What do you mean by ‘inner noise’? Love, Gratitude, Calm

Calming the mind
Perhaps you will say, “What do you mean by inner noise?” All noise is a result of discord, and the noise within us, which is the result of our inner torments and revolt, disturbs the psychic atmosphere.
He who makes a lot of inner noise does not realize that it is very harmful even for himself, and that sooner or later it will manifest in his organism in the form of a physical or psychic illness.
Love Your Food
When you are eating, remember to love your food: only then will it open up and give you all its treasures.
You must have noticed how flowers react to the sun: when the sun is there to warm them they open their petals and when it disappears they close up again. And food reacts in the same way. If you don’t love it, it will give you practically nothing: it will lock up its treasures.
But if you love it, if you eat with love, then it will open, pour forth its perfumes and give you all its etheric particles. You are used to eating mechanically, without love, simply in order to fill yourselves. But try to eat with love and you’ll see what a wonderful state of mind it produces in you.

Focus on the Positive!
Every day, three times a day, at least, you have a golden opportunity to tune into your Divine Source, for every day, three times a day, you have to eat.
Everyone has to eat. Nobody has time to pray, read or meditate, all right. But you have to take a few minutes every day for your meals.
Then why not make the most of those few minutes and use them to work on your own perfection, to tune into the divine energies of gratitude and love?
When your nerves are on edge, let your meals be an occasion for learning to calm yourself: chew your food slowly, pay careful attention to your gestures, and you will find that after only a few minutes you will feel quite calm again.
If you start the day in a state of agitation and begin working or talking without doing anything about it, the whole day will be restless and agitated and your energy will all evaporate. Instead, pause for a moment in what you’re doing, don’t say anything, don’t move, and then, start all over again in a different rhythm and with a different orientation.
It’s that easy!
from The Yoga of Nutrition by Omraam Mikael Aivanhov
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Jennifer Betesh
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