I\’m fasting and I\’m feeling fine…
Well actually I think the ‘breakthrough’ happened on Day 6 for me..but I’ve been too busy to write these last 2 days. Sunday was my 6th day on the program but technically my 7th day of fasting, and I decided to use the opportunity to treat myself for having gotten through the first week.
The first thing I did was buy a juicer. And all I can say is WOW!
My entire world has changed since then!! I am so happy to have the freedom to make whatever juice I want whenever I want! I came home with the juicer and after cleaning it out went straight for my first concoction on this nice clean virgin juicer – love the sound of a good motor – I combined fresh pineapple, apple and ginger and I honestly think it was one of the BEST juices I have ever had!! Somehow it was the perfect amount of each, all at perfect freshness, and ok after 7 days of fasting it may have tasted a bit better than normal, but it was pretty close to heaven on earth for me! I must add that I had not bought one previously because I don’t actually have a kitchen in my bungalow and that has put me off wanting to mess around with the hassle, but I can tell you it is only a hassle if you make it one – it’s really not bad, and since I’ve been making a lot of smoothies and salads at home anyway, the juicer was the next logical step.
In addition to the juicer, I bought a $3 tray table which is now officially my new kitchen. Up until now, I have been cutting up fruits and veggies on a cutting board on the floor of my bungalow and it didn’t really bother me but I knew there was room for improvement. Can I tell you how incredibly happy I was to even get 10″ off the floor?? I was absolutely THRILLED!! So there I was using my new setup cutting up everything for my new juice. You may think I am a bit simple, but keep in mind that I did cook all my meals on the ground outside in all weather conditions imaginable for 6 months when I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail, so even preparing meals on a clean tiled floor was pretty luxurious for me. We really don’t need as much as we think we do in life!
Then I proceeded to prepare some dishes for my friends who were having a Mexican Feast at their house that night. I wasn’t too crazy about not being able to enjoy the foods, but I still wanted to be social, and really it is only one meal missed in the course of many gatherings amongst friends in life – not a big deal to let it slide. For some reason I seem to love cooking when I am fasting – I think it’s because you really take the time to smell and feel the foods and there is no urgency to throw it together because you can’t eat it anyway so you tend to take your time and actually enjoy the art of preparing. With my new ‘kitchen’ again I was thrilled…I had my music playing and my door open to the view of the sea and I just took my time chopping and mixing and loving life.
Simple moments..
Anyway I made a guacamole and fresh salsa…I don’t tend to use recipes much; I just see what feels right and I swear somehow that day the combinations were channeled to me – I was in a zone and just mixing together the perfect blends and textures, without ever even being able to taste the food.
Kind-of like Beethoven composing the Ninth Symphony when he was deaf – ha! That’s how it felt anyway!!
The guacamole was basically fresh avocado, onion, garlic, tomato, cayenne pepper, fresh chilies, fresh chives, black pepper, fresh lime, salt, yellow bell pepper, and olive oil. The salsa was a masterpiece – tomato, fresh coriander, onion, vinegar, olive oil, cayenne pepper, fresh chillies, fresh lime, fresh chives, salt, and fresh pineapple. Will definitely be attempting to re-create them again once the fast is over.

Sunset at Kamalaya…A Great End to the Day
After all that it was time for my next ‘treat.’ I headed down to Kamalaya Spa in Koh Samui and splashed out entirely for a proper colonic hydrotherapy. Believe it or not, it was my first ever! All these years I’ve been quite happy using enemas and colemas and I didn’t really see the need in spending the money for anything else. Still I was curious…well perhaps the details are best saved for another entry but I can say that I was very happy with the results and was happy with the decision to try it and I would definitely consider doing it again while fasting.
From there I went to the Mexican night and I can report that the reviews for my creations were excellent. Even though I couldn’t indulge, it made me happy to see others enjoy.
All in all a wonderful day of fasting.
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