The last time I got sick was…

Wait, really?! Is it actually possible to still get sick when you are eating high organic raw food and doing regular detox? If you thought that was Mission Impossible, then I welcome you to the land of being human! 🙂

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

Truth be told, I almost never get sick. In fact, I am seriously amazed to hear how often our “normal” meat, processed and/or fast-food eating friends or family members get side-lined with fevers, colds, coughs, and flus. (Those are the same people who make fun of my “extreme” diet and (wheat)grass-eating habits by the way.)

Without a doubt, eating an alkaline plant-based diet is a natural way to boost your immune system and the best way to prevent illness. But, it doesn’t mean that you will never, ever, ever get sick again.

The last time I got sick was…

A few months ago. We had just had several days of winter rain in Tel Aviv, and my boyfriend caught a cold from a co-worker at the office. He managed to keep it at the status of a cold for a few days, but then it turned to a high-mucous flu-like illness with fever. I felt so bad for him! I gave him Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) and made fresh orange juice with organic turmeric and green smoothies with lots of fresh fruits to high-boost his Vitamin C. We slept in separate bedrooms so he could rest and I would lower my chance of getting sick. By the 6th day, he was back to normal and I remember saying, “Wow, I am amazed that I didn’t catch it!” That night, we slept together again and he kissed me goodnight for the first time in 6 days.

The next day, I woke up sick!! It happened that fast. I felt stuffy, exhausted and slightly feverish and I thought….man, I can’t even remember the last time I had the flu! In my case, it lasted only 3 days. I basically just surrendered myself and rested. I took GSE and drank lots of fresh ginger tea. I envisioned my immune system getting stronger by the day. 3 days later, I was up and running again.

Are you a failure if you get sick?

Is doing all this detox, immune boosting and healthy eating a waste of time if you’re just going to get sick like everybody else? First, I would say…don’t throw all sickness into one basket. There’s a big difference between someone who gets sick every 3-5 YEARS (or more) and someone who get sick 3-5 times PER YEAR.

And most definitely, there is no such thing as a failure in my book. In fact, every illness can be a gift…a chance to slow down, rest and let your immune system get stronger. It’s also an opportunity to truly appreciate your health. You also may actually need an occasional cold, cough or flu to upgrade your gut health and immune-boosting capabilities.

Your body is a community!

What did I do wrong?

I guess I could say that kissing my boyfriend while he was still sick was a mistake…but in reality, I think the real cause of me getting sick was simply being run-down after months of a lot of deadlines and excess work. Stress alone can make your entire body acidic, even when eating an alkaline diet! I’m definitely a believer in the power of positive thinking and how important that is for your physical health! In that time, I also stopped making fermented foods such as kombucha and raw sauerkraut, which I feel are even more important for boosting your immune system than anything else!

Within 1 week of feeling better, I was back to making batches of kombucha and raw sauerkraut at home. I also drank more lemon and/or raw apple cider vinegar in water, at least twice daily. I started taking 1.5 days off a week and made more effort to stay offline for that time, giving my body and mind time to rest. De-stressing is very important for me (and for you too!).

Combining that with my normal routine of green smoothies, green juice, fresh wheatgrass shots for chlorophyll and minerals and lots of variety in my organic fruits and veggies and I now feel like a superstar again 🙂 Seriously though, I have high energy: I feel balanced; and I like who I see in the mirror every day!

When I look to my body for healing, I understand that I need to strengthen and heal my body as a whole.

How to Boost Your Immune System

Here are some foods/supplements that can help your immune system stay strong:

1. Manuka Honey (great to have on-hand in winter months, note this is not vegan)

2. Echinacea and Goldenseal (a powerful combo for breaking up stagnant lymph, i.e. mucous)

3. Grapefruit Seed Extract (my go-to remedy with the first sign of cold, cough or flu)

4. Pomegranate (can add to a green smoothie in powder form)

5. Raw apple cider vinegar (a healing food since the time of Hippocrates)

Looking to buy an immune-boosting bundle? You can find all of the above items on, and yes they ship internationally!

Whole Body Healing


More on Motivation:

More on Fermented Foods:

More on Healthy Living:

Is there too much sugar and too many calories in fruit?

The most common response I hear from people about fruit is this: ‘I don’t eat fruit because there is too much sugar and I don’t want to gain weight’ or ‘I heard there is too much sugar and too many calories in fruit so I don’t eat it.’ Such unfounded theories have stopped many people from eating fruit for 10 years or more (and they are still overweight!). Take some time to understand what is really happening, and hopefully you’ll get back to the idea of adding even more fruit back into your healthy routine and better yet, into your daily Green Smoothie!

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
Do fruit sugars make you gain weight?

Do fruit sugars make you gain weight?

Not all sugars are created equal.

David Wolfe explains one of the main problems with sugar. He states, “Because the term is used so loosely, sugar has become an ambiguous word. When one states the word “sugar” it could mean one of a dozen things such as high fructose corn syrup, refined cane sugar, white sugar, brown sugar, maple sugar, beet sugar, fruit juice, dried fruit, etc.” He goes on to explain, “Sugar is defined as a natural hydrocarbon compound (such as honey, agave, fruits, dried fruits, etc.) and Refined Sugar is an unnatural hydrocarbon product (such as high fructose corn syrup, brown sugar, white sugar, etc.) made through human engineering, plant breeding, and heat processing.”

First, I do think it’s important to be honest with yourself if you are saying that you don’t eat fruit because it has too much ‘sugar’. More than 95% of the time that someone tells me this, in the same conversation I discover that they eat chocolate every afternoon, a cookie every night or a glass of wine with dinner every day. And I feel so sad that the high-nutrient dense, high-enzyme, high-fiber, naturally healing food didn’t make the cut while all the other favorite Refined Sugar foods remain. If you stop eating chocolate, cakes, ice-cream, Greek Yogurt (yes…full of refined sugar!), gluten-free cookies (often containing 35g of refined sugar per cookie!), alcohol, bread (with a higher GI index than a Mars Bar!), then you have plenty of room in your diet to add some fresh raw fruits every day! If you convince yourself otherwise, you are only do a disservice to yourself.

The difference between Refined Sugar and Natural Sugar.

Refined Sugar, with no fiber, goes into the blood stream very quickly, disrupting sugar levels, leading to weight gain and increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Refined Sugar should be avoided as much as possible!

The FIBER in fruit is really the key to making it a healthy food and differentiates fruit from other refined sugar foods. Fiber slows down the body’s intake of natural sugars, and allows the body to regulate the absorption of fructose sugars at a healthy pace. When you make a Green Smoothie, you are blending the fruit and greens together, keeping all fiber intact (unlike a juice which separates the fiber from the liquid, leaving only the liquid). Read here for more info on juices vs. smoothies.

Fiber is key!

As Arnold Ehret once stated, “Modern Life is the tragedy of nutrition.” It’s important to remember that fruit has been on this planet for 2,000 years and it is a healing food from the Gods. What a shame to think that modern fad diets and industrialized foods have pushed out the idea of eating natural, whole and pure fruits. It doesn’t matter how modernized and industrialized we have become, our bodies are still organic beings and they need organic whole foods in order to be well. The obesity epidemic we face today was not caused from eating too much fruit! It’s that simple.

Fruit is also alkalizing and naturally high in enzymes.

I’m sure you can’t say that about your blueberry scone and Frappuccino! Most people are suffering from chronic acidosis, meaning they are eating too many acid-forming foods in their diet and not enough alkaline-forming foods. Fresh fruits (and greens) are the best alkalizing foods there are and are excellent for pH health, another great reason to add them to your diet! William Davis, the author of the book Wheat Belly, states, “Vegetables and fruits are the dominant alkaline foods in the diet. Virtually everything in your produce department will drive pH towards the alkaline direction. From kale to kohlrabi, generous consumption of vegetables and fruits serve to neutralize the acidic burden from animal products.” High-enzyme foods allow the digestive system to work better and long-term that sets you up for normalized weight and normalized blood sugars.

Eating greens and fruits together is really the perfect way to ingest fruits. The greens help to balance out the natural fructose in fruits and the fiber from the combination slows down absorption to a healthy pace. Greens, being naturally high in magnesium, help to replenish the body’s natural reserve and often stop cravings for junk foods (did you know that a lot of food cravings are actually due to low magnesium levels?).

I didn’t mention the other most common question that I get asked and that it ‘What’s the best alternative to sugar…is it Sweet’N Low (Saccharin), NutraSweet or Equal (Aspartame), Truvia, Agave Nectar or something else? Do you see the irony that in one moment, people are afraid to eat fruit and on the other they are looking for a sweetener for their food? Why would you ever turn your back on fruit, a gift from the Gods and choose chemical alternatives (and even known carcinogens) with dangerous side effects (such as destroying of brain cells)??

In my opinion, the whole calorie-counting mentality is a distraction and a waste of time.

Animals eat fruit in nature, they don’t count calories, and they’re not fat!

The more you spend your time and energy getting away from processed and chemical-laden foods, the more you will naturally eat the correct amount of calories for your energy output daily.

The bottom line: Fruit is high in fiber, enzymes, alkalinity, healing powers, anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins and phyto-nutrients. Remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Add that apple to a Green Smoothie with banana and water, blend it up with ground flax seed, hemp seed, acai powder and spirulina and you are off to an amazing start to a healthy day…and a healthy weight for life!

Looking for Green Smoothie recipes to eat more fruit and greens?

Green Smoothie for DummiesCheck out my NEW book Green Smoothies for Dummies – I’ve got a whole section on Bulking up to Slim down where I feature 5 amazing Green Smoothies for Weight Loss.

As I mention in the book, “When your body gets the nutrients it needs, you no longer feel hungry or think about food as much, and that alone can help you lose weight. With so much health to gain and potential weight to lose, fruits are actually the perfect addition to a green smoothie.”

Remember: Experimenting with different fruits is a great way to keep variety in your diet and to ensure getting a wide spectrum of different minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. So, if you see a fruit that you’ve never had before, search for it in your local supermarket and give it a try!

Find the book Green Smoothies for Dummies on iTunes or!

More on Juicing and Smoothies:

More on Manifestation and Weight Loss:


70-Year-Old Looks 30, Reveals Fountain of Youth (Yep, Raw Food!)

This article is totally inspiring – you’ve gotta watch the video!!

“Annette Larkins is in perfect health and doesn’t take aspirin.  In fact, she doesn’t take any medication at all, at least by the conventional modern definition. She is a fanatic of REAL medicine and lives by the quote, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates

Mrs. Larkins grows a plethora of fruit, vegetables, and herbs around and inside of her house.  She collects rainwater and makes gallons of juice from what she grows. Wheatgrass is one of her specialties. She grows her own and drinks the juice regularly. Yet another anecdotal case of raw food and juicing providing overall health and endless youth.

Her mother and grandmother both died of breast cancer at 47, and 36 years old, respectively. Her grandmother’s sisters died of cancer at early ages. Diabetes runs in her family.”

Talk about motivation to start a raw food diet at any age! Annette has a normal house, a normal backyard and a normal husband too! Nothing stopped her from making the best choices for her. No excuses! I love this woman! What a gorgeous story. I’m gonna juice some fresh wheatgrass right NOW!

Original story from

More on Manifestation and Weight Loss:

More on Raw Food:

More on Organic Food:

5 Tips on How to protect yourself against Ebola (or any virus/bacteria)

If you’ve been following recent news and events on the Ebola virus outbreak, you’ve probably noticed that things are getting worse and not better as each day passes. And now, scientists are pointing to the potential of airborne contamination and transmission. Should you be worried? Well, I’m definitely concerned. It’s no longer a matter of “could this thing go global?” because it’s already global. So the question is: What can you do to protect yourself from Ebola?

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

First of all, remember one key piece of information: Not every victim of Ebola has died of Ebola. That means that some people do survive the virus. Keeping your immune system strong is definitely the your best natural defense. You can also protect yourself from exposure with some important hygiene practices. (I’ll talk about that one at the end.)

How to Protect Yourself From Ebola by using your natural Immune System

How to Protect Yourself From Ebola by using your natural Immune System

Here are 5 important steps to help protect you and your family from Ebola:

1. Focus on Your Terrain (i.e. Immune System)

Did you ever take a bag of rubbish to your curb and it wasn’t picked up right away? After a few days, maggots will start to appear. But, had that trash bag not been there to begin with, no maggots would have come. Maggots do not cause garbage; they feed on it.

It was Louis Pasteur who, at his death bed, famously said, “I was wrong. The microbe (pathogen) is nothing; the terrain is everything.”

The health of your immune system defines whether your body or “terrain” is weak or strong. When your immune system is strong, viruses don’t hang around. If you don’t understand this theory, then try this experiment: Stop washing your clothes, taking showers and cleaning your house for 1 year. Then, see how much filth and grime you accumulate. Ok, you don’t have to do that to get the idea, but the point is this: The same thing is happening inside your body! A clean diet and regular detox (once a year at a minimum) means you’re keeping up on your internal housekeeping. Toxic foods, bad breath, body odor, fatigue, brittle hair, difficulty concentrating, trouble sleeping and digestive problems are also potential signs that your body is overloaded with toxins, or deficient, or both.

To Boost Your Immune System:

  • Eat a diet high in fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts and vegetables to give your body a high dose of minerals and vitamins
  • Increase dark leafy bitter greens, like kale, boy chou, watercress and Swiss Chard to help alkalize your pH
  • Get plenty of fiber such as chia and flaxseed as a “broom” to help sweep out the toxins in your gut
  • Drink water! Avoid sugary soft drinks, diet drinks and “energy” drinks
  • Avoid inflammatory foods including fried foods, refined sugar, dairy, alcohol, excess animal proteins and excess wheat products

2. Stock up on Antiviral Foods

Mother nature has provided you with some amazing healing foods that are powerful anti-inflammatories and great immune boosters. They also happen to be amazing anti-viral and anti-bacterial foods. These include:

  • Ginger
  • Tumeric
  • Fennel
  • Lemongrass
  • Leek
  • Cinnamon
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Lemon/Lime
  • Onions
  • Garlic

You can add these foods to your diet naturally in your smoothies or salad dressings and boost your immunity naturally.

Tip: Try the Onion Sock remedy for colds and flus. Heck, I’d even try it if I had Ebola too!

3. Get Your Antiviral Herbs On

When I read about Ebola going viral (literally), I immediately stocked up on my personal herbal kit of antiviral supplements. Even if the Ebola scare fizzles out (which I certainly hope it will), I’ll still have a great stock of supplements for the winter cold and flu season. Here are my top picks:

  • Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)
  • Echinacea
  • Goldenseal
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Ginger Gel capsules
  • Organic Turmeric Capsules
  • Manuka Honey

If you bundle all that up into one order, it’s less than $100, and in my opinion, a small investment to add some natural protection against Ebola.

Note: You can find these products online; I’ve already picked quality recommended brands for you… just click here for your shopping cart. They ship both domestic and international.

If you’re not sure whether this stuff even works, consider this: Several years ago I got Dengue Fever while living in Thailand. At the time I was doing a hard-core heavy metal detox (that’s another story!). In all the years I lived in SE Asia, I never got Dengue before or since – it was only during that HM detox. It’s a classic example of how a weakened immune system can leave you more susceptible for dis-ease. I suffered for 6 days with high fever and delirium, and to be honest I didn’t even know I had Dengue at the time because I mistakenly thought that my fever was a detox reaction. Every day, I drank 1 Green Smoothie with a LOT of fresh turmeric and nothing else except water. On the 6th day, I opened my fridge thinking “I must have something in here!” when I saw the Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE). I took 25 drops in a glass of water and drank it immediately. TWO HOURS LATER my fever broke and it NEVER came back. The next day, I went to the hospital and received a positive blood test for Dengue Fever. Most people who get Dengue have a fever for 12-14 days. I am 100% sure that the GSE did the trick and is the main reason why I kicked that virus in less than a week.

4. Increase Immune-Boosting Minerals & Vitamins

One of the things that I mentioned in #1 Focus on Your Terrain was to eat a diet high in minerals and vitamins. But the question is: which ones do you need the most? Well, I’d say all of them! But specifically for immune-boosting you need:

  1. Vitamin C – highest found in pineapple, oranges, lemons, parsley and high-antioxidant fruits like berries and pomegranate
  2. Zinc – found in sesame seeds, tahini, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and dark leafy greens like kale and watercress
  3. Selenium – found in organic Brazil nuts and walnuts

I saw an article floating around the other day that said selenium deficiency increases your risk of catching Ebola. It stated that the survivors of Ebola all had sufficient selenium in their bodies or they took additional selenium which appeared to help increase their survival rates ( That didn’t surprise me at all because I already know that selenium deficiency is linked to higher rates of cancer. Note: You only need to eat 4 walnut halves or 2 Brazil nuts per day to get your RDA of selenium. Well, I stocked up on organic walnuts and Brazil nuts last week too! (Tip: Store your nuts in the freezer to keep them fresher longer.)

5. Get some Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Ok, perhaps my former days working as an Environmental Engineer on the Superfund Emergency Response Team with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) got me right into the lingo of referring to masks, gloves, booties, etc as “PPE.” Yes, I used to wear those full-body moon suits with respirator and all to respond to federal emergencies in US EPA Region 3 (that’s the PA, MD, DE, DC, VA, WV region). I was fully trained with all the safety procedures, including knowing what level of protection to wear for different contaminants and how to deal with the safety of public health and environment in environmental emergencies. If you lived in the Pocono Mountains from 2002 – 2005, I was probably the person who sampled your drinking water!

And yes, in the news today I saw how the latest Ebola victim was taken on a private plane surrounded by people in moon suits and ONE GUY wearing normal clothes holding a clipboard and I thought, “Yep. We’re screwed!” This is either the worst false flag scenario ever played out or a deliberate attempt (by “someone”) to infect and spread a deadly disease. There is simply NO WAY a normal high level PPE protocol is violated with some random dude walking up with a clip board.

A man in plain clothes was seen on the tarmac Wednesday afternoon, as the second Ebola patient (in yellow hazmat suit) boarded a flight to Atlanta, Georgia

A man in plain clothes was seen on the tarmac Wednesday afternoon, as the second Ebola patient (in yellow hazmat suit) boarded a flight to Atlanta, Georgia

Update: About the news outlets now reporting that “clipboard man’s presence actually makes the transportation process safer,” that is honestly the most backwards and ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life. As someone who was professionally trained and worked in emergency HAZMAT sites, I can tell you first-hand that there is NEVER a protocol to have someone NOT protected be in the hot zone guiding protected workers in what to do. In fact, there are very specific protocols on how to suit up and enter a hot zone and also how to decontaminate and exit a hot zone. Sorry, but I’m not drinking this “damage control” koolaid!

Back to Ebola: Even with all of my experience, I’m not running out and buying full body suits. BUT I did make some PPE purchases last week, and I think you should too if you want to step up your game and get ahead of these clowns. Don’t wait until there is a massive epidemic to decide that your family should have masks and gloves, only to find out that you can’t get them anywhere.

Personal Protective Equipment you need:

1. Surgical Masks, and
2. Nitrile gloves (I recommend these because they are safe for high allergen people, including latex allergy)

Why masks and gloves? Because you’re greatest risk of exposure is touching something with your hands or breathing something in your mouth. Personally, if I have to travel on any airplanes in the near future, I’ll be wearing a surgical mask and carrying extra masks and gloves, just in case.

More on Healthy Living:

Is it ok to use 120V blender (or juicer) in a 220V country?

If you’ve invested in an expensive blender and for whatever reason, decide to move to a different part of the world, you may be faced with the decision: does the blender stay or go? While the USA and most of Central America use 110-120V electricity, the rest of the world (mainly Europe, South America, Asia and Australia) use 220-240V. To accommodate the difference, you can buy a transformer to change the voltage between your blender and the wall. However, changing the power that runs the blender can really wear the motor down over time, and after several months to a year, you may find that the motor “burns out.”

Can you have a 110V blender in a 220V country?

Can you have a 110V blender in a 220V country?

If you spent a lot of money on a nice Vitamix, Blendtec, Omega, or Ninja blender, you might really be tempted to keep it and just hook it up to a transformer. But, I’ve heard the horror stories from people saying that their blender died after just a few months in their new country, every time! (Keep in mind that if your blender dies, you’ll be out even more money to buy a new one and will no longer have the old one to sell either!)

Most warranties are not covered when you switch voltages or use transformers.

Your best bet: Sell your fantabulous blender (or juicer) and find it a happy, new owner in your existing country, or gift it to a family member or friend. Buy a new one that matches the voltage in your new destination and keep the new motor running at full power with the correct voltage to match the voltage in your new home.

Voltage-friendly blender-finding tips

  • Are you living in or visiting the USA and looking for a new 220V blender to take home with you? Check and for blenders that are 220V and described as Not for Use in USA. The prices are much cheaper than what you will find overseas, but the catch is that they only ship within the USA. So, buy the 220V machine and have it shipped to your address while you’re in the United States. When flying home, remove the blade from the base of the blender and pack it in your checked bag. The rest of the blender can be placed in your carry-on bag.
  • Look for a new blender on craigslist or ebay in your new country. If your local destination has a group facebook page, try posting an ad and ask, “Does anyone have a used blender for sale?” You will be surprised in how many responses you get!
  • Contact the blender manufacturers in your new destination country and ask if they have any refurbished machines or returns for sale at a discounted rate.

The Technical Details: Transformers will fix the voltage problem, but not the frequency problem. Transformers can not shift frequency. Running a 60Hz motor on 50Hz will have the following results:
1) It will turn 20% slower.
2) Cooling will drop dramatically, and current draw will increase causing even more heat.
3) The horsepower output will drop, possibly dramatically. Bottom line – your blender will not survive its warranty period, or if it is out of warranty it certainly will have a reduced life.
Thanks to Richard Thompson, an electrical engineer (and my dad!) for providing this explanation!

Remember: It’s best to stick with the voltage where you live. If you live in a 110V country, use a 110V blender (and juicer). If you live in a 220V country, stick with a 220V blender (and juicer). That way, you’re sure to make the best green smoothies, green juices, and health drinks for many years to come!

Green Smoothies for Dummies

Green Smoothies for Dummies

Learn more about blenders and green smoothies in my NEW book Green Smoothies for Dummies by Wiley Publisher, NY, USA. It’s FULL of awesome recipes to please everyone in your family with a healthy green drink. Now available for sale on!

For more on how to start a raw food diet, how to do a detox at home or what minerals you may specifically be deficient in, book a private health consult with me via Skype.

Book Your Health Coaching Session:

1. Take photos of your eyes with a digital camera.
2. Email the photos to me for approval.
3. We schedule a time to meet via phone or Skype!

Want to know which blender is the BEST for Green Smoothies? Check out my Battle of the Blenders results!

More on Blenders and pH Health:

Healthy Frozen Treat: Raw Banana Chocolate Almond Popsicles Recipe

These yummy frozen treats are great after a hot day! If you’re looking for a healthy dessert for your kids, or are a former ice cream lover wanting a healthy upgrade, or even if you want a new raw food dessert recipe to try, then these popsicles are for you!

The perfect frozen summer treat, and it's healthy!

The perfect frozen summer treat, and it’s healthy!

The best part about this recipe is that it’s fast and easy and doesn’t have a lot of ingredients. Raw food for busy people? Totally possible! Affordable vegan and vegetarian food? Yes! Something healthy that actually tastes good? You bet! Scroll down to see how.

Blend just a few simple organic ingredients to make yummy frozen raw treats!

Blend just a few simple organic ingredients to make yummy frozen raw treats!

How to Make Raw Cacao, Banana & Almond Popsicles

One Day Before

1. Soak 2 cups of organic almonds overnight. Rinse and drain.

2. Peel 4 ripe organic bananas and cut bananas into pieces. Place in a ziplock bag and put in the freezer overnight.

Prep Day

3. Place the following into a high-speed blender:

– Soaked organic almonds (water drained)
– Frozen bananas (already peeled and frozen)
– 1/2 cup filtered water
– 2 Tablespoons organic raw cacao powder
– 2 Tablespoons organic raw cacao nibs
– 2 Tablespoons raw honey (optional) Note: For vegans, use 2 teaspoons of organic stevia powder instead.

Want to know where to buy the organic cacao powder, cacao nibs, raw honey or stevia powder? Check this link!

Blend all ingredients until creamy and smooth.

Blend all ingredients until creamy and smooth.

4. Blend until creamy and smooth.

(Note: I use a Vitamix blender but you can use any high power blender. If your blender is a bit old or not feeling its best, then use 1 cup of water instead of 1/2 cup and add the frozen bananas slowly.)

Place the blended mixture into molds then freeze for at least 6 hours or overnight.

Place the blended mixture into molds then freeze for at least 6 hours or overnight.

5. Pour blended mixture into cups or molds. Add a wooden stick or holder to make the popsicle easy to hold once it’s set.

(Note: I bought these molds at a Dollar store. I also use cups and non-chemically treated wooden spoons sometimes too.)

6. Once the molds are filled, place them into the freezer for at least 6 hours or overnight.

7. Now they’re ready to eat! Simply pop the frozen treat out of the mold and you’ve got your own homemade healthy popsicle!

(Note: If the popsicle doesn’t “pop” out easily, let it stand at room temperature for about 5 minutes and try again.)

The perfect frozen summer treat, and it's healthy!

The perfect frozen summer treat, and it’s healthy!

This is a fast and easy way to make the chocolate lover in your house happy with a healthy raw cacao frozen treat! Kids love them and believe me, adults love them too! This recipe is also gluten-free so it’s perfect for anyone looking for good wheat-free desserts. And, it’s a fun way to share the idea of raw food with family and friends. When they see for themselves how good it tastes, they might actually want to know more!

Using 100% certified organic ingredients gives you the best quality, flavor and nutrients!

Using 100% certified organic ingredients gives you the best quality, flavor and nutrients!

For more on how to start a raw food diet, how to do a detox at home or what minerals you may specifically be deficient in, book a private health consult with me via Skype.

How to Book Your Health & Nutritional Coaching Session:

1. Take photos of your eyes with a digital camera.
2. Email the photos to me for approval.
3. We schedule a time to meet via phone or Skype!

More on Nut Milk and Healthy Recipes:

Sometimes we’re all a bit prickly, like durian fruit!

This article recently appeared in the Bangkok Post and I decided it was a great one to share! The durian fruit is a classic example of how we can all be a bit prickly on the outside sometimes, but inside be deliciously sweet and full of love! Remember: don’t judge a fruit by its skin (or even by its smell for that matter!).

I found this beautiful display of fresh durian fruit on my recent trip to Bangkok, Thailand

“Because it’s in season this time of year, durian comes at a much cheaper price, allowing me to indulge in the yellow fruit as much as I can.

The “king of fruits“, however, is not treated like royalty, with some hotels and public facilities banning it due to its offensive stench, which draws comparisons to things like stinky feet, fermented garlic and rotting garbage.

Durian has long been reviled by some — it was even named “the most wicked fruit in the world” in a 1936 article in the US newspaper, the Milwaukee Sentinel. To be fair, the news brief ended positively, noting that some Europeans who had tasted the fruit declared it to be the most delicious on Earth.

I totally agree. Durian is divinely delicious, and foreigners should not miss out on nature’s masterpiece by tasting the different varieties — chanee, mon thong, and kaan yao. They will then discover that what smells like Hell tastes like Heaven.”

Durian fruit is prickly and hard outside but soft and sweet inside, like many people!

“The thorny basketball-sized fruit reminds us that people, too, shouldn’t be judged by their personal appearance, smell or (sometimes) public behavior. After all, there may be a reason behind their misconduct. Recently, stereotyping people according to their age has emerged in another glaring case of society judging a fruit by its skin.

I believe that, while humans might differ wildly, we’re all the same at the end of the day.

Once, when I was shopping for durian, I encountered a 70-something-year-old woman. Biologically she was a manus yai (a grandmother’s age), but technically she was a durian-jabbing manus pa, who spoiled the firmness of a packaged mon thong I was planning to buy. Because she was elderly, I did not want to confront her. Instead I left her to leave little finger-shaped craters on the other pieces of mon thong. I was upset, of course, but that didn’t mean I had to vent my frustration on cyberspace. Just forgive and forget — allow that grandma the pleasure of poking durian for the rest of her life.

At the most basic level, we’re all the same. We’re all human.”

This article is from the Bangkok Post, 20 August 2014 and was written by Kanokporn Chanasongkram View the original and full article here:

Health benefits of durian fruit

Durian fruit is a healthy vegan fat. If you feel hot after eating durian, your liver might be overworked. In that case, cool it down by eating mangosteen (the sister to the durian king). Durian is a natural stress reliever thanks to the tryptophan it contains. Tryptophan is the amino acid that the body uses to make serotonin, your feel-good happy hormone, making durian a natural anti-depressant. Durian also increases sex drive, stamina and helps you sleep better too.

If you want a truly “out-of-this-world” raw food combo, try eating durian fruit on a empty stomach (it digests better and gives you more energy that way). Then, eat a few raw cacao nibs. Follow up with a cup of puerh or “pu erh” tea, that’s a raw fermented tea from China used by the Chinese to help the liver digest fats. Note that puerh tea does contain caffeine so it’s best to drink it early in the day. Watch out…you’ll feel a real natural high from this potent combination and appreciate the powerful of naturally good food!

Where to Buy Durian Fruit

Durian grows in SE Asia, mainly in Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines. In Asia, look for fresh durian in supermarkets already cut and separated into packets for single servings (as shown in the picture above). You can also buy dried durian slices, durian chips, durian candy (made with sugar) and even durian ice cream.

Outside of Asia, some supermarkets sell imported durian fruit but it will more than likely be frozen. The best place to look is in an Asian supermarket or ask around in the your local Chinatown area. I found a whole frozen durian at a Filipino supermarket in Maui, Hawaii once. We took it home, thawed it out and cracked it open and i have to say that it was delicious!

More on Manifestation and Motivation:

How to Handle Negative or Jealous People and Still Stay Positive!

Did you ever come home after doing a detox, cleanse or juice fast, feeling on top of the world and in your healthy glow, only to have one of your friends or co-workers kill your joy ride with a negative remark? Did you ever post a picture on Facebook after losing weight or healing yourself in some way, feeling so proud of the work you’ve done, just to have a friend leave a comment that was less than complimentary? Did you recently achieve something special, like writing a book (a-hem) or getting a promotion at work and you noticed a particular person in your life made a sideways comment that was actually somewhat derogatory?

Even if you receive 99 genuine and praising compliments for your efforts, you can hang on to that 1 nasty comment and just feel terrible for days. And feeling bad is NOT good for your health! Could that person actually be jealous of you? Or are they just perpetually caught in the negative, and never actually happy for you in the way you are happy for their success?

One of the sad parts about changing your diet and your lifestyle for the better is that some people around you may not be so supportive or happy to see you change. Jealousy is, without a doubt, an ugly beast, and once it rears its ugly head, it can be hard for it to go away. What can you do if you suspect that your friend, co-worker or family member is actually jealous of you? How do you deal with negativity when you feel so positive, happy and healthy? If you want the best for everyone around you, why don’t they also want the best for you?

Remember: What other people think of you is none of YOUR business!

How can you respond to a jealous or negative comment?

1. Do NOT take things personally! Usually when someone is actively negative, it has absolutely everything to do with them and nothing to do with you. You might actually notice that the person in question makes comments about everyone in a bad way, so no matter what you do or don’t do, you will be a topic of conversation for them.

2. Remember: What other people think about you is none of your business! You rocked this world with your successes and you should own that success. Be proud of yourself and stand tall! No one knows how hard you worked and no one has the right to judge you.

3. You cannot and never will please everyone. It’s just not possible, so let go of having to make everyone happy! Do your best to be compassionate, loving, genuine and honest but know that sometimes people will still not like you, even if you are a good person, and that’s okay! People even find reasons to not like the Dalai Lama, so come on!

4. Choose not to comment. Take the higher ground with negativity and simply do not acknowledge it. Look at it as a spiritual challenge and an opportunity to grow emotionally. Letting go of the need to reply is truly a remarkable release and you will find so much freedom there! Plus, it stops the energy of negativity dead in its tracks. Remember, you cannot have an argument with only one person. Think of yourself as bamboo, strong in your form but flexible to move in the wind. You can withstand any storm as long as you stay focused in your strength!

5. Be kind but practice safe distancing. If you see a pattern in one person who is continuously jabbing you with snide comments, then you should think about whether or not you want to have that person in your life. You are precious and your time is precious, so choose who you give your time to wisely. I often think the best thing to do is to be as compassionate and kind as you can but slowly distance yourself from the person, making it clear that you are not available. They will either change their tune and start getting more positive on their own, or they will set their sights to something or someone else.

When in doubt, send them love!

If you are absolutely unsure what to do with the negative Nelly in your life, then simply send them love! Especially if you catch yourself caught in the midst of “What?” “Why?” “How could they?” “Don’t they know that….” then it’s time to stop, close your eyes, and take a long deep breath. Visualize a huge white ray of love and light wrapping itself around Nelly filling him or her with Divine unconditional love. Watch and wait what happens. You will be amazed to see the change. Sometimes it’s even instant!

What if you feel envious of someone else?

Don’t beat yourself for being human if you have the occasional feeling of envy. It’s normal to feel a slight pang of envy when you see someone enjoying success. But, if you feel yourself being spiteful or speaking untruths about someone just to better your own position, then you need to get yourself in check. You will never reach your full healing potential if you stay stuck in the gutter of negativity, and the only person who continues to suffer is you! Jealousy is a monster of a negative emotion. It can literally make your liver run hot, stress your adrenal glands, deplete your body of minerals and make you more acidic just from the buildup of negative emotions. On the flip side, feeling mof compassion, love, acceptance, happiness and joy are all extremely alkalizing for the body and good for your health.

If you want success, then do not compare yourself to the person sitting next to you. You are not competing against anyone in this life but you. Focus on your own path and stay in tune with your goals. Remember: No one even achieved anything when they stopped trying, and no one is ever born an expert. Read success stories for motivation and know that if that one person achieved their goal, then you can too!

Take some added inspiration from these successful “failures”!

Often times, right behind a person’s biggest fear is their greatest success!

Now go out there and show the world a healthy, beautiful, positive and successful YOU!

What’s your favorite success quote that helps to keep you focused? Share it in the comments below!

Staying positive and steering clear of negativity is just one part of living a happy, healthy life. For more on how to start your Health Coaching for Success, book a private health consult with me via Skype.

More Motivation:

Why I left Koh Samui, Thailand and Why I moved to Tel Aviv, Israel

This is a question I get asked A LOT, and I’m excited to share the answer with you! Read on to find out why!

When I first left my engineering job at Merck to cycle around the world more than 13 years ago, people told me I was crazy. They said I was committing “career suicide.” They said no one would ever hire me again and after traveling for so long. Luckily, I didn’t care what people thought and I did what I wanted to do. I traveled and cycled my way around SE Asia, New Zealand and Australia for 3 years and eventually settled in Koh Samui, Thailand after battling with my own illness and deciding to dedicate my life’s work to helping other people reverse disease and heal themselves naturally. It didn’t take long for people to change their tune and start to say, “How did you do it?” and “I want to live your life!”

The beaches of Tel Aviv are clean and quiet, especially during the week!

In Samui, I worked relentlessly day and night, learning and offering Iridology analyses, helping clients on their detox programs, teaching health and nutrition class, building a website from scratch all on my own and developing contacts all over SE Asia to present workshops and work in various countries. In 6 years, I don’t remember even having 1 day off. Clients came to my house at every hour of the day and night asking for detox support and health coaching services. Because I cared so much about each and every client’s health and success, I had a hard time learning how to say “No.”

The southern end of Tel Aviv beach looks over to historic Jaffa

Why I left Koh Samui, Thailand

I learned so much in the time that I was in Samui and I am forever grateful to all of my clients and colleagues for co-creating a fantastic destination for fasting, detox, yoga and health and wellness. And I LOVED living in Thailand. But eventually, it was simply time for a change. Not only did I feel like I wanted and needed new challenges in my life, but I was also craving a “regular” environment where people worked hard all week and then had time to enjoy their life on the weekends, just like everyone else. I realized that I wasn’t really helping my clients if I left nothing for myself. I knew that I needed to have time fill my “cup” too and also to make time for a loving relationship. And ok, I imagined a world where I could simply eat a meal in a restaurant where no one would approach me to show me a picture of their shit (yes, that happened a lot!) and then I realized, I think it might be time to leave Koh Samui!

In Tel Aviv, you can find fresh juice and smoothie bars everywhere, year-round

Why I moved to Tel Aviv, Israel

In the 2 years before leaving Samui, I traveled a lot and I visited many places, including Dubai and Israel. I knew I wanted a warm climate and plenty of fresh, organic foods available year-round as well as a place that was near the beach. I first went to Israel to attend the Gabriel Cousens green juice fast, and I can honestly say that I fell in love with the place! The climate was just perfect and the desert foods were such a welcomed and exciting change to my diet. For a raw foodie, Israel is a really easy place to live. I went on to visit Israel another 3 times and on my last trip, I met my boyfriend, an Israeli. Suddenly, I had a lot more interest in the idea of moving to Israel!

A delicious Acai Bowl from the juice stand at Ben Gurion and Dizengoff, Tel Aviv

My boyfriend wound up coming back to Thailand with me and we stayed there together for a few months before I finally packed up my bags and left. It was a very silent tip-toe departure mainly because I didn’t want to answer the questions, “Why?” and “Where will you go?” before I even knew the answers myself. We decided to take our time traveling and exploring some areas of the world that I considered moving to including Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Ecuador. After more than 1 year of traveling, we just didn’t find exactly what we were looking for: beach, organic food, nice people, good friends, high speed internet and enough safety to go for a run or walk on my own.

You can find organic produce at farmer’s markets in Tel Aviv or better yet, get it delivered to your door!

We arrived to Israel in July 2013 and since then, we’ve been slowly settling into life here. We live in Tel Aviv, 300m from the beach and a 3-minute walk from an organic market. We receive an organic CSA food delivery every week to our door, we have friends, and every day I can walk or run for miles right along the Mediterranean Sea.

The Yin and Yang

It’s definitely a unique cultural experience to live in Israel. Sometimes people ask me, “Why do you live in Israel if you are not Jewish?” or “How could you choose to live in such a dangerous place?” (In the same way that you don’t have to be Hindu to live in Bali and you don’t have to be Buddhist to live in Thailand, you also don’t have to be Jewish to live in Israel.)

The port of Tel Aviv is lined with cafes all along the Mediterranean Sea

I can say that in general, the city of Tel Aviv is very safe and not reflective of what you see on the news. There is a very large gay community in Tel Aviv. Recently, the city itself was voted #1 for nightlife by Lonely Planet. In the last 2 years, there has been a huge vegan movement that has swept over the city and most restaurants now offer a regular Meatless Monday dish on the menu. There are a lot of young people living here, it’s right on the beach and you can walk or ride a bike anywhere you need to go.

In short, I think the citizens here just want peace but the government leaders can’t seem to agree. Isn’t that the case pretty much everywhere in the world?

You can walk or cycle for miles along the footpath next to Tel Aviv beach

As much as there is conflict in certain areas of Israel, in other areas you can experience such amazing waves of transformation, spirituality, light, consciousness, and love. Next to the dark there is always light. Next to yang, you must have yin. If you come to Israel and focus on the yin, you can feel a deep spiritual awareness like something you have never felt before.

Favorite Foods

If you love healthy food, then you already have the best reason ever to visit Israel. Everywhere here you can find large vegan salads and fresh juices. You can even order green smoothies at some juice bars too! There is plenty of organic food and also great Middle Eastern food like tahini, hummus, grilled eggplant (baladi), parsley salad (tabouleh), lentils and rice (mujadara) and tons of other vegan and vegetarian options.

Fresh olives alone are a reason to visit Israel!

Did I mention the dates? Yes, truly raw food heaven! And you can taste them for free!

A warm climate means many restaurants are outdoor in Israel – this one is just opening for the day

Nothing is Permanent!

I’m now enjoying set working hours and designated days off every week and feeling much more balance between my work and private life than I did while living in Koh Samui, Thailand. I enjoy living near the beach and I am proud to say that we now eat 100% organic food at home. They always say that when we trust and let go of fear, the universe falls into place and that’s exactly what happened to me when I got a new book deal within 1 week of arriving to Israel last year! So, will I stay in Israel forever? Or will I be off to a new destination and another adventure? Well, you’re going to have to stay tuned because I have no idea! One thing I do know is nothing is permanent in life; you just have to enjoy every day as it comes!

More on Traveling Raw:

Raw Zucchini Rolls with Walnut Pesto and Cashew Cheese: Recipe

Are you looking for something different than another salad? Or looking to bring an eye-catching and mouth-watering dish to your next raw food potluck or healthy picnic? Try this recipe for Raw Zucchini Rolls and your friends and family will simply be amazed at how delicious healthy food can be. And of course, it’s gluten-free!

Raw Zucchini Rolls with Tomato Sauce, Cashew Cheese and Walnut Pesto – it’s easy to make!

I actually threw this dish together with what I had at home one day not using any recipe at all. That’s the beauty of learning how to cook – once you know the basics, you can use your creativity to make just about anything you want! My goal was to have a nice finger-food raw food platter. I saw that I had a lot of organic zucchini, so I said, hmmmm…I can make zucchini rolls, now what to put inside? First I made the tomato sauce and it was yummy, but I felt like it needed more texture. So, I made the walnut pesto. Then, I decided to top it off with some smooth and creamy raw cashew nut cheese and this gorgeous gourmet-looking raw pasta dish was born!

You can make this yourself at home. You will need either a blender or a mini-food processor, about 3-4 large organic zucchinis and the following ingredients:

Walnut Pesto Ingredients

  • 1 1/2 cup raw organic walnuts
  • 1 Tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 cup organic fresh basil leaves (or cilantro)
  • 1/2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • Dash of Himalayan Salt

Raw Tomato Sauce Ingredients

  • 2 cups organic tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 Tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1-2 raw garlic cloves
  • 1/2 tsp. organic dried oregano leaves
  • 1/4 tsp. organic dried basil leaves
  • 1/4 tsp. organic cayenne pepper
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 Tbsp. raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp. raw organic honey (optional)
  • Dash of Himalayan Salt

Raw Cashew Cheese Ingredients

  • 2 cups organic raw unsalted cashews
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • Dash of organic cumin powder
  • Dash of organic cayenne pepper
  • Dash of Himalayan Salt

How To Make a Raw Zucchini Rolls

1. Make the Walnut Pesto: Add the ingredients into a mini food processor or blender and pulse several times until the mixture is course but uniform in texture. Set aside in a glass container, covered and refrigerated for at least 2-3 hours to marinate.

2. Make the Tomato Sauce: Add the ingredients into a mini food processor or blender and pulse several times until the mixture is course but uniform in texture. Set aside in a glass container, covered and refrigerated for at least 2-3 hours to marinate.

3. Make the Cashew Cheese: Add the ingredients into a mini food processor or blender and blend for 1-2 minutes until smooth in texture. Set aside in a glass container, covered and refrigerated for at least 2-3 hours to marinate.

4. When you are ready to serve, prepare the zucchini strips: Peel the outer skin of each zucchini (the skin can have a bitter taste but also looks more like real “pasta” without the skin). Then use a peeler, mandolin or knife to cut the zucchini into flat strips.

5. Using one zucchini strip at a time, place 1 spoonful of tomato sauce and 1 spoonful of walnut pesto on the strip, then roll the strip, securing it with a toothpick. Top each zucchini roll with a dollop of cashew cheese and a small sliver of fresh basil leaf for decoration.

6. Serve on a plate of lettuce, with loving intention to share the gift of good health!

Note: If you are vegan, you can replace the raw organic honey with agave nectar or a dash of organic stevia powder.

For more on how to start a raw food diet, how to do a detox at home or what minerals you may specifically be deficient in, book a private health consult with me via Skype.

How to Book Your Health & Nutritional Coaching Session:

1. Take photos of your eyes with a digital camera.
2. Email the photos to me for approval.
3. We schedule a time to meet via phone or Skype!

More on Raw Food:

Do you need to eat 100% raw food for success? How much raw food is best?

Recently the New York Times ran an article in their online blog section entitled “Growing Up on Raw Foods” where the author discussed whether or not it is safe to raise children on a 100% raw food diet. I found this article to be very interesting for a number of reasons and I am so happy that it highlights some important factors to consider when transitioning to a raw food or vegan diet.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

How much raw food do you need to eat for success?

Getting Iron and B12 on Vegan or Raw Foods

First, the author points out that children who eat a vegan or raw food diet have higher risk of anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency. As many of you know, I am a huge advocate of eating dark leafy green vegetables, which in my opinion, are the most important food to add to any diet, whether it be a vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, Paleo, diabetic, heart healthy or weight loss diet. In fact, I wrote an article called My Boyfriend Followed my Raw Food Diet and Got Anemia to try and get people thinking about eating more leafy greens for a good vegan source of iron. B12 is also a valid concern (and actually meat eaters are often deficient in B12 too due to low absorption); for that I always recommend a high quality B12 supplement. Note: I do not recommend liquid B12 supplements because many people develop gum sensitivity and/or nerve pain in the teeth from B12 in liquid form.

Accepting your % of raw food

But, the highlight of this article for me was to read about how some well-known raw foodists are changing their 100% raw food status and are eating more cooked food in their diet:

“Some longtime raw-food evangelists are rethinking their devotion. Jinjee Talifero, who runs a raw-food education company with her husband, Storm, in Santa Barbara, Calif., was 100 percent raw for most of the last 20 years, until about a year ago, when financial and other considerations made it difficult to continue feeding their five children, ages 6 to 19, that way. “It was always like a borderline thing to keep enough weight on them,” she said, and getting proteins from cashews and almonds was proving too expensive.

Her children also ran up against social problems. “They were socially isolated, ostracized and simply left out,” said Ms. Talifero, who now incorporates cooked food in the family’s diet.

Sergei Boutenko, 29, a filmmaker in Ashland, Ore., ate only raw from 9 to 26, and for years his family preached the virtues of the diet. But, he said, “there was this constant hunger,” and the raw children he met seemed “underdeveloped and stunted.”

He now eats about 80 percent raw, with occasional meat and dairy. “When it takes 15 hours to make a raw food lasagna that wipes out two days of your life, it’s better to just make a vegan or vegetarian lasagna and move on with your day,” he said.”

The Daily Mail UK website had an article on raw food recently where Australian raw food advocate and follower of a fruitarian or 80-10-10 diet Freelee the Banana Girl explained that she remains ‘raw until four’ – meaning she eats no cooked or heated food until 4pm.

These articles make me so happy because finally, the raw food world seems to be letting go of the 100% perfect raw food pedestal. Even Gabriel Cousens (author of Conscious Eating) says that you can get the same results with eating an 80% raw food diet as you can with 100% raw food, but it will just take you a little longer to get there.

A high raw food diet is usually more than 2/3 or 66% raw food, and 80% is excellent

The conclusion: It’s ok to eat a high raw food diet, as long as you focus on quality of food and:

  • Choose organic fruit and veggies wherever possible
  • Prepare your food with loving intention
  • Avoiding processed foods and chemical food additives
  • Eat cooked food without guilt (because you are 100% human!)
  • Cook your food in healthy ways without heated oils, frying or charring the food

Remember, balance is the key to success. As Dr. Bernard Jensen says, “One cup of coffee won’t kill you, but one glass of orange juice won’t cure you either.”

What’s my % of RAW?

I was 100% for 2 years until I started traveling more and then I dropped down to 90% raw to accommodate my schedule, eating plain steamed veggies, an occasional plain baked potato or organic brown rice. After 8 years on the raw food path, I now sit comfortably at a high raw food diet which means I eat 85-100% raw food. My daily diet consists of green smoothies, green juices, huge salads, sprouts, nuts, seeds, fresh wheatgrass shots, homemade sauerkraut, kombucha and occasionally some organic cooked black beans, chickpeas, steamed vegetables, veggie soup with homemade broth, organic brown rice or red quinoa. I mostly follow the Hippocrates Diet or Ann Wigmore style of eating. Technically speaking, I am not a vegan because I do eat raw organic honey and other bee products like royal jelly on occasion. I made some mistakes with my raw food diet nutritionally along the way, and I’m going to reveal all my lessons learned in a new ebook, so stay tuned!

If you’re going to keep your new diet habits as a healthy way of living for life, it has to be a sustainable for life. Many experts agree that you have to eat at least 50% raw food to start seeing and feeling results (more energy, improved skin, better digestion, anti-aging & cellular repair, reversal of disease). Whether you’re eating 60 percent, 80 percent, 90 percent or 100 percent raw food, the most important thing to allow yourself to be is 100% human. As you go through the years of your life, your percentage of raw food may increase or decrease, and that’s okay! No matter what, the percentage of raw food that you are eating should feel right for you.

> Are you trying to transition to a raw food, vegan or vegetarian diet and feeling overwhelmed with all of the different opinions out there?

> Are you struggling emotionally and socially with changing your diet and feeling isolated or confused?

> Are you eating a healthy raw food or vegan diet and still feel tired, have trouble sleeping, or suffer from skin problems, hair loss, brittle nails, digestive problems, anxiety, depression, infertility, or dental problems?

> Do you want to change your diet but simply don’t know where or how to begin?

For more on how to start a raw food diet, how to do a detox at home or what minerals you may specifically be deficient in, book a private health consult with me via Skype.

How to Book Your Health & Nutritional Coaching Session:

1. Take photos of your eyes with a digital camera.
2. Email the photos to me for approval.
3. We schedule a time to meet via phone or Skype!

To read the New York Times article in its entirety, go here: Growing Up on Raw Foods

To read the Daily Mail UK article in its entirety, go here: ‘I lost 3st eating vast “mono meals”: Controversial diet guru who consumes 5lb of potatoes in one go says single-food feasts are key to weight loss and health

More on Raw Food:

Get Affordable Organic Food with Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Vegetable Home Delivery

Want to save time and money and get more affordable organic fruits and vegetables? Then check into finding a local CSA for organic home delivery in your area. Community Supported Agriculture or CSA is a way to connect consumers directly to organic farmers. With no store or “middle man” in between, you get more affordable produce that’s fresh and in season.

Get local organic produce delivered to your door & save money too!

How does a CSA work?

Basically, you invest in a “share” of the harvest, meaning you pay in advance for regular deliveries of organic, fresh, seasonal produce from local farmers. Every program varies in what it offers, when and where it is delivered and how much a share costs. Typically, you choose between a “small box” or a “large box” which is delivered weekly on a certain day (say every Tuesday or Thursday). The contents of the box will vary depending on what’s being harvested that week. For example, this week (in summer) in Israel I received: organic tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, dill, parsley, beets, green chives, mint, pumpkin, spinach, Swiss chard, daikon, zucchini and watermelon. Other times I will get garlic, onion, lemons, papaya, apples, melon or kohlrabi with a mix of fresh greens that also vary depending on the time of year. On average, 1 large box will last me about 4-5 days. I usually need to supplement with my own store-bought organic fresh fruit because admittedly, you usually get more veggies than fruit in a CSA box. With the CSA that I belong to, there is also the option to order additional items, including local organic eggs, tahini, honey and olive oil (I don’t order any additional items but I know a lot of people who do). The box is delivered directly from the farm to your door.

The benefits of eating organic food

Organic food is higher in minerals because the soil in which its grown is a much better quality than the over-farmed, depleted and toxic soil you find in industrial farming. Without any hazardous pesticides either, organic food can decrease your risk of allergies, rashes, inflammation and asthma and keep your immune system strong. This is especially important for growing children. Organic food is also not irradiated or genetically modified (GMO), two more processes and man-handling added to the food supply today which can be harmful to your health.

And, my favorite thing about organic food? It tastes way better!!! My fresh organic produce is never bitter or bland. And a better natural taste has to be better for you. Once you try it, you will see for yourself!

The saddest thing I find about organic food is people seem to only invest their money in it at certain times in their life: mainly, when they’re pregnant, sick or have cancer. Outside of that, it can be really hard to convince anyone to spend money on organic veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds and/or grains. Even vegan, raw food, vegetarian and gluten-free folks will often turn their head at the added cost of organic. But why wait until you are sick or pregnant to start eating the best food for your body? If you eat organic food for years before your pregnancy, don’t you think you will be higher in minerals, less toxic and therefore increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy and baby? And perhaps if you invest in some high quality food now, you won’t ever get sick and if you do, you will recover much more quickly. If you put better fuel in your car, it will run better and last longer. Well, let’s add some extra miles to your life and keep your internal engine working great with high-quality organic food! You deserve the very best.

The benefits of using CSA delivery

1. You increase the amount of organic food in your diet.
2. It’s more affordable and fresher than buying organic produce in stores.
3. The fruit and vegetables are locally grown and in season.
4. You’re supporting small local businesses and farmers in your area.
5. You save time and hassle by enjoying home delivery.
6. You naturally get more variety in your diet.
7. You can experiment and try new veggies that you might not otherwise buy (like daikon or kohlrabi).

In fact, I can’t think of any reason not to join a local CSA! To get started, research your local community by googling “CSA organic delivery + your county, city or state” and see what you find. You can also inquire at your local health food store or Wholefoods market.

A good list of Organic Home Delivery farms in USA: Organic Consumers Directory List for USA

In Israel, there are 2 popular CSA services for Tel Aviv: Chubeza and Maggie’s Garden (I personally have tried both and now am happy with Chubeza). Find a complete list of Organic Home Delivery farms in Israel, including Jerusalem, the north to Herzilya and south to Ashkelon here: Times of Israel article on Eating Organic in Israel using local CSA

If you’re using a local CSA in your community, please list the link in the comments below with your city, state and country below and let’s share the good times of eating more natural, whole and pure food! I’m thoroughly enjoying a healthy week with yummy green smoothies, juices, raw food salads and desserts all with beautiful vibrant organic food!

For more on how to start a raw food diet, how to do a detox at home or what minerals you may specifically be deficient in, book a private health consult with me via Skype.

How to Book Your Health & Nutritional Coaching Session:

1. Take photos of your eyes with a digital camera.
2. Email the photos to me for approval.
3. We schedule a time to meet via phone or Skype!

More on Organic Food: