Tag Archive for: post detox

After Your Detox: How to Eat, What to Do

Keep Your Results After Your Detox

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

How are the stress levels lately? Pretty bad, huh? Have the post-fast fruit platters been replaced with too many fast food fixes and late night binging? Are you secretly dreaming of going back for another detox, fast & cleanse, a chance to rest, recharge, reset and renew? Well you are not alone! If you’ve been to one of my Healthy Habits Detox talks in Koh Samui, you’ll remember my story and know that I have been down that path before myself. Long-term, the real challenge lies in making long-term positive change to your daily habits outside of the fasting times. You don’t have to wait until you can make it back to Thailand, or after the friend’s party, work project, holiday weekend, or after New Year’s to start. Remember, your health is your biggest asset! If you don’t spend money on your food, you will spend it on a doctor! You deserve only the very best in life, so start giving your body the very best too! You can start to make positive change today. Imagine starting your next detox, cleanse or fast being more healthy than when you left last time – you can do it! I believe in me, and I believe in you too!

Remember, the real work starts after your detox. Knowing what to eat and how to continue detoxing will ensure you keep the weight off and stay healthy. Going back to what you did before will only get you back to how you felt before: tired, bloated and toxic. You will have to implement some long-term changes to make sure your post cleanse results stay around for the long-term.

Here are 4 Healthy Habits you can Start Today:

Fresh fruit day, More raw foods


1. One day a week fruit day

Remember my recommendation to make Mondays your ‘Fruitday’? Just by eating one day a week of only fresh fruits, you can give all of your organs a rest and a cleanse, clean out the bowel, have a mini-detox, high-boost on vitamins and re-calibrate your mind for healthy food choices for the week.

If you do one day a week of fruit only for 7 years, you will have eaten a 100% fruit only diet for one full year of your life! Don’t underestimate the power of a one-day cleanse! If you are more advanced, you can consider doing a one day a week juice feast. I recommend green juices, such as cucumber, lemon, ginger, apple, parsley and celery.

2. Eat more raw foods

You don’t have to go 100% raw food vegan in order to reap the benefits of fresh, live, high-enzyme, nutritious raw foods. Try to eat one raw food meal a day, whether it be a yummy fruit salad for breakfast, a delicious salad for lunch or a Green Smoothie for dinner. Watch as your energy levels naturally increase. See how your skin clears, your eyes brighten and you begin to emit a nice, healthy glow. Feel your clothes loosen and enjoy receiving compliments from others who notice the positive difference in you!

3. Forgive, Love & Let Go

Yes, we have to go there too! The spirit needs healing just as much as the physical body. You can eat a perfect 100% raw food, organic diet and still manifest dis-ease if you do not start forgiving, loving and letting go in life! Always remember, nothing can hurt you unless you give it your consent! Happiness has to start within. We cannot depend on others for our happiness. The search for a happy man’s shirt found a happy man who did not own a shirt! Do you get it?? Start loving today! Smile!

4. Live More Natural, Whole & Pure!

This one is easy. What kind of deodorant are you using? Get an aluminum-free version that works. Replace your cleaning products with vinegar and sodium bicarbonate. Buy local and organic when possible. Save money and make your own fresh delicious sprouts and nut milks at home with reusable cotton sprout and nut milk bags! Replace your chemical makeup with healthy, natural, organic alternatives! A good website for chemical-free makeup is earthsbeauty.com.

Replace any old toxic body products with fluoride-free toothpaste, all natural soap and virgin organic coconut oil (a great moisturizer for the skin). I buy all that stuff online. Making better choices for your body products gives you better overall health. When you reduce the amount of ‘retox,’ you can keep the benefits of your detox!

More on Motivation:

After Your Detox: How to Eat, What to Do

Keep Your Results After Your Detox

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

How are the stress levels lately? Pretty bad, huh? Have the post-fast fruit platters been replaced with too many fast food fixes and late night binging? Are you secretly dreaming of going back for another detox, fast & cleanse, a chance to rest, recharge, reset and renew? Well you are not alone! If you’ve been to one of my Healthy Habits Detox talks in Koh Samui, you’ll remember my story and know that I have been down that path before myself. Long-term, the real challenge lies in making long-term positive change to your daily habits outside of the fasting times. You don’t have to wait until you can make it back to Thailand, or after the friend’s party, work project, holiday weekend, or after New Year’s to start. Remember, your health is your biggest asset! If you don’t spend money on your food, you will spend it on a doctor! You deserve only the very best in life, so start giving your body the very best too! You can start to make positive change today. Imagine starting your next detox, cleanse or fast being more healthy than when you left last time – you can do it! I believe in me, and I believe in you too!

Remember, the real work starts after your detox. Knowing what to eat and how to continue detoxing will ensure you keep the weight off and stay healthy. Going back to what you did before will only get you back to how you felt before: tired, bloated and toxic. You will have to implement some long-term changes to make sure your post cleanse results stay around for the long-term.

Here are 4 Healthy Habits you can Start Today:

Fresh fruit day, More raw foods


1. One day a week fruit day

Remember my recommendation to make Mondays your ‘Fruitday’? Just by eating one day a week of only fresh fruits, you can give all of your organs a rest and a cleanse, clean out the bowel, have a mini-detox, high-boost on vitamins and re-calibrate your mind for healthy food choices for the week.

If you do one day a week of fruit only for 7 years, you will have eaten a 100% fruit only diet for one full year of your life! Don’t underestimate the power of a one-day cleanse! If you are more advanced, you can consider doing a one day a week juice feast. I recommend green juices, such as cucumber, lemon, ginger, apple, parsley and celery.

2. Eat more raw foods

You don’t have to go 100% raw food vegan in order to reap the benefits of fresh, live, high-enzyme, nutritious raw foods. Try to eat one raw food meal a day, whether it be a yummy fruit salad for breakfast, a delicious salad for lunch or a Green Smoothie for dinner. Watch as your energy levels naturally increase. See how your skin clears, your eyes brighten and you begin to emit a nice, healthy glow. Feel your clothes loosen and enjoy receiving compliments from others who notice the positive difference in you!

3. Forgive, Love & Let Go

Yes, we have to go there too! The spirit needs healing just as much as the physical body. You can eat a perfect 100% raw food, organic diet and still manifest dis-ease if you do not start forgiving, loving and letting go in life! Always remember, nothing can hurt you unless you give it your consent! Happiness has to start within. We cannot depend on others for our happiness. The search for a happy man’s shirt found a happy man who did not own a shirt! Do you get it?? Start loving today! Smile!

4. Live More Natural, Whole & Pure!

This one is easy. What kind of deodorant are you using? Get an aluminum-free version that works. Replace your cleaning products with vinegar and sodium bicarbonate. Buy local and organic when possible. Save money and make your own fresh delicious sprouts and nut milks at home with reusable cotton sprout and nut milk bags! Replace your chemical makeup with healthy, natural, organic alternatives! A good website for chemical-free makeup is earthsbeauty.com.

Replace any old toxic body products with fluoride-free toothpaste, all natural soap and virgin organic coconut oil (a great moisturizer for the skin). I buy all that stuff online. Making better choices for your body products gives you better overall health. When you reduce the amount of ‘retox,’ you can keep the benefits of your detox!

More on Motivation:

After Your Fast, Cleanse or Detox – Stay Positive, Focused, Determined & Strong!

Health, Balance, Love, Bliss

Health, Balance, Love, Bliss

I just completed another fast/cleanse which was fantastic! Overall it went very well for me and I managed to clear a lot of imbalance and build-up that I still had in me even after the previous fast.

As I always say, one can never have an ego with the whole cleansing thing – no matter how many times you have done it, there will always be a new challenge or issue uncovered, whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual.

There is always more to learn about yourself through cleansing.

Feeling Good is Healthy!

Feeling Good is Healthy!

Overall it is so important to stay on track for your LONG-TERM goals. After the fast is where the real work begins. That involves getting rid of bad habits, letting of of any lingering negative emotions and making time for a healthier lifestyle.

Make yourself and your health a priority!!

Exercise every day, meditate every day, send love and positive energy to everyone, be patient and understanding and just imagine how much more enjoyable your life will be!

It is so easy…you can start right here, right now in this very moment.

Focus on Long-Term Goals!

Focus on Long-Term Goals!

Even in the midst of complete chaos around you, it is even more important to remain positive and focused.

Keep your mind focused on the best possible outcome in every circumstance and remember that positive energy works more effectively than negative energy in each and every situation.

My message to you is enjoy every single moment you have – live in gratitude and appreciation…feed your body well and keep your mind and spirit clean!

More on Detox and pH Health:

More on Juicing and Smoothies:

More on Manifestation and Weight Loss:

Day 21: Juice Fasting and Detox in Koh Samui, Thailand

Cleansing is great, but eating after cleansing is even better, especially when you know and feel healthier and stronger in every moment!!

Cleanse, Fast, Balance

Cleanse, Fast, Balance

Life is better than great for me right now. This fast was absolutely earth-shattering for me, in fact there is part of me that is missing the challenging aspects of the cleanse, in a way life is too easy post-cleansing this time around!! I cannot express in words my pure respect and gratitude for my healing progress, from the inside out, and both on a physical and spiritual level. After all these years of cleansing, I still learn more every time, and I can speak with hesitation when I say that the body can heal itself of anything through fasting and cleansing.

Gratitude is Bliss

Gratitude is Bliss

I spent a lot of time meditating during this last cleanse, and already in such a short period of time, I can see and feel my goals and intentions manifesting right before my very eyes! Thank you to every single person who has helped me through this journey of healing over the last year. From my heart to yours, I want to express my pure love, respect and gratitude for having met so many kind-hearted souls – and each one of you knows who you are!

Food, fresh, pure and delicious! Where to begin!! Many people are curious to know exactly what I eat and where I get ideas for recipes. I can tell you all now that I don’t really ‘do’ recipes…I tend to go to the market and check out what looks good on any given day, keeping variety in mind at all times, and I simply buy what looks good and somehow make my own creations from there.

Here are some example of Raw Food Salad Recipes that I threw together in the last few days:

‘Raw’ Cucumber Soup

Fresh Cucumber Soup Great for Cooling..

Fresh Cucumber Soup Great for Cooling..

  • Fresh Cucumbers (about 5) chopped in a blender
  • Fresh Lemongrass, Fresh Mint
  • Fresh Coconut Flesh
  • Virgin Organic Coconut Oil
  • Sprinkled Cayenne Pepper and Celtic Sea Salt to taste

Green Bean Salad

  • Fresh chopped green beans (uncooked)
  • Fresh chopped tomato
  • Fresh chopped cucumber
  • Fresh chopped coriander (cilantro)
  • Cayenne Pepper, Wasabi Powder & Seeds (sesame, poppy, mustard, basil)
  • Olive Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey

Fresh Yummy Raw Food Salad

  • Chopped Fresh Local Greens
  • Freshly grated carrot & zucchini
  • Freshly chopped red onion & garlic (2 cloves)
  • Freshly chopped mini-corn (raw) Olive Oil, Bragg’s Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Cayenne Pepper, Celtic Sea Salt & Freshly ground Black Pepper
  • Seeds (poppy, sesame, mustard, basil, sunflower)
  • Dried Goji Berries

Carrot/ Mung Bean Sprout Salad

Fresh Grated Carrot Salad

Fresh Grated Carrot Salad

  • Freshly Grated Carrots (2 or 3 large)
  • Freshly Sprouted Mung Beans, chopped finely in a blender (one large bag)
  • Olive Oil, Bragg’s Liquid Amino Acids
  • Cayenne Pepper, Seeds (poppy, sesame, basil, mustard, sunflower)

Fresh Raw Power Juice Recipe

  • Carrot, Apple, Ginger, Parsley, & Celery

Fresh Durian – Yumbo!

Nothing else needed but pure, fresh, gooey, stinky DURIAN BLISS!! Much love to the blessed DURIAN, so glad you are finally in season!!

More on Raw Food:

More on Organic Food:

More Healthy Recipes: