Tag Archive for: Thailand

Day 3: Juice Fast Detox in Koh Samui, Thailand – Time to Focus

All is going well on the eliminating side of things here on Samui…I am into Day 3 of the fast now and am getting more focused which is good – it always seems to take me a few days to settle my mind into the not-eating mode. I usually like being at the end of day 4 because if I choose to do 7 days then I am already half-way and if I go on to 14 then it’s a simple 10-day countdown left. Generally once I get cleansing I don’t think about it too much…there just always seems to be a lot of ‘mental negotiation’ in the beginning for me.

Fasting Guidance Comes from Within

Fasting Guidance Comes from Within

The weather here has been overcast, rainy and even what I would consider as ‘cold’…I’m guessing that means it’s about low-twenties Celsius which I think could even be in the 70’s F. Today I had a jumper on all day – that is cold for the tropics believe me. I do kind-of like it for fasting though, because when it is bucketing down a loud, torrential tropical rain, there is no pressure to do anything but stay indoors and relax, which is exactly what one should be doing while cleansing (the relax bit that is). I felt no guilt staying home, watching movies and reading all day.

I may be revising my one colema + one enema per day plan to 2 enemas per day, mainly because I do prefer doing my ‘washes’ in the privacy of my clean bathroom at home. I still find that I get adequate volume expelled with the enemas so there is no problem there.

I am having 4 coconuts per day + one or more juices…today I had the green vegetable juice. I don’t really care what the Spa says about juice – like I said before I follow Dr. Anderson’s program and I believe that for me the extra minerals and electrolytes in the coconuts are fantastic. I get my coconuts for 45 cents a piece, and I am well worth less than $2 a day of wonderful nutrition!!

Other than that everything is fine, the fast so far is going according to plan. Oh yes, Guidance…that is the card for me for today, and seems appropriate:

Whatever you choose is always the right path

Whatever you choose is always the right path

The angelic figure with rainbow-colored wings on this card represents the guide that each of us carries within. Like the second figure in the background, we may sometimes be a little reluctant to trust this guide when it comes to us, because we are so accustomed to taking our cues from the outside rather than from the inside. The truth of your own deepest being is trying to show you where to go right now, and when this card appears it means you can trust the inner guidance you are being given. It speaks in whispers, and sometimes we can hesitate, not knowing if we have understood rightly. But the indications are clear: in following the inner guide you will feel more whole, more integrated, as if you are moving outwards from the very center of your being. If you go with it, this beam of light will carry you exactly where you need to go.

More on Lymphatic Detox/Cleansing:

More on Spiritual Health:

Day 3: Juice Fast Detox in Koh Samui, Thailand – Time to Focus

All is going well on the eliminating side of things here on Samui…I am into Day 3 of the fast now and am getting more focused which is good – it always seems to take me a few days to settle my mind into the not-eating mode. I usually like being at the end of day 4 because if I choose to do 7 days then I am already half-way and if I go on to 14 then it’s a simple 10-day countdown left. Generally once I get cleansing I don’t think about it too much…there just always seems to be a lot of ‘mental negotiation’ in the beginning for me.

Fasting Guidance Comes from Within

Fasting Guidance Comes from Within

The weather here has been overcast, rainy and even what I would consider as ‘cold’…I’m guessing that means it’s about low-twenties Celsius which I think could even be in the 70’s F. Today I had a jumper on all day – that is cold for the tropics believe me. I do kind-of like it for fasting though, because when it is bucketing down a loud, torrential tropical rain, there is no pressure to do anything but stay indoors and relax, which is exactly what one should be doing while cleansing (the relax bit that is). I felt no guilt staying home, watching movies and reading all day.

I may be revising my one colema + one enema per day plan to 2 enemas per day, mainly because I do prefer doing my ‘washes’ in the privacy of my clean bathroom at home. I still find that I get adequate volume expelled with the enemas so there is no problem there.

I am having 4 coconuts per day + one or more juices…today I had the green vegetable juice. I don’t really care what the Spa says about juice – like I said before I follow Dr. Anderson’s program and I believe that for me the extra minerals and electrolytes in the coconuts are fantastic. I get my coconuts for 45 cents a piece, and I am well worth less than $2 a day of wonderful nutrition!!

Other than that everything is fine, the fast so far is going according to plan. Oh yes, Guidance…that is the card for me for today, and seems appropriate:

Whatever you choose is always the right path

Whatever you choose is always the right path

The angelic figure with rainbow-colored wings on this card represents the guide that each of us carries within. Like the second figure in the background, we may sometimes be a little reluctant to trust this guide when it comes to us, because we are so accustomed to taking our cues from the outside rather than from the inside. The truth of your own deepest being is trying to show you where to go right now, and when this card appears it means you can trust the inner guidance you are being given. It speaks in whispers, and sometimes we can hesitate, not knowing if we have understood rightly. But the indications are clear: in following the inner guide you will feel more whole, more integrated, as if you are moving outwards from the very center of your being. If you go with it, this beam of light will carry you exactly where you need to go.

More on Lymphatic Detox/Cleansing:

More on Spiritual Health:

Day 1: Juice Fast Detox at Spa Samui, Thailand & Reasons to Cleanse

Fasting makes life better :)

Fasting makes life better 🙂

Today marks the start of another fast for me…only time will tell how long I shall go, but I do hope to do more than 7 days.

Yesterday I did a water fasting day, for no real reason except I wanted to start cleansing but didn’t feel like taking all the pills and drinks just yet.

So I gave myself a day of ‘no schedule’ fasting.

Best always to listen to your own body, and for some unknown reason that is what my body told me to do.

For this fast I will be taking some extra supplements in addition to the Arise and Shine – Cleanse & Purify Thyself Dr. Richard Anderson products – Chomper and Herbal Nutrition. I am taking Black Walnut (in both a tincture and pill form), fresh garlic and Grape Seed Extract – all for any lingering parasites and bacteria; Cayenne Pepper capsules for circulation and the liver; Milk Thistle capsules for the liver; Spirulina for minerals and chlorophyll; Flora Grow and HSO probiotics for natural bacteria and many herbal teas, including Pau D’arco for parasites and Red Raspberry tea for the female system.

Sunset in Lamai, pre-fast bliss!

Sunset in Lamai, pre-fast bliss!

My ‘daily washes’ will consist of one morning enema and one afternoon colema. I used this combination for my last fast and it seemed to work very well for me. For the enema I generally do a few water flushes first and then I take in a proper coffee enema as described by Dr. Richard Anderson, this in an attempt to help cleanse the liver. In the afternoon colema I usually add herbal teas to the water instead of coffee. I ensure obviously that all of my teas and coffee are totally organic; for the teas this time I shall be using Red Raspberry or Pau D’arco or Milk Thistle or even Chamomile if I am feeling any aches or pains. The teas I adjust according to how I feel. I add the tea bags directly to the colema water and usually 4-5 bags seems to be sufficient.

Usually when I am fasting I spend a lot of time on my own, either reading inspirational books or just relaxing and watching health-related videos.

I try to keep my conscious mind focused on good health – this helps me to stay motivated throughout the cleanse.

I also make a concentrated effort to walk every day, meditate every day and always allow time for a massage or an herbal steam if needed. It can be difficult to juggle work on top of all of that, but it is possible and just requires prioritizing.

A lot of people ask me how often do I fast, and my answer to that is ‘it depends.’

If you are feeling well, eating well and living a healthy lifestyle then I would say every 6 months is ideal but once a year is ok too. When you are unwell or out of balance, it takes more work and usually more fasting to get the body to heal, so in that case it would have to be much more frequent. If you smash up your car, it generally will have to be in the shop longer than just getting a maintenance check. Same concept.

So I wish all you fellow fasters and cleansers all the best with your own healing journeys…and perhaps I will see you at the Spa Samui (Lamai Beach) detox counter~!!

More on Skin Cleansing:

More on Liver Cleansing:

Healing – Sharing – Flowering – Transformation – Change

Blossoming, Healing, Living

Blossoming, Healing, Living

These were my Tarot cards that came up on the Osho Zen Tarot today (no joke!) and so I knew it must be time to update the website, finally. I’ve been under the radar for awhile, out of touch with updating my websites, but not for lack of content, just lack of a positive perspective perhaps. I’ve had a very rough time in my life the last several months and I have fought hard both physically and emotionally to pull through it. Amazingly enough, I found that I was able to keep to about an 80% raw food diet despite everything, and for that I am so grateful because really, in times of stress, your body needs good nutrition more than any other time. At the moment I am back to about 90% raw, and working to get closer and closer to 100% every day.

We will all face challenges involving pain and suffering in our lives, and we must remember to take care of ourselves and feed our bodies well during those times.

Forgiveness is a Blessing!

Forgiveness is a Blessing!

The transformation and change part stem from the ability to forgive those who have hurt me during this process. It is important to note that forgiveness is not at all a sign of weakness; it is merely part of the ‘letting go’ process. We will never truly heal if we do not find a way to forgive those who have hurt us. And forgiving ourselves is equally as important. I will not lose my faith in human kindness!! There so many more people who have inspired and motivated me through life than those who have disappointed me!

I continue to surround myself with positive energy and kind-hearted souls.

I plan to do another fast/cleanse again soon and hope that I can transition to 100% raw food again after the cleansing. We will see how I go. In the meantime, I have been enjoying a wonderful morning smoothie inspired by my lovely Hawaiian friends Zeoc, Jen and Micah. You should definitely give this one a try…

In a blender combine:

Frozen chopped bananas
Fresh pineapple and papaya
Spirulina powder
Ground flax seeds
Goat’s yogurt
Probiotics (2-3 capsules opened)
Coconut Oil

Blend and enjoy – Yum-bo!

Can also add bee pollen, honey, flax seed oil, hemp oil, or liquid mineral supplements.

More on Blenders and pH Health:

More on Juicing and Smoothies:

Traveling Raw: Raw Food Thailand to Raw Food Australia

Raw Food Bliss in Thailand!

Raw Food Bliss in Thailand!

Well it’s time for the test – can I manage to eat an all-raw diet in the ‘real world’? I have been living in Thailand for the last 10 months, and it’s been very easy maintaining a healthy diet there – with the large amount of fresh tropical fruits and veggies, who would want to eat anything else?? I’ve left Thailand for a break from Asia and now only time will tell if I can maintain a healthy lifestyle in a western country…

And the results so far are: GOOD!

Can I be this healthy in Australia?

Can I be this healthy in Australia?

I’ve been in Perth Australia for nearly a week now. And can I just tell you how much I am loving the fresh spinach, peaches and plums?? All of these things you just can’t get in Asia, at least not fresh or at a decent price…and here – wow! Honestly I think I needed a break from the pineapple, watermelon and papaya anyway…although I could never grow tired of durian!!

It’s great to be here and to be exploring having a variety of different fresh foods.

Also I seem to be influencing others around me in a positive way – the friends that I am staying with (thank you!!) are all enjoying my fresh salads each evening. It’s fun to eat healthy foods together – try it – you will feel happy and satiated instead of full and bloated!!!! You will sleep better, feel better and have unlimited energy all day!!!

I’ve got more work to do on this site, so please be patient while the beauty and inspiration unfolds…til then here is to your good health!!!

More on Manifestation and Weight Loss:

More on Healthy Living: