums, dizziness, fatigue or metalic taste in your mouth, you could very easily have heavy metal accumulation. Severe reactions to heavy metal contamination can lead to learning disabilities, impaired brain function, confusion and weakened immune system.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

The best heavy metal cleanses will balance the ‘push’ and ‘pull’ effect so you have minimal reactions. This cleanse is meant to be done while eating.

Heavy Metal Detox Kit

I recommend the Ambaya Gold Heavy Metal Detox Program. Ideally, you should do a minimum of 2 months for this detox to be effective and have a better chance of eliminating old arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury.

Minerals are absolutely essential for your system’s healthy and are the foundation for creating a healthy body and clear mind.

Liquid minerals are much more easily absorbed than capsules. Low mineralization levels can cause fatigue and lead to a wide range of health problems. A Daily Green Smoothie is a great way to boost your mineral levels.

More on Liver Cleansing:

Ingredients for Green Smoothies in Thailand – Increase Fiber, Minerals & Alkaline-Forming Foods

This video shows you just a few of the many beautiful greens we can choose from here in Koh Samui, Thailand for the most delicious Green Smoothies ever! By the way, that unidentifiable ‘vine’ turned out to be morning glory! Jennifer Thompson shows you what is available to buy at the local markets of SE Asia for your healthy blended drinks.

Enjoy this smoothie for it’s high fiber count, variety of minerals and wonderful alkaline effect on the body. Just one Green Smoothie every day can help the body naturally detox and cleanse – you can lose weight, feel better, gain energy and finally start to experience natural health within!

More on Raw Food:

Green Smoothie Recipe & Video Demonstration

Watch for yourself how the wonderful magic of Green Smoothie Making unfolds! Jennifer shows you how to use a blender, fresh fruit and dark leafy greens to make this perfect raw food snack or meal, so easy to add to your daily routine at home!

Green Smoothie Love!

Green Smoothie Love!

Consider trying the Green Smoothie for breakfast or lunch, especially if you are looking to gain energy, lose weight, increase minerals, detox, add more fiber to your diet and live more in tune with Mother Earth.

Why would you not want to try!

Filmed in Koh Samui, Thailand, a great tropical island destination for fasting, cleansing, detoxing, raw foods, meditation and natural healing!

More on Green Smoothies:

More on Traveling Raw:

Bali Spirit Festival, Ubud, Indonesia – A Celebration of Yoga, Dance, Raw Foods & Love

A great time was had by all in Ubud this year at the second annual Bali Spirit Festival…I had an Iridology booth at the Dharma Fair this year for the first time, and I was really excited to see people interested in what I do and to feel the response from my Iridology readings. My intentions for coming to the festival were to network and get a feel of the ‘scene’ here in Bali and, all in all, I felt that those goals were met 🙂 I connected with some great people, many of whom are locals and are involved in the raw food, yoga, meditation, detox, cleansing, energy healing spiritual healing world in Bali. I also met some great people who happened to be here on holiday and were able to enjoy the festival as well. I’ve got several clips on youtube from the festival itself…I’ve included them below for your to enjoy!

Friends Monika and Alan at Bali Spirit

Friends Monika and Alan at Bali Spirit

Bali Spirit went for 5 days from the 28 April to 3 May, 2009. I was so fortunate to have Alan as my friend, support and local guide during my time in Ubud, and also Monika who helped to take care of the booth, promote me and also be my videographer – Monika you did the best filming out of everyone so thank you!!

The gathering was all about Yoga, Meditation, Movement, Spirituality and Health.

Next year if I come back, I hope to share the booth space with some other cool folks to have more of a shared experience so I look forward to that! Here are my other interviews and video clips from the festival:

My booth at the Bali Spirt Festival featuring Iridology Readings and Crystal Healing. I also did a lot of Crystal Readings as well – this is really a unique type of energy reading that I really love to do – be sure to try it if you see me in Ubud at Bali Spirit again! We also sold lots of 100% cotton sprout bags and crystal mineral spray deodorant – both top selling items at the event!

Here I am talking about local foods that were available to eat at the festival so you can see for yourself the abundance of raw food love and organic, healthy Balinese fruits and vegetables.

I think here I am dabbling in the free sample spirit of the festival…hehe and showing you the fresh local cacao grown in Bali as well as other organic foods for sale.

Did I find more cacao? 🙂 Well I know how to enjoy a festival, that’s for sure! This was a great booth, full of locally grown raw cashews from Bali as well as cacao cashews snacks and a great Balinese sea salt for sale. Free samples? Yes! Lots! Come to the festival and see for yourself!

Just in case you were wondering what the actual yoga events look like at Bali Spirit, I take you inside the gates so you can check out the vibe and hear some of the live music, perhaps getting a feel of the celebration for yourself!

There is my awesome friend Alan in the background, a true free spirit and artist at heart – a great video just to see the Dharma Fair itself where the vendors are set up to sell their crystals, raw foods, jewelry, incense, clothes and of course food from the raw food restaurant Little K KAFE in Ubud and well as other local restaurants. Yum!

If you want more information on the Bali Spirit Festival check out their website at www.balispiritfestival.com.

In between working 9-10 hours every day at the festival, I somehow managed to see a bit of Ubud thanks to Alan…we spent one morning in the local market where Alan worked on some drawings and I just sat and enjoyed the commotion, watching all the locals come and go, buying veggies, drinking coffees and selling flowers. We also had some time to shop for Buddhas which was the only thing I wanted in Bali, so I took home 3 to add to my collection for the ‘meditation room’ in my future healing center – hehehe…

In the midst of all that, we also had some fun time catching up and drinking gin and tonics…oops! but ok, I am on holiday here 🙂 and we even managed a visit at his friend’s amazing house, which is available for rent if anyone is interested and house $900 USD/night to spend (don’t all jump up at once!)…it’s amazing, check it out at Villa Pantulan.

Jennifer teaching at the Green School, Ubud Bali

Jennifer teaching at the Green School, Ubud Bali

One day during the festival, I was jetted off to the Green School outside of Ubud, where I met the staff and gave them a green smoothie demonstration class! It was so much fun watching all the adults getting into the power of the greens. Ronald Stones, the director, told me that they plan to add Green Smoothies to their school canteen menu, and I really hope they do! If we can teach the younger generations about the importance of greens in their diet, then perhaps we can start to change the pattern of destruction in health, diet and lifestyle today. GO GREENS!!! And thank you BALI 🙂

More on Traveling Raw:

Simple Steps to Success: Get Re-Focused on your Health Goals

Enjoy the Green Smoothie Love

Enjoy the Green Smoothie Love

So, how’s the green smoothie revolution going for everyone back in the real world? Don’t forget how much value just one change like adding a green smoothie to your diet every day can make. If you are starting to feel overwhelmed by the stress of every day life again, think about doing a 3-day green smoothie fast.

A chance to re-calibrate your body and mind, get re-focused on your goals, and pull yourself back into balance.

You can start on Monday. Just do 3 days, from there you may want to continue to 5 or 7 and realize how much good you are doing for your body just by having these fabulous green smoothies!

Someone asked me where I get my green smoothie info from. Check out my Green Smoothies for Dummies book and Green Smoothie eBooks.

It’s important not to let excuses get the best of you. It is so easy to blame work, or stress, or a bad relationship, or cold weather, or bad living conditions on why you haven’t started to make change in your diet and lifestyle, but really the only thing that is stopping you is YOU. We can all think of excuses for our situations, that is not going to help bring about change, so instead look at all the good reasons to start now and realize that the sooner you start, the sooner you will start to FEEL better.

Health is waiting for you. Your body NEEDS it! So does your spirit!! Now is the time 🙂

A new journey awaits you!

A new journey awaits you!

Make a list of your goals. Re-read it often. Make sure you are doing at least one thing on your list every single day. Watch and observe as changes begin to happen. Enjoy the journey of it all. Share your experiences with others. Realize that you will have good days and bad days along the way. Continue to love yourself through the process. Feel gratitude for your opportunities to heal.

Forgive, love and let go!! What are you waiting for????

More on Manifestation and Motivation:

Green Smoothie Classes in Bangkok and Singapore

Please, let’s all keep the goal of PEACE ON EARTH to remain high on our list of earthly aspirations.

Join in on the Green Smoothie Love!

Join in on the Green Smoothie Love!

For any of my clients living in Bangkok or Singapore, please take note that I will be in Bangkok from the 20 – 23 January and in Singapore from the 24 – 25 January. I will be available to do Iridology readings for any friends or family during those dates, so please contact me via email or phone to make bookings. Also if you have a minimum of 10 people interested in participating in my fabulous Green Smoothie Class, please let me know and we can arrange a session.

I teach a very well organized 1.5 hour class first explaining what a Green Smoothie is, talking about it’s relevance to our health, explaining why it is a superior food, answering questions and then of course getting hands-on with demonstrations and tastings. What a great way to start a new year, with a clear understanding of your health focus, and some motivation and inspiration to add more fast, easy and delicious nutrition into your life!!

If you can’t attend the class, I now have a Green Smoothie DVD and Green Smoothie eBooks so you can learn at home!

Until we meet again, stay positive, feel all the abundance around you and appreciate every single moment!

Here’s a link to some of my latest happenings on Koh Samui:


More on Green Smoothies:

More on Lymphatic Detox/Cleansing:

How to Make Green Smoothies: Recipe with Superfoods

Yes, I know, me and my green smoothies! But I’ve added some great ingredients to my smoothies in recent months, so I have to share my latest recipes. First let me explain that a green smoothie is blended in a blender, not juiced through a juicer. So as long as you have a blended, you are good to go. Then all you need is about 5 minutes of preparation time and you’re ready to enjoy!

Just so you understand, the main ingredients of a green smoothies are dark leafy greens, fruit and water. Generally speaking people do not add any dairy, but that is entirely up to you! Keep reading for more details…

Why green smoothies you might ask? Well there has been a lot of research to show that when the fibers of the dark leafy greens are blended into very small pieces, the body is able to absorb more nutrition from them. Also green smoothies provide a fantastic source of fiber in general and are very easily digested by the body. Finally, they are fast, easy and fun and very easily added to a busy day. You can sip them on the go, take them to work, make them for friends and enjoy so much variety of live foods – what a great treat for your body! I also think they are great way to add nutritional supplements to your diet – you simply throw them in and blend (see recipe below).

