Tag Archive for: forgiveness

Jennifer’s ‘Raw Foods for Success!’ Class in Philadelphia, PA

October 2010 found Jennifer in the USA visiting family and friends…and also sharing her love of detox, live raw vegan foods, fasting, juice, green smoothies and love with the local people of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She presented a workshop called ‘Raw Foods for Success – Finally!’ at the Essene Market & Cafe in Philadelphia.

In the class, she discussed many things including the importance of mental, emotional and spiritual focus and clarity on one’s healing journey. Hope you enjoy the clips – finally! 🙂


More on Traveling Raw:

Jennifer’s ‘Raw Foods for Success!’ Class in Philadelphia, PA

October 2010 found Jennifer in the USA visiting family and friends…and also sharing her love of detox, live raw vegan foods, fasting, juice, green smoothies and love with the local people of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She presented a workshop called ‘Raw Foods for Success – Finally!’ at the Essene Market & Cafe in Philadelphia.

In the class, she discussed many things including the importance of mental, emotional and spiritual focus and clarity on one’s healing journey. Hope you enjoy the clips – finally! 🙂


More on Traveling Raw:

Alkalize Your pH – How Alkaline Acid Balance affects your Health

The pH level is a measure of your acid/alkaline balance in the body. It is based on a scale of 1 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Ideally in a healthy body, the pH of the blood should be about 7.385.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, author of Water for Health, for Healing, for Life, explains the pH scale further. He says, “Why 7.4, and what is pH? From 1 to 7 on the pH scale is the acid range, 1 being more acid than 7. From 7 to 14 on the scale is the alkaline range; 7 is less alkaline than 14. On the pH scale, 7 is neutral, meaning optimum. Thus, pH of 7.4 of the interior of the cell denotes its natural, slightly alkaline state. This state promotes health because it is the state that best suits the enzymes that function inside the cell: They achieve optimum efficiency at this pH. Adequate flow of water in and out of the cell keeps the cell interior in its health-maintaining alkaline state.”

Factors that affect pH include stress, diet and lifestyle.

If the body is too acidic, you can start to experience feelings of imbalance including gas, constipation, bloating, acne, heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, mild headaches, gastritis, candida and frequent flus. Advanced symptoms of over-acidity include Crohn’s disease and even cancer (all forms).

If your diet is largely composed of meats, fish, cheeses, breads, white flour foods, greasy take-aways, chocolate, coffee, wine, beer and cigarettes (all acid-forming), you may be suffering from an over-acidic body.

The body needs an alkaline pH to maintain clean blood, good enzyme reserve and healthy immune function.

Did you know that antacid pills are the highest selling product in pharmacies around the world? Imagine how many people could reclaim their health, simply by choosing a better combinations of food!

With Iridology, I can easily assess if my client is suffering from acidosis. It is one of the first things that needs to be changed for the body to get well.

Remember the 80/20 rule!

The general recommendation to maintain a healthy pH is: Eat 80% alkaline-forming foods and 20% acid-forming foods.

When we talk about ‘acid-forming’ and ‘alkaline-forming,’ we are looking at how much acid the stomach has to produce in order to digest the food. An orange, even though it is acidic outside the body, when we eat it, the stomach has to produce almost no acid. Therefore, oranges are ‘alkaline-forming’. Apple cider vinegar is clearly acidic when sitting on your counter. But, inside your stomach, it becomes ‘akaline-forming,’ because the stomach has to produce almost no acid to digest it. Conversely, something like bread requires a lot of acid to digest, so it is considered to be ‘acid-forming’.

How to get a more Alkaline pH:

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables!Greens are the Great Alkalizer. Another reason to have your Green Smoothie every day!
  2. If you eat meat, bread or cheese, try to add more vegetables. Get creative with your side salads!
  3. Add fresh lemon, lime or raw apple cider vinegar to soups, salads and juices. Mother Nature’s alkalizers!
  4. Take probiotics! A healthy gut is alkaline.
  5. Rest and sleep! Engage in positive conversations. Laugh. Practice unconditional love. All alkaline-forming activites.
  6. Create peaceful mealtimes. Be conscious while you are eating your food.
  7. Give thanks for the gift of food, an offering to your temple of a healthy body, mind and spirit!

Read more information on the liver and liver cleansing here:

Gallstone Liver Flush – Recipe & Cleanse Info

How to Do a Coffee Enema at Home

How to Do a Castor Oil Pack for Liver Cleansing

How to Do Onion Socks for Healing

How to Eat Clean: Start with Green Smoothies!

Green Smoothie for DummiesCheck out my book Green Smoothies for Dummies – I’ve got loads of recipes using dark leafy greens and many delicious combos without any chemical additives, flavorings or refined sugar. It’s so easy!

Clean your body from the inside out and watch your skin improve, your hair and nails get stronger, your eyes look brighter and your waistline slim down….all naturally and effortlessly! It’s simply amazing and your only regret will be that you didn’t start drinking green smoothies sooner.

When you take care of your whole body, you get whole body health.

When you let your food be your medicine, you are always moving towards better health.

Find the book Green Smoothies for Dummies on iTunes or amazon.com!

For more on how to achieve your health goals and actually start feeling great, book a private health consult with me via Skype.

How to Book Your Health & Nutritional Coaching Session:

1. Take photos of your eyes with a smart phone or digital camera.
2. Email the photos to me for approval for Iridology Analysis.
3. We schedule a time to meet via phone or Skype!

More on anti-Aging:

More on Detox and pH Health:

Quan Yin Chanting & Meditation at Guan Yin Temple in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Quan Yin is the Chinese Goddess of Compassion; she is a Bodhissattva, using kindness, compassion, joy and giving to save all living beings. They say she has a ‘thousand hands and a thousand eyes’ because she will always be present for you and can always provide what you ask for. Her love and generosity is ever-flowing.

Close your eyes, absorb the magic! Say a prayer for compassion.

Quan Yin, Bodhisattva, Goddess of Compassion

Quan Yin, Bodhisattva, Goddess of Compassion

As living beings, we should learn Kuan Yin’s kindness and be kinds towards those with whom we have no affinities. Kindness means making living beings happy. It means sharing our own happiness with living beings, not being selfish. Compassion means rescuing human beings out of suffering. We should help those who are suffering or in difficulty. Joy means feeling happy and not being angry even when others get angry at us. Giving means taking our most sentimental prized possessions and sharing them with living beings. If we can practice these four acts of the Bodhisattva, then we are truly Buddhists.

The practice of chanting to Kwan Yin is important in Chinese Buddhism because they believe that in calling her name, you become focused, sincere, less greedy and calm. When you recite ‘Namo Guanshiyin Bodhisattva,’ she becomes mindful of you. The Chinese believe that she will then lovingly answer all of your prayers.

Guan Yin Temple, Kuala Lumpur

Guan Yin Temple, Kuala Lumpur

Join the beautiful chanting & recitation of the daily Ceremony Of Repentance Of the Great Compassion With A Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes at the Dharma Realm Guan Yin Sagely Monastery on Jalan Ampang in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Jalan Ampang is located just behind Petronas Towers and the temple is about a 5 minute walk or 300 meters from the KLCC mall.)

The chanting takes place daily from 12:30pm – 1:45pm. It is free and the public is welcome.

The monastery also has books on Quan Yin and Buddhism available in English for free to help spread the teachings of the Bodhisattva.

It is well worth it to experience the magical power of this ancient form of chanting and to feel the presence of Kuan Yin’s loving kindness within yourself.

More on Traveling Raw:

Compassion Exercise – Practicing Love, Forgiveness and Joy

Honesty with one’s self leads to compassion for others.

Love is the best thing in the world, and it's free!

Love is the best thing in the world, and it\’s free!

OBJECTIVE: To increase the amount of compassion in the world.

EXPECTED RESULTS: A personal sense of peace.

INSTRUCTIONS: This exercise can be done anywhere that people congregate (airports, malls, parks, beaches, etc.). It should be done on strangers, unobtrusively, from some distance. Try to do all five steps on the same person.

Step 1: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
“Just like me, this person is seeking some happiness for his/her life.”

Step 2: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
“Just like me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in his/her life.”

Step 3: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
“Just like me, this person has known sadness, loneliness and despair.”

Step 4: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
“Just like me, this person is seeking to fulfill his/her needs.”

Step 5: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
“Just like me, this person is learning about life.”

To be done by family members to increase understanding.
To be done on old enemies still present in your memory.

Try it today 🙂 We will all benefit from more compassion in the world!

More on Motivation:

The 45 lessons life taught me…

This is something we should all read at least once a week!
Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio

To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I’ve ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

Life teaches us many lessons

Life teaches us many lessons

1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.

8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.



10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.

12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.

Enjoy the simple moments!

Enjoy the simple moments!

19. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ‘In five years, will this matter?’

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

Learn to let go...

Learn to let go…

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.

35. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come.

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.

from Donita E. Wagler, Keppel Sarawak School, Owen Sound, Canada

More on Manifestation and Motivation:

More on Detox and pH Health:

Words to live by – The Four Agreements

Don Miguel Ruiz in his Toltec Wisdom Book: The Four Agreements states it so well:

Simplicity in Life...

Simplicity in Life…


Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.


Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.


Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.


Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstances, simply do your best and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.

More on Spiritual Health:

Simple Steps to Success: Get Re-Focused on your Health Goals

Enjoy the Green Smoothie Love

Enjoy the Green Smoothie Love

So, how’s the green smoothie revolution going for everyone back in the real world? Don’t forget how much value just one change like adding a green smoothie to your diet every day can make. If you are starting to feel overwhelmed by the stress of every day life again, think about doing a 3-day green smoothie fast.

A chance to re-calibrate your body and mind, get re-focused on your goals, and pull yourself back into balance.

You can start on Monday. Just do 3 days, from there you may want to continue to 5 or 7 and realize how much good you are doing for your body just by having these fabulous green smoothies!

Someone asked me where I get my green smoothie info from. Check out my Green Smoothies for Dummies book and Green Smoothie eBooks.

It’s important not to let excuses get the best of you. It is so easy to blame work, or stress, or a bad relationship, or cold weather, or bad living conditions on why you haven’t started to make change in your diet and lifestyle, but really the only thing that is stopping you is YOU. We can all think of excuses for our situations, that is not going to help bring about change, so instead look at all the good reasons to start now and realize that the sooner you start, the sooner you will start to FEEL better.

Health is waiting for you. Your body NEEDS it! So does your spirit!! Now is the time 🙂

A new journey awaits you!

A new journey awaits you!

Make a list of your goals. Re-read it often. Make sure you are doing at least one thing on your list every single day. Watch and observe as changes begin to happen. Enjoy the journey of it all. Share your experiences with others. Realize that you will have good days and bad days along the way. Continue to love yourself through the process. Feel gratitude for your opportunities to heal.

Forgive, love and let go!! What are you waiting for????

More on Manifestation and Motivation:

Integrate and Balance your Healthy Journey with your Work Life now!

You can be healthy & successful at work!

You can be healthy & successful at work!

My message today is so simple yet so needed in this increasingly busy and crazy time…as people become more and more stressed, more and more imbalanced and less and less healthy, we are at a critical stage in our journeys. There isn’t time to put off your healing journey anymore! I have so many clients who are working themselves to death, just hoping that they can get through another year or two of insane hours and horrible stress and then they will stop, change work and find better balance.

What I want to say is you have to find a way to integrate your healthy mission with your work life NOW…because in another 6 months or one year you may just very well crash and burn and not have a chance for change at all! The goal here is to stay on the preventative side of healing and de-stress in natural, healthy ways.

Invest in your health now so you will enjoy your life in the future!!

Balance is the Key to Life

Balance is the Key to Life

So the million-dollar question is…how??? There are some simple steps you can take right now. First, start to set boundaries. Learn how to say ‘no,’ even just some of the time. Keep some of your energy for yourself every day – don’t give it all to your job. Make time for exercise – call a friend to walk with and then socialize and exercise at the same time. Make small positive changes to your diet – start somewhere. Reduce your coffee and alcohol intake. Be positive and feel gratitude for what you do have in your life. Thank people around you. Spread happiness, not hatred. Speak only positive things about others.

And don’t forget to start making your Green Smoothies every day too!

Think about your true path, and embark on a journey to follow it. Laugh more. Enjoy life. Live as if this is all there is! All of this is completely in alignment with the Law of Attraction theory, but you don’t have to be a follower of The Secret in order for this stuff to work. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change – remember that!

More on Juicing and Smoothies:

More on Green Smoothies:

After Your Fast, Cleanse or Detox – Stay Positive, Focused, Determined & Strong!

Health, Balance, Love, Bliss

Health, Balance, Love, Bliss

I just completed another fast/cleanse which was fantastic! Overall it went very well for me and I managed to clear a lot of imbalance and build-up that I still had in me even after the previous fast.

As I always say, one can never have an ego with the whole cleansing thing – no matter how many times you have done it, there will always be a new challenge or issue uncovered, whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual.

There is always more to learn about yourself through cleansing.

Feeling Good is Healthy!

Feeling Good is Healthy!

Overall it is so important to stay on track for your LONG-TERM goals. After the fast is where the real work begins. That involves getting rid of bad habits, letting of of any lingering negative emotions and making time for a healthier lifestyle.

Make yourself and your health a priority!!

Exercise every day, meditate every day, send love and positive energy to everyone, be patient and understanding and just imagine how much more enjoyable your life will be!

It is so easy…you can start right here, right now in this very moment.

Focus on Long-Term Goals!

Focus on Long-Term Goals!

Even in the midst of complete chaos around you, it is even more important to remain positive and focused.

Keep your mind focused on the best possible outcome in every circumstance and remember that positive energy works more effectively than negative energy in each and every situation.

My message to you is enjoy every single moment you have – live in gratitude and appreciation…feed your body well and keep your mind and spirit clean!

More on Detox and pH Health:

More on Juicing and Smoothies:

More on Manifestation and Weight Loss:

How to Deal with Social Pressures on a Raw Food Diet

I consider myself very lucky to have a few raw food vegan friends (ok, 2)…but it really helps when you try this new path and way of living to try to find others around you doing it too, mainly just as an avenue to share thoughts or ideas and also to help inspire and motivate.

Often I find if I am in a ‘normal’ group of people, they immediately begin to defend and preach about why they think eating meat is essential or why eating cooked foods is necessary, and I find it, well to be honest, exhausting sometimes. I am never judging others for what they eat or don’t eat, and in that respect I find it quite harsh when I feel people judging me. What’s da dilly guys?? Can’t you just accept me for who I am where I am on my life’s journey? I accept you unconditionally, regardless… so why all the fuss???

What a wonderful world it would be if we all had more love and compassion for each other. Friendship should be about support and acceptance, yes?

Where's the Love??

Where\’s the Love??

One time last year while I was on a 100% raw food diet, I went out with friends for a meal. I mainly went out to appease my one friend – her other 2 friends I didn’t even know…anyway my friend at the time knew I was eating raw foods, but mentioned nothing of it at the meal and I proceeded to order a salad without a hitch, also not mentioning any special dietary requirements myself. All safe and cruisy on the down-low. My friend then ordered a Bailey’s shake made with coconut and banana…when she tried it she said ‘Jennifer you must try this it’s amazing…’ so I said ok, and had a sip. At that VERY moment, her friend immediately commented a ‘Oh, so much for the raw food diet!’ I said’ ‘Excuse me? There isn’t any milk in the shake…’ And she said’ ‘Um, Bailey’s, DAIRY, Hello???’ I mean, can you imagine???? In front of a group of people having this stranger try to humiliate me? If I had any ego whatsoever about the diet, maybe, maybe, I could see that response, but never did I ever mention it to anyone….I was horrified to know that I was being watched like a hawk when I was simply trying to experiment with a healthier way of living.

The whole ‘healthier than thou’ tactic to me is quite elitist, condescending, and ultimately self-defeating.

These are some of the obstacles you may face when transitioning to a better diet and lifestyle.

Celebrate your differences!

Celebrate your differences!

And this is why I mention how wonderful it can be when you meet others who are already on your same journey and who help to uplift, love, support and inspire you – it is very important to find a few people like that on your journey! When you find them, stick together!!

True friends will love and support you no matter what you eat or don’t eat, but they are rare gems in this world today, and when you find them, keep them!

Anyway, my 2 raw food friends had recommended some books for me to read and I am so grateful that I asked because I am now reading them and have learned so much new information already!

Based on the one, I am going to try more green vegetable smoothies and see if I can feel a difference…up to this point I was having my ‘standard’ smoothie but with more fruit mainly and just spirulina as a green…now I see that I must add the whole green veggie as well – spinach, kale, bok choy, etc….today I made my first one and it was great!

Green Smoothie Recipe:

  • Fresh Kale
  • Fresh pineapple, banana, & papaya
  • Ground Flax Seed
  • Probiotics
  • Water

More on Detox and pH Health:

More on Raw Food:

More on Organic Food:

Day 17: Juice Fast Detox in Samui: from Strength to Strength

Fasting Girl Juicing up a Storm

Fasting Girl Juicing up a Storm

There is a lot to be said for listening to your own body while you cleanse. It’s just so important. I try to feel what my body needs, and I react accordingly.

My body is saying now ‘give us just a few more days we are nearly there.’ So I continue to fast, rest, meditate and be grateful everyday for this opportunity I have to so thoroughly clean out. I am convinced from this fast more than ever before in my history of cleansing that THE BODY DOES HAVE THE POWER TO HEAL ITSELF. Trust me on that one.

I’ve been switching out my bum-washing teas from pau d’arco to milk thistle, mainly because I ran out of the pau d’arco, but it’s fine with me. Also today I started doing garlic enemas. I am still getting loads coming out. What a great feeling to see that much GONE. Just a bit of FYI on the garlic…I’ve been putting 3 to 4 cloves in a processor to chop finely then I add boiling water and let it sit for about 5 or 10 minutes. After I drain the lot using a cheesecloth then add the liquid to my enema bag with more water added to slightly dilute. Doing it that way, I can hold the mixture in for about 5 minutes, which is pretty good for garlic.

What kind of Juice?  Bit of everything!!

What kind of Juice? Bit of everything!!

What else…well lots of rest most importantly, also I’ve been making an effort to get sun every day because I do think it’s important while fasting…helps the body recharge and reconnect energetically.

I also juicing twice a day now which I feel is essential when doing long fasting..the body needs more help to get through the process and it just makes the experience much more enjoyable.

Juices today – watermelon, celery and apple. Verdict – Very refreshing!

This afternoon’s juice – watermelon, ginger, carrot, apple, celery and greens. Verdict – bit of a hodge-podge but anything tastes great after 17 days of not eating!

Thought for the day – Be patient, and enjoy the journey…

Much love to everyone from my little slice of paradise.

More on Manifestation:

More on Motivation:

More on Traveling Raw:

Healing – Sharing – Flowering – Transformation – Change

Blossoming, Healing, Living

Blossoming, Healing, Living

These were my Tarot cards that came up on the Osho Zen Tarot today (no joke!) and so I knew it must be time to update the website, finally. I’ve been under the radar for awhile, out of touch with updating my websites, but not for lack of content, just lack of a positive perspective perhaps. I’ve had a very rough time in my life the last several months and I have fought hard both physically and emotionally to pull through it. Amazingly enough, I found that I was able to keep to about an 80% raw food diet despite everything, and for that I am so grateful because really, in times of stress, your body needs good nutrition more than any other time. At the moment I am back to about 90% raw, and working to get closer and closer to 100% every day.

We will all face challenges involving pain and suffering in our lives, and we must remember to take care of ourselves and feed our bodies well during those times.

Forgiveness is a Blessing!

Forgiveness is a Blessing!

The transformation and change part stem from the ability to forgive those who have hurt me during this process. It is important to note that forgiveness is not at all a sign of weakness; it is merely part of the ‘letting go’ process. We will never truly heal if we do not find a way to forgive those who have hurt us. And forgiving ourselves is equally as important. I will not lose my faith in human kindness!! There so many more people who have inspired and motivated me through life than those who have disappointed me!

I continue to surround myself with positive energy and kind-hearted souls.

I plan to do another fast/cleanse again soon and hope that I can transition to 100% raw food again after the cleansing. We will see how I go. In the meantime, I have been enjoying a wonderful morning smoothie inspired by my lovely Hawaiian friends Zeoc, Jen and Micah. You should definitely give this one a try…

In a blender combine:

Frozen chopped bananas
Fresh pineapple and papaya
Spirulina powder
Ground flax seeds
Goat’s yogurt
Probiotics (2-3 capsules opened)
Coconut Oil

Blend and enjoy – Yum-bo!

Can also add bee pollen, honey, flax seed oil, hemp oil, or liquid mineral supplements.

More on Blenders and pH Health:

More on Juicing and Smoothies: