Visions of Maui, Hawaii
Finally, some pics to share my from time in Maui, Hawaii! For one week, I stayed with my friends in Hana on their organic permaculture farm – it was so great simply harvesting our food every day, eating from the land and living so in tune with the earth! At that time, we had plenty of wild edible greens and fresh herbs so we made beautiful salads every day. We also had a lot of papaya and liliquoi – the Hawaiian passion fruit – my favorite! One day we even made fresh liliquoi juice concentrate…so much fun and yummy too!
I also taught Green Smoothie Classes in Wailea and gave individual Iridology sessions there as well. The response was overwhelming, and I was so happy to see people interested in their health, nutrition and natural healing. Hawaii is a fantastic destination for a healthy holiday and Maui especially has a lot to offer for raw foods and organic farming!
More on Juicing and Smoothies:
- Featured Superfood – Green Powder Blend Vitamineral Greens
- Top 10 Tips for the Best Healthy Sunscreen
- Green Smoothie Ideas and Recipes from Victoria Boutenko
- Detox Juice Recipe
- Do Green Smoothies have too much Oxalic Acid?
Jennifer Betesh
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