Even if you change NOTHING else to your diet and simply add one green smoothie a day, you can FEEL better and your body can start to CLEANSE and HEAL.

Many experts agree that the main nutritional component lacking in the Standard American Diet (SAD) today are dark leafy greens. They are very high in minerals, full of fiber and chlorophyll, and a great source of protein as well. Where do you think the cow, giraffe, buffalo, ape, elephant and moose get their protein? From the power of greens!!!

So I share with you now my latest DaVinci of the green smoothie world:

Dark Leafy Greens Kale, boy choy, beet leaves, celery leaves, dandelion leaf, parsley, mint, pumpkin vines – whatever! Get creative. Try to add variety to your greens, so rotate what you buy every week, or even better, buy fresh every day! I would normally add about 3-4 large leaves of kale and 1/2 bunch of parsley, just as an average.

Fresh Sprouts This is my new secret ingredient that I absolutely LOVE! How many people know that sprouts are good for you, but just don’t like the taste and texture of them? Well now you can put them in your smoothie, blend, and presto – you don’t even know they are there! But what a great source of enzymes and life force energy!! If you are interested in making your own sprouts at home, see my previous entry for instructions. Usually I add about 1/2 cup. Sometimes more, just depends.

Fruit I prefer to use sweet fruits in my smoothies, but you can also use savory fruits such as cucumber, tomato, or zucchini. At the moment I am enjoying dragon fruit and banana. I generally will add 1 whole dragon fruit plus about 2-3 bananas. Again, get creative, and bring variety in. Passion fruit are GREAT in a smoothie!

Cold water About 1/2 cup to 1 cup, depending on how thick you like your smoothies. If you don’t add water, you can eat the smoothie like a soup, many people do that. The cold water adds a nice overall temperature to the smoothie; if everything is at room temperature it can taste less refreshing to me. Ice makes the smoothie too cold and is not generally recommended for good digestion. Dairy products would be optional as a replacement here, but the smoothie is so good as is, why add mucous-forming dairy?

Hemp Protein This is a powdered supplement which I am really enjoying in my smoothies these days. Adds great fiber to the bowel and protein for the body. I use about 1 tbsp.

Ground flax seeds An incredible source of fiber and full of omegas. Best way to grind them is buy the flax seeds and then grind them in your coffee grinder or food processor. Once ground, they must be keep refrigerated; otherwise the oils opened up from the grinding will turn rancid. So make a batch and keep it in a jar in the fridge. About 1 tbsp.

Whole flax seeds I personally like the texture of them in the smoothie, but you will absorb a lot more nutrition from the ground seeds. To me the smoothies tastes more filling with some whole flax. About 1 tbsp.

Spirulina Powder I personally think spirulina powder tastes disgusting so I have always found it hard to fit into my diet, but the beauty of the green smoothies is that you can’t taste it!! The taste of the fruit generally overpowers the overall taste. Spirulina is a great source of minerals. About 1 tsp.

Probiotics I add my probiotics (or natural bacterial supplements) to my smoothie by opening up the capsule and dumping the powder right in. So easy!

Oils Usually I add coconut oil to my drink, but I also rotate between hemp oil and flax seed oil. These oils are all fantastic sources of essential fatty acids and also very good for proper bowel function. Despite what the media and mass marketed diet programs have told us, we DO need good fats in our diet! I usually add about 2-3 tbsp. Use variety and have fun!


I hope you see all the value added to your diet from just this basic, simple smoothie recipe!! The beauty of it is that you can try different combinations and even try different ingredients, like bee pollen, honey, agave or other super green powders. Whatever works for you!

Now available! My Green Smoothie DVD and Green Smoothie eBooks,including 200 recipes and a Quick Start Guide, so you can learn at home at your own pace. You can become the next Green Smoothie success story!

More on Green Smoothies:

More on Skin Cleansing:

Identifying Wild Edible Greens for Green Smoothies

Dandelion Greens

Dandelion Greens

If you are interested in eating more wild edible dark leafy greens in your diet, but don’t know where to begin in terms of identifying them, I have a fantastic link for you!

You’d be surprised to know that most weeds and many greens are edible, so if you are struggling financially on a raw food diet, you can definitely save money from picking wild greens for your smoothies. You will also benefit from the additional variety in your raw foods as well as the increased energy and enzyme capacity found in wild, uncultivated foods.

Miner's Lettuce

Miner\’s Lettuce

Some common edible weeds used in Green Smoothies include the above mentioned as well as malva, plantain, miner’s lettuce, dandelion, Lamb’s quarters and chickweed.

Now available! My Green Smoothie DVD and Green Smoothie eBooks,including 200 recipes and a Quick Start Guide, so you can learn at home at your own pace. You can become the next Green Smoothie success story!

More on Lymphatic Detox/Cleansing:

More on Skin Cleansing:

More on Liver Cleansing: