Posted on 16 October, 2009 on the EPowerMe, Know Your Power by Elicia Woodford:

simple & powerful green smoothies
In addition to the various cleansing programs on the island, Samui is also home to many individual practitioners/healers to help support everyone’s overall well being. The one that has impacted my life the most is inspirational Jennifer Thompson with
Healthy Bliss. She gave me my first
crystal reading, which accurately showed me where I was with my chakras and what was happening in my life. It confirmed what I needed to do to be more in balance, which I am still working on. The
Green Smoothie Gathering she held last week was the best thing (for me) that I’ve experienced so far in Samui. I’ve know and experienced the power of eating raw foods over the last 2 years but had not learned about the power of green smoothies until now. I’ve been struggling with how to eat a raw organic diet like I did in Atlanta since I arrived to Thailand a few months ago. It was great to discover The Spa’s Radiance Restaurant, which is the only one on Samui (and one of the few and best in Thailand) that prepares raw meals. When deciding on which part of Samui I wanted to live, my only criterion was to be in walking distance of The Spa for the raw food. After awhile though, as with anything, I was looking for variety and a way to eat at home to save money.

gotu cola smoothie = happiness
green smoothie class was just what I was looking for and more! Here is an excerpt from Jennifer’s handout: “Green leave are the only food source in the world that can transfer sunshine into energy. They do this by creating chlorophyll.” Chlorophyll is the edible energy from the sun. Using a blender is not only fast and easy but it is powerful because it breaks the greens down so that our bodies can absorb all of the minerals and valuable nutrition they contain and we crave. What about juicing? Well juicing is good if you are fasting (to give your body a break from digesting to eliminate toxins) but when you juice you strip the fiber and antioxidants from the produce. Jennifer’s passion and knowledge inspired me to immediately buy a blender, cutting board, knife, smoothie container, and fresh produce. I’ve had 2 smoothies a day ever since and each time they are delicious and different. This morning I blended an apple, fresh ginger, lime, cup of water, kale, romaine, parsley, banana, ground flax seed and bee pollen. All of the produce I bought yesterday when I rode my bike to the street market for under $2. I am a full blow green smoothie addict and I love it! I feel so inspired and vibrant.
Read more press written about Jennifer.
Find out how to book an Iridology Session.
Learn more about Jennifer’s Green Smoothie classes.
Book a Personalized Detox with Jennifer today!
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