Featured Superfood: Hemp Seed

For those of you looking to increase healthy proteins in your diet, this is the superfood for you. Hemp seeds are sold either whole or in powder form. They are perfect to add to your morning Green Breakfast Smoothie or you after work-out Fruit Smoothie Blend. You can also sprinkle them on salads or fresh fruit.

Just to be clear, there is no THC (or only very small trace levels, less than 1%) in hemp seed, and that’s the distinct difference between the hemp and marijuana seed, although they both come from the cannabis spices of plant. Hemp was used traditionally for years to make rope and natural fabric because it is known to be an excellent and strong plant fiber. It is perfectly legal to sell hemp clothes, t-shirts, bags and of course hemp seed and hemp protein powder (ground hemp seeds). Even in Dubai, I have seen hemp powder for sale at an organic health food shop.

Hemp seeds are naturally a fantastic protein source. They contain all of the essential amino acids, are highly digestible, and are one of the highest sources of complete protein of all plant-based foods. Hemp also has a very well-balanced ratio of essential fatty acids (EFAs) – Omega 3, 6, and 9 – which are excellent for cardiovascular health and promote a strong immune system (among many other benefits). A great source of dietary fiber, magnesium, iron, zinc, and potassium, hemp is a true superseed.

This remarkable superfood has more than 3.5 grams of protein per tablespoon in powder form. Now that’s some raw food vegan power! You can combine your raw food knowledge by adding ground hemp protein to your Green Smoothie for even more nutrition!

Green Smoothie Recipe with ground hemp protein

Fountain of Youth Recipe

  • 1 handful Swiss Chard
  • 1 hand dandelion leaves
  • 7-8 fresh mint leaves
  • 1 mango
  • 1 cup red grapes
  • ½ cup raspberries
  • 2 Tbsp. hemp protein
  • 1 Tbsp. coconut oil
  • 1 cup water

Mix all ingredients in a blender. Add more water to desired consistency. Blend again, and enjoy!

More on Superfoods:

How to Improve Your Detox: Top 5 Detox Tips

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

Taking the time to do a detox is a commitment to health. The money spent is an investment in your future. Energies used to travel are well worth the effort.

Finally, you have the opportunity to recharge, rebuild, cleanse and heal.

With a ‘reboot,’ moving forward, you can continue with positive change in all areas of your life. With all things considered, don’t you want to get the most out of your detox?

A few simple tips can help you maximize your results.

Eliminate Salt for 1-week before

Don’t forget to do your work at home. It doesn’t matter how mant fasts you’ve done; everyone needs to prepare correctly for a detox just the same.

For at least 7 days before the start of your program, eliminate all salt from the diet. Keep in mind that most salt is hidden in foods and not actually added. Look out for restaurant food, airplane food, sauces, salad dressings, curries, pickled foods and packaged snacks.

Having no salt in the diet allows the body to start loosening built-up plaque and toxins in the colon. A no-salt diet for 14 days as a pre-cleanse is ideal, but at a minimum, try to commit to 7 days. By doing so, you will maximize your results during the detox.

Bring Herbal Teas

Most detox programs offer various fresh juices in addition to herbs and detox drinks. They also allow for herbal teas using fresh or dried herbs, but often charge more for tea or may not mention that organic herbal teas are permitted. Herbal teas support the organs during the cleansing process, and even better, they provide a nice flavor to enjoy while fasting!

Be sure to buy organic and bring a variety of flavors to choose from. Peppermint or ginger tea are great for nausea. Turmeric tea is very cleansing for the liver and tastes delicious! Parsley or uva ursi tea help to support the kidneys. Juniper berry tea is excellent for the heart and circulation. Coriander tea supports heavy metal detoxification. All can be bought as dried tea bags at any local health food store.

Avoid Gossip, Drama & Violence

Many people successfully achieve the physical act of detox, but leave behind the emotional and spiritual sides. I can’t even count how many nights over the years that I’ve seen a tv room packed with fasters, all eyes fixed on a horror flick or violent drama. How can the body let go and heal when the mind is being distracted with such images?

Be careful, especially when doing a detox, to avoid negative talk, images, news and events. The body is so sensitive while cleansing. The more you surround yourself with positive energy, motivational stories, happy people and inspiring thoughts, the more your body, mind and spirit will benefit.

Negative energies can attach to toxins in the body. The more you let go of those thoughts, the deeper you can go in your cleansing. It’s true! For more information on the science of this, I recommend Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief of Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life.

Get Adequate Rest

Most detox programs offer a full day of activities to choose from, including meditation, yoga, group walks, tai chi, chi gung, pilates, water therapy, massage, colonics, nutrition talks and more. It’s easy to get quickly overwhelmed with all the choices, and you may actually find yourself feeling stressed, trying to run from one program to the next.

Be sure to listen to your body and make time for yourself, even if that means skipping a few activities. The more you rest during your detox, the more the body can internalize its energy and go deeper into healing. As Daniel Reid says in the book Tao of Detox, ‘Save you breath.’

Try to spend at least one hour a day on your own, reading a book or listening to music, without talking to or engaging with others. Getting back in touch with yourself is one of the great benefits of doing a cleanse.

Powerful Affirmations

You can easily optimize your cleanse with your choice of thoughts and words. Be sure to spend a few minutes each day focusing on what you want to achieve as a result of doing the detox. Visualize yourself at home in a continued state of excellent health, high energy and balanced spirit.

Affirmations really help in training the mind to think positive thoughts. On the first day of your retreat, write 10 affirmations of things, people or feelings that you would like to have in your life. You can write them in the form, “I am…” or “I have…” Every day, spend 5-10 minutes alone, repeating your affirmations to yourself. You are creating an energy of success that the physical body will have to follow!

Some examples include: “I am healthy, balanced and strong.” “I attract positive, loving people and relationships into my life.” “I make the best choices for my health and my body every day in every way.” “I love myself and others love and support me too.”

‘Fasting helps reverse the ageing process
for a healthier and longer life.’

-James Balch, M.D., Co-Author

More on Liver Cleansing:

Stop Premature Aging: Take this Anti-Aging Quiz and Mirror Test Now!

Go to your mirror nude now & take this Mirror Test:

The Real Anti-Aging Test

  • Are you happy with what you see?
  • Do you look old and tired?
  • Does you body sag?
  • Do you have poor skin and muscle tone?
  • How’s your hair?
  • How’s your posture?
  • Are your eyes dull and lifeless?
  • Do you have a sallow complexion?
  • Are you trim and fit?


After making a careful examination of your body, how would you describe it? Youthful? Aging?

No one can answer these questions more honestly than you. You are the one that can take charge of your life!


Let’s go farther than mere looks.

  • How did you really feel today?
  • Are you bursting with energy and vitality or do you have bothersome aches and pains?
  • What about your joints?
  • Are you stiff and sore?
  • Does your lower back plague you with pain?
  • How did you sleep last night?
  • Did you get up fresh and feeling alive?
  • Did you go to bed tired, yet unable to sleep?
  • Did you face the new day feeling energy-less, as if you had all the energy drained away?
  • How is your appetite?
  • Do you relish every mouthful of food you eat?
  • Do you have gas pains after meals?
  • What about your elimination? Is it perfect or are your bowels clogged?
  • Above all things, were you happy today? Yesterday?
  • Or are you depressed and blue?

Do you feel that you are ageing rapidly? Is life passing you by?
Can you honestly say, “I am getting younger as I live longer”?
Or will you have to admit that the longer you live, the older you feel?
Take this quiz monthly.

-from Paul C. Bragg

Healthy Glow Keeps You Looking Young

I love this anti-ageing test. It’s a great way to check in with yourself and be 100% honest with where you’re at. People often say to me that they are healthy and they eat really well, but once we talk further, their list of ailments starts to unfold. I often wonder, do they even know what healthy feels like?

Aches, pains, poor digestion, troubled sleep and unhappiness do not make for a healthy, youthful ageless glow.

You might experience temporary results with fillers, implants or botox, but these are short-term fixes to a long-term problem: toxicity and imbalance inside the body. An anti-ageing doctor should only be focusing on the foods you eat, your lifestyle and detox plan, not on outside creams or ‘magic cures.’

The compliments that I receive the most are always relating to my beautiful skin and bright, clear engaging eyes. 10 years ago on a SAD diet, no one noticed those traits in me, because my skin was dull and my eyes were puffy! What gave me a new-found youth was regular detox and a chemical-free, natural, whole food, plant-based raw food diet. Over time, my diet has improved even more, reducing olive oil and other oils to a minimum, continuing to refine as I learn more on my journey.

Are you older or younger than you feel?

Let Your Food be Thy Medicine

The secret to looking young and feeling young lies in the quality and types of food you eat. It’s that simple. Schedule your detox to give yourself a good ‘reboot.’ Make a plan for improving the diet and lifestyle after. The skin will improve, energy levels will increase and excess weight will be lost, once and for all! Be gentle and patient with yourself. Focus on love, joy, acceptance and on the all good in your life. Watch, and people will notice the positive change in you!

More on Superfoods:

40-Day Water Fast: Comprehensive Guide & Personal Journal

Recently I completed a 40-day pure water fast. It had been one of my goals for many years now, and yet I never seemed to have the time to set aside 40 days. Like everyone, I am very busy and just could not fathom cutting myself off from the world for so long. In the last few years, I’ve done a 3-day water fast and a 10-day water fast and I had very good results, feeling clearer in the mind and spirit and more balanced and peaceful after each fast. This year I planned to do another 10-day water fast and possibly 14 days depending on how I felt. When I saw the results on Day 8 which I will explain below, I decided that I had to continue no matter what. And that’s what led me to do 40 days.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

Water fasting means to drink only water, in the same way that juice fasting means to drink only fresh juice. Only water is consumed during the fast and no food. Natural Hygienists agree that having small amounts of fresh lemon or lime in the water is ok; however in this water fast, I did not do that.

One week after the fast, enjoying fresh, delicious food!

Water fasting is not for the weak-minded. It takes a lot of mental strength, trust and faith to live on only water for an extended period of time. If one has prepared for the fast well and has a full reserve of minerals and vitamins, this type of detox is totally safe. It is important to prepare the body well in advance, cleaning the colon with some intestinal cleansing and then moving gently into pure water by drinking only juices for a number of days.

If someone is extremely toxic from a typical Standard American Diet and they have never done any type of detox before, then they are NOT a safe candidate for water fasting. They would need to do a lot of gentle cleansing first, build up their mineral and vitamin reserve and ensure an alkaline pH at the very least.

Water fasting is certainly not a new concept or some type of ‘fad’ diet. Almost all the great spiritual leaders including Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and Gandhi practiced fasting.

This is the only type of cleanse where the body is not getting any food at all. For that reason, it can go deeper and is more powerful for healing.

I believe that a water cleanse is the best way to release toxins from the mind, body and spirit. It’s that simple. The body knows how to heal itself, it just needs a chance to do it. When you fast, you are directing the body to takes it’s energy inward. It can then start cleansing and healing itself.

40-Day Water Fast – The How & Why of this Pure Detox on Day 40

There are many different cleansing reactions that can occur during a water fast as the body releases toxins into the blood. Based on my experience, I recommend a daily water enema during the cleanse to help the body minimize cleansing reactions. Dry skin brushing also helps. It’s good to be in an environment where the body can have some exposure to sunlight and fresh air every day. Being close to nature is best.

An example of how you don’t want to feel from breaking a fast incorrectly…

In addition to taking care during the fast, having a plan for breaking the fast is absolutely essential. So many people make the mistake of bingeing on comfort foods after a long fast, and in the case of drinking only water, this can actually be dangerous. It is very important to gently ease back into solids foods and only 100% raw juices and foods to allow the organs to ‘wake up’ gently. In my eBook, I discuss in detail how to break a water fast safely.

As the saying goes, ‘Any fool can fast, but only a wise man can break it properly.’

My new book, A Comprehensive Guide to Water Fasting, is a complete guide detailing every aspect of water fasting. This book is currently for sale in ebook format and is immediately downloadable in either .pdf or .epub format. (To view this ebook on your iPhone or iPad, simply choose the .epub version and install the free iBook app on your device before downloading your ebook file.)

In my water fasting book, you will learn:

  • What is Water Fasting
  • Benefits of Water Fasting
  • Water Fasting vs. Starvation
  • How Long to Fast
  • Hunger
  • Preparation for a Water Fast
  • Pre-fast Cleansing
  • Finding the Right Location
  • Preparing the Body Nutritionally
  • Water – What Kind, How Much
  • Enemas
  • Warnings when Water Fasting
  • Emotional Cleansing Reactions
  • Weight Loss – What to Expect
  • How to Break a Water Fast
  • Information on Parasites
  • Follow-Up Cleansing
  • Affirmations
  • Energy Devices to Energize the Water

Water Fasting by Jennifer Thompson

In addition to that, I documented my 40-day experience and the entire journal is included in the book. The big surprise for me came on Day 8 of my cleanse. I saw an ascaris intestinal roundworm (parasite) released in my enema and it was a huge wake-up call that I had a possible worm infestation. Looking back, this actually made sense because I had been experiencing a lot of strange symptoms in the last 4 years, all of which is explained in the book. When I saw this worm on Day 8, I just knew I had to continue. And the amazing thing is, that they just kept on coming! I had worms and worms, all roundworms, released almost daily during the entire fast. There was no choice but to keep going!

I learned many things about the ascaris round worm during my fast, including the symptoms of having intestinal round worms. Do you think you may have intestinal worms?

Symptoms of parasites or intestinal worms may include:

  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Gas and Bloating
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Digestive Problems
  • Weakness/Fatigue
  • Allergic Reactions to Food
  • Crawling Sensation Under the Skin
  • Eczema
  • Chronic Cough
  • Weight Gain
  • Inability to Gain or Lose Weight
  • Anemia
  • Numbness of the Hands and/or Feet
  • Fast Heartbeat

You can imagine how having so many parasites could affect your overall health and well-being! Even I was surprised and amazed to see the results, something I was never able to achieve with juice fasting, colon cleansing or parasite programs alone.

It is likely that countless individuals are suffering from ascaris round worms, other parasites and/or candida in their bodies and that their symptoms are being misdiagnosed as other medical conditions instead.

The book also includes a detailed section on follow-up cleansing and nutritional support to keep the body clean and free of parasites after a long fast or detox program.

My experience was so powerful that my neighbor became inspired, and she started a water fast too, about 18 days after I started. Throughout the book, I also detail her experience. In the end, it was great to have someone to share my stories with daily and certainly, we both benefited from the mutual support.

Breaking a 40 Day Water Fast – Eating on Day 41

Of course, in only drinking water for 40 days, I lost a lot of weight. In total, my weight loss was about 15 kg or 33 pounds. During the first 2 weeks, I lost most of the weight; after that, my weight seemed to stabilize and that was quite comforting actually, because my goal was to heal myself, not to waste away!

After the fast, I gained 5kg back rather quickly and I was very happy because I had really gotten too thin. Since then, my weight has remained stable. I crave less food in general and less high-sugar content fruits. For certain, with over 21 feet (6.6 meters) of worms out of my body, my metabolism has changed for the better and I am happy to say that my food is now only feeding me! Yes, 21 feet!!! It is an amazing story of healing.

The path to good health is so simple – trust that the body knows. Feed it well, think positive thoughts, bring love into your heart, and cleanse and detoxify your body and you will begin to feel superior states of consciousness and well-being that you never even knew existed!

Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. Read full disclaimer here.

New and improved edition! This eBook is now available with the parasite photos or without parasite photos, with the same text in each version.



Water Fasting eBook: A Comprehensive Guide & 40-Day Personal Journal (.pdf)



eBook: Water Fasting (No Worm Photos) – A Comprehensive Guide & 40-Day Personal Journal (.pdf)



Water Fasting eBook: A Comprehensive Guide & 40-Day Personal Journal (.epub)



eBook: Water Fasting (No Worm Photos) – A Comprehensive Guide & 40-Day Personal Journal (.epub)


More on Spiritual Health:

Recipe for Raw Coleslaw Salad with Macadamia Nut Dressing

Raw cabbage is a wonderful cleansing food, full of sulfur which helps to naturally detox the body. Onions are an anti-parasitic, anti-fungal and anti-viral food. Celery is very high in organic sodium and is known to help with arthritis and even gallstone problems. Fresh dill, parsley and cilantro are wonderful healing herbs for the diet. Cayenne pepper is excellent for strengthening heart and blood. Macadamia nuts are known to be high in monounsaturated (good fats), with exceptional amounts of anti-oxidants, phyto-nutrients and even fiber.

Raw Vegan Coleslaw with Macadamia Nut Dressing

This raw food salad is unbelievably good, and very easy to make! I modified this recipe from the book Super Cleanse by Adina Niemerow, changing it into an even more delicious raw food dish.

Can you see how easy it is to let your food be your medicine, just as Hippocrates said?

Raw Coleslaw Salad

  • 1 head green cabbage, finely shredded
  • 1 white onion, chopped
  • 3-4 stalks of celery, diced
  • 1/4 cup fresh dill, chopped
  • 1 cup raw macadamia nuts
  • 1/4 cup purified water
  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1/8 teaspoon Himalayan salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground organic cumin
  • pinch of organic cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro (coriander) or fresh parsley

Raw Coleslaw Salad – All Fresh & Natural, Whole & Pure

Mix all salad ingredients in a large glass bowl. Make the dressing using a mini-food processor. First, ground the macadamia nuts until you get a fine consistency. Add water, lime juice, cumin, cayenne and salt and process until creamy. Add either the fresh cilantro or parsley and blend again.

Pour the dressing over the salad and mix thoroughly. This salad tastes even better if you can allow it to sit for at least 2 hours before serving.

I recommend this salad for people on a detox diet, a pre-cleanse program, a cleansing/healing/rebuilding program and even for people trying to lose weight. The good fats helps to keep the body full while learning to get away from unhealthy fried fats and dairy products. It is very important to have some transitional salads to help break away from old nutrient-deficient addictive foods. Enjoy this salad for lunch or share it with family and friends at a barbecue or party.

More Raw Food Dressings & Dips:

Okra Pepsin Small Intestine Cleanse

Okra Pepsin Formula

The Okra Pepsin is a type of a cleanse which is specially formulated to remove any residual plaque and/or toxins from the small intestine. It is an old formula using concentrated okra vegetable enzymes. Okra is a very ‘sticky’ vegetable, and because of that, it stays longer in the small intestine than other foods. The enzymes of the okra are especially good at ‘eating away’ old fifth that may be blocking the micro-villi within the small intestines.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

It is usually recommended to do this cleanse for 10-14 days. You can still eat during that time, but ideally you would not be drinking any coffee or alcohol, and avoiding wheat, sugar, processed foods and meat as much as possible. The Okra Pepsin cleanse is a great pre-cleanse to a normal 7-day ‘fasting’ program, because it gives the body a chance to loosen a lot of ‘gunk.’ Going from that into 2 enemas a day and 7 days of only juice is a perfect combination, especially for those who have done a 7-day program many times already.

Some people recommend this cleanse to celiacs and anyone suffering from bowel dis-ease, such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease and colitis. I have personally know a few clients who did this cleanse and mid-way through, they expelled a huge pile a ‘black slimy sludge.’ Can you imagine how something like that could seriously affect the function of the small intestines?

I personally tried this formula, and I used it for 12 days. The main reactions I experienced were: nausea, fatigue, cramping in the abdomen, foul-smelling stool, sweating, excessive heat, itchy skin and low appetite. All of these symptoms came and went over the course of the cleanse. Sadly, I did not release any ‘black slime’. A few days after finishing, I started a 7-day colon detox with juices, psyllium and 2 enemas daily. After the entire cleansing combination, I felt great.

Okra Pepsin Ingredients

Not many people know about the Okra Pepsin, and it’s not an easy herbal formula to find. The best company that still makes it is called Standard Process. In the US, one normally has to order this herb through a naturopath. It is sometimes available for sale on amazon.com. Outside of the US, I was able to find it in one health food shop in Hong Kong.

One final thing to note with the Okra Pepsin is that there is also a cow hormone/extract in the ingredients. For strict vegans, this cleanse would therefore not be recommended. I struggled with the decision to do the cleanse myself, but for the sake of my clients and being able to share my personal experience, I decided to try it once. If you are still wanting to experience the effects of the okra enzymes, you could consider doing a 7-10 day fast taking only green vegetables juices and eating fresh okra and green salads every day.

More on Liver Cleansing:

Top 10 Surprising Causes of Constipation

‘Insufficient bowel function results in a variety of chronic and degenerative diseases. Cleansing and rebuilding the bowel should be one of the most important goals of anyone who has become health conscious. When the bowel functions optimally, then and only then can the liver and every other organ have the ability to also function optimally.’

– Dr. Richard Anderson

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

When your colon is healthy, you should be having at least one bowel movement per day. It should be soft and easy to pass. Constipation can make a person feel irritable, uncomfortable, tired, weak and toxic. Over time, it can lead to a condition known as ‘auto-intoxication’ where the feces can start to re-infect the body. Yuck!

Top 10 Surprising Causes of Constipation

1. Under-Active Thyroid

2. Painkillers

3. Fast Food

4. Supplements (Iron & Calcium)

5. Laxative Overuse

6. Too much Dairy

7. Anti-depressants

8. Depression

9. Antacids

10. Blood pressure, Allergy medicines & Anti-histamines

It’s important to know some of the lesser known contributors to a slow-moving colon. Many medications have constipation as a side effect. A slower metabolism (thyroid) can slow bowel function. Dairy products act like ‘glue’ in an already sluggish colon. Depression can slow down metabolism and therefore contribute to the problem. Some vitamins and mineral supplements, especially iron and calcium, will slow down bowel movements. If used for long periods of time, stimulant laxatives can lead to dependence, meaning your body simply won’t function properly without them.

Fast food is high in fat, sugar and calories but low in fiber. Eating too much fast food will cause chronic constipation. Low-fiber fast foods include hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, fried chicken, fried fish, french fries, pizza, tacos, milkshakes and mozzarella sticks.

Clean Colon = Good Health

 Focusing on getting your colon moving is an investment in good health for life. Anyone who has ever taken antibiotics or eaten refined sugars, pesticides, processed foods, artificial flavor enhancers, preservatives, color additives, fried foods or free radicals is an excellent candidate for a good colon cleanse. One should clean their colon at least once a year. Ideally, every six months is best.

In between cleansing, eat a diet high in fiber and low in processed, refined and fried foods. Drink plenty of water.

Consider taking probiotics to re-balance the natural balance of good bacteria in the gut (especially after antibiotics). Exercise to get the metabolism moving. Love your colon and it will love you!

It’s that easy!

More on Liver Cleansing:

Green Juice Fast with Gabriel Cousens at Tree of Life

Recently I went to Israel to participate in a 7-day Green Juice Fast with Gabriel Cousens. His program involves: 4 green juices per day, supplements recommended by Tree of Life (optional), 1 enema daily, guided meditation twice daily, yoga by Shanti and a daily morning and evening Kabbalah talk with Gabriel. The fast was hosted in a kibbutz in the north of Israel called Yehiam. All of the classes were taught in English.

Shanti and Gabriel Cousens

Gabriel has some interesting theories on fat metabolism vs. sugar (carbohydrate) metabolism. If you are drinking a lot of fruit, coconut, carrot, or beetroot juice during your fast and you are not losing weight, it is very possible that your body is still in a sugar metabolism. According to Gabriel, you need to get into the fat metabolism for the fast to really kick in.

He would recommend grapefruit juice and greens juices instead. ‘If you want your juices sweeter, you are compromsing your own progress. Too much sugar in juice will trigger a craving for more sugar.’

Sugar levels are also connected to one’s ability to meditate according to Gabriel. ‘If your sugar levels go up and down, the mind also goes up and down and it becomes difficult to stay focused,’ he says.

Gabriel has one secret for success when coming off the fast: Do not eat too much!! He says, ‘Drink your food and chew your juices.’ He also recommends to eat in silece so you are conscious and connected to the food. ‘Eat your food first, them sit around, digest and talk.’

Inspired with lots of great info!

Especially after fasting, Gabriel recommended 2 Tbsp. of ground flax seed in every meal to keep the fiber content high. I tried it for one week after the fast and all I can say is wow, epic!!

This detox program is usually hosted twice yearly in Israel, every May and November. Fasting programs are available year-round at the Tree of Life Center in Arizona.

If you can’t away to join his guided detox, then you can learn from Gabriel’s wisdom through some great books – Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousens and Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine by Gabriel Cousens. Great additions to any health library!

For more about this green juice fast program, watch my daily updates, interviews with other fasters and interview with Gabriel and Shanti on my youtube channel at www.youtube.com/findyourhealthybliss.

More on Traveling Raw:

Super Energy Raw Cabbage Salad Recipe – A mini-detox meal

Featured in this recipe is the Super Energy Salad, one of my favorite Raw Food Salads. I often make this for friends, and they love it too!

The ingredients are easy for you to find no matter where you live in the world.

Super Energy and Super Taste in this yummy raw food creation!

Super Energy Salad (serves 2):

Salad Ingredients:
4 cups Finely Chopped Green Cabbage
1/4 cup Chopped Fresh Parsley
2 Roma Tomatoes, Quartered

Blend together in a Blender or Mini-Food Processor:
1-2 fresh cloves garlic
Juice of 1 lemon
1/4 cup Tahini (if you don’t have, try a nut butter like almond butter)
2-4 tablespoons water or more (to thin dressing if desired)
Pinch teaspoon Himalayan salt (to taste)

Toss cabbage and parsley with the dressing before serving.
Place the roma tomatoes on the side and drizzle some dressing around the plate for garnish and appeal.

Another way to serve this delicious Raw Cabbage and Parsley salad – yum!

This is a great cleansing salad thanks to the healing power of parsley and cabbage. Parsley is an excellent internal cleanser, it’s high in Vitamin C and calcium and is very strengthening for the kidneys.

This is a true cleansing salad, a natural detox, as Mother Nature intended!

Cabbage is a food naturally high in sulfur which makes it a powerful cleanser for the body. Sulfur foods help the body to clear out environmental toxins, chemicals and even some heavy metals. Cabbage is also very good for digestion and for strengthening the colon.

Healthy Habits Check

Have you been…

  • Making one new raw food meal per week?
  • Experimenting with foods you have never tried before?
  • Sharing your creations with family and friends?

More Healthy Recipes:

Feature Elimination Organ: Kidneys

Parsley is great for kidneys

The kidneys are an important eliminatory organ for overall body health. They regulate the body’s fluid volume, mineral composition and acidity levels. By eliminating wastes and adjusting fluid balance, the kidneys play an essential part in maintaining homeostasis in the body.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

If your kidneys are stressed or toxic, you may start to experience problems with lower back pain, elevated uric acid levels and even kidney stones. The kidneys can easily get overloaded with debris from unfiltered water, protein overdose (too much meat in the diet), and chemicals from low quality, de-vitalized food. Crystals can then form in urine from the various salts that build up on the inner surfaces of the kidney. Eventually these crystals become large enough to form stones in the kidney. And that can be a painful experience!

Drink more water!

Remember that all of your organs are working together at all times, so be aware that a sluggish or toxic colon will automatically put stress on the kidneys and other organs. Anytime you do a cleanse, you are giving all your organs a chance to rest and renew. You may want to also consider doing some additional cleansing specifically for the kidneys.

On a daily basis, drink more water! Water is the main avenue that the kidneys have to flush out acids and toxins, so give it a good supply!

If you experience any lower back pain, discoloration or cloudiness in the urine, or even early symptoms of gout, it is important eat a cleaner diet, staying away from salty, flavored potato chips, excessive meats (especially red meat) and to support the kidneys with parsley tea, juniper berry tea or uva ursi tea.

Once a year, you may want to do a kidney cleanse, especially after having done a colon cleanse. You can buy kidney cleansing supplements in health food stores, already blended into a 2-week supply for your use. During that time, avoid coffee and alcohol. Try to eat supporting foods for the kidneys, especially parsley. Drink plenty of clean, filtered, good quality water.

Send your kidneys love and they will reward you with good health for life!

More on Lymphatic Detox/Cleansing:

What’s the best detox retreat for raw food, yoga, juice & meditation in Thailand?

Detox is great for the body & mind!

I receive countless emails asking me this question. Choosing a detox holiday can be overwhelming when you start to see how many resorts there are. In Koh Samui, Thailand alone there are more than a dozen places to choose from. So what is the best retreat for fasting, wellness, raw foods, de-stressing, weight loss and healing?

Asking me that is like asking me what house you should buy. How can I answer that question based on only knowing that you want a house? If I don’t know what you are looking for – how many rooms, what your budget is, etc., there is simply no possible way I can help you.

When you think about your destination for cleansing, first decide on your budget. Know how much you have to spend on the program itself and your room accommodation, and then decide if you have any extra cash for yoga classes, massages and private healing sessions. Figure out how much time you have for your program – 3 days, 5 days, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days or more….that will also help to narrow your search.

One benefit of Detox: Weight Loss

It’s then very important to sit with yourself and decide what you expect to achieve from doing a detox retreat – do you want to lose weight, rest, relax, cure yourself from disease or illness, learn more about nutrition or how to manage stress, take cooking classes, eat healthy food, learn better habits for going home, have access to yoga or fitness gyms, and also work on your spiritual and emotional healing as well? Maybe the answer is Yes! to all of the above! Haha…well, please go back and remember what your budget is too. A lot of times people want it all, but they don’t want to invest the money to do it.

Be realistic with your expectations if you choose a low-budget resort. You can still benefit from any detox you do, so whatever you choose, know that it’s the right one for you at this point in your journey. If you are not comfortable with juice fasting, choose a program with a raw food menu or gently cooked foods. That can still be a great gentle detox for people, especially if they are older, sick or living very high-stress lives.


Are you hoping to ‘reboot’ and quit smoking, drinking alcohol, doing recreational drugs or eating junk food? Do you have an existing eating disorder or have you battled with anorexia/bulimia in the past? Will you need extra emotional support and additional therapies, such as hypnotherapy, NLP or EFT to help you with your addiction? Being honest with yourself will only benefit you in the long run. Let the retreat center know what you need and ask if they offer support. Buy some inspiring books full of success stories and read them during your cleanse.

Colon Cleansing

Some detox programs offer colon hydrotherapy as part of their package and some don’t. The colon cleansing can be called colemas, colonics or enemas – they are basically different versions of the same thing, which is cleaning the guts of that old toxic filth that you used to eat in your former unhealthy days. Personally, I would highly recommend choosing a program with this option included. When you combine colon cleansing and detoxing, you can release more toxins in a shorter period of time. It’s that simple.

Raw food, cooked food or no food?

Fresh Juice rebuilds Minerals

Herbal supplements or no? Just fresh juice or coconuts or both? Candida program, parasite cleanse, heavy metal detox, gallstone liver flush?? Just remember this: you have to start somewhere, and any detox is better than none. Don’t stress out too much over the details….just pick something within your budget that has most of what you want and preferably some colon cleansing too. Check out Trip Advisor for the latest reviews of any detox resort that you choose. Sometimes that’s the best way. Go with how you feel and embrace the fact that you are making time for a healthy holiday – to improve your health, body, mind and soul. It’s the best gift you can possible give yourself. Whatever you choose, don’t forget to book your Iridology Session with me. I can help you personalize your detox and make a long-term plan for positive change when you return home. I hope to see you soon!

Detox resorts in Koh Samui, Thailand:

  • New Body and Mind – near Lipa Noi
  • Natural High Retreats – Thong Krut

Detox resorts in Phuket, Thailand:

More on Traveling Raw:

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead – Inspiring film, but is a 60-day juice fast safe?

Inspiring Film on Weight Loss

Wow! I was so inspired by this movie! Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead show 2 extremely overweight men do a 60-day juice fast, and the results are outstanding!

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

This documentary shows a real life regular Australian guy named Joe who, at 140 kg or just over 300 pounds, was sick with an auto-immune disease and a strange re-occurance of rash and hives. At 40 years old and feeling fat, sick and nearly dead, he finally decided to take his health in his own hands. Can you imagine, at only 40 years old, being so overweight and in pain from arthritis, that you have to use a raised toilet seat to even sit on the toilet? Or, maybe that’s already you? Then it’s definitely time for some change!

Yes, Joe took responsibility for his own health and decided to completely change his diet and lifestyle!

Joe Cross before his detox

He embarked on a 60-day juice only liquid fast and not only lost weight, but cleared the rash, gained energy and made a plan to continue with positive change after the detox.

In 60 days, he lost over 80 pounds.

It is phenomenal to see the transformation!

And, even better, Joe continued to make changes when he finished his detox. He started exercising, ate salads and juices, and after another 70 days, he not only maintained the original weight loss but lost another 20 pounds. He also managed to get off all medications – wow, now that is Mother Nature’s doctor at work for some real natural healing!

Along his journey of juice fasting and traveling across the United States on a road trip with the juicer set up to a battery in the back of his car, Joe met a lot of overweight Americans and many had different ideas on fasting. It’s worth watching just to see what they say!

Joe Cross after – transformation!

At one point, he meets Phil who is over 400 pounds and has the same skin rash condition as him. Phil gets inspired and eventually does the 60-day juice fast himself.

It’s really spectacular to see these normal people who were previously victims of fast food and prescription drugs and are now teaching people how to juice kale and apples! I love it!!

So, what about actually doing a 60-day juice fast yourself? Is it safe?

In the movie, both men get clearance from their doctors and also regular checkups during the fast. This is definitely a good idea, especially if you have never fasted before, are on any medications of any kind and especially if you are suffering from any medical conditions.

Was Joe constipated after his detox at all??

60 days is a long time to go without any bowel movements. The thing that Joe never mentions in the movie is whether or not he did enemas or colonics during his fast. Since he didn’t mention it, I doubt he did any. This does concern me, especially when I think of how toxic so many people are today and how they could easily lessen the effects of the detox reactions by doing a daily enema during their fast. I would also recommend certain herbs and supplements to support the body during the process.

Re-toxifying of Heavy Metals

The other issue that concerns me is that people doing a long fast with extreme weight loss can disrupt pockets of heavy metal accumulation in their body. Often times the body will safely store heavy metals in it’s fat cells. It’s a way for the body to try to protect itself from these toxic materials. If you have extreme weight loss in a short period of time, as the fat gets burned, the heavy metals have to move somewhere else…and they can potentially move into and do harm to the organs. In an Iridology reading, we can see if a person has the potential for heavy metal accumulation. It’s a good idea to get checked out, and to also consider doing a heavy metal detox as a follow-up to the juice fast. During the fast, it may also be a good idea to take zeolite as this is a natural chelator for heavy metals and toxins and can assist the body with the detox process.

I particularly like the doctor in the film, Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He had some great quotes:

  • Permanent results only come from permanent changes in diet and lifestyle.
  • You don’t get permanently well unless you permanently change the way you live.
  • Fasting can be used as a time where you re-train your taste buds. If it helps you with healthy eating thereafter, then it’s done it’s job.
  • 61% of the American diet today comes from processed foods (predominantly oils, sugar & flour).
  • 70% of the diseases that affect us now are caused by our life choices: how we exercise, if we smoke and what we eat.
  • Total cost of a heart attack: $56,424 USD. Total cost of juicing for 1 month: $420.

Read more information on the liver and liver cleansing here:

Gallstone Liver Flush – Recipe & Cleanse Info

How to Do a Coffee Enema at Home

How to Do a Castor Oil Pack for Liver Cleansing

How to Do Onion Socks for Healing

How to Eat Clean: Start with Green Smoothies!

Green Smoothie for DummiesCheck out my book Green Smoothies for Dummies – I’ve got loads of recipes using dark leafy greens and many delicious combos without any chemical additives, flavorings or refined sugar. It’s so easy!

Clean your body from the inside out and watch your skin improve, your hair and nails get stronger, your eyes look brighter and your waistline slim down….all naturally and effortlessly! It’s simply amazing and your only regret will be that you didn’t start drinking green smoothies sooner.

When you take care of your whole body, you get whole body health.

When you let your food be your medicine, you are always moving towards better health.

Find the book Green Smoothies for Dummies on iTunes or amazon.com!

For more on how to achieve your health goals and actually start feeling great, book a private health consult with me via Skype.

How to Book Your Health & Nutritional Coaching Session:

1. Take photos of your eyes with a smart phone or digital camera.
2. Email the photos to me for approval for Iridology Analysis.
3. We schedule a time to meet via phone or Skype!

More on Juicing and Smoothies: