Stay focused on your goals!

The Healthy Bliss Newsletter will help you stay focused on your goals!

Enjoy the previous issues of the FREE Healthy Bliss Newsletter below.


This page is no longer updated as of November 2013. I stopped sending newsletters as of January 2020. Thank you and Blessings to your Health!

#33 – October 2013 2-FOR-1-SALE plus Your Top 10 FAQs about Green Smoothies…Answered!

#32 – September 2013 Detox Juice Recipe, Top 10 Detox Tips and Pros + Cons of Vilcabamba, Ecuador

#31 – August 2013 Are you finally ready to transform your life?

#30 – June 2013 Why I don’t add Almond Milk, Soy Milk or Coconut Water to Green Smoothies

#29 – May 2013 ‘Onion Socks’ to Cure Flus, Fevers and even Hay Fever!

#28 – April 2013 Top 10 Secrets for Good Health and a Long Life: How to Create Your Personal ‘Blue Zone’

#27 – January 2013 Are you too negative? Take this simple test!

#26 – December 2012 Happy New Year, Top 10 Best Resolutions & Vitamix Winner!

#25 – December 2012 Enter my FREE Vitamix Blender Giveaway – Winner announced on Dec 26, 2012!

#24 – November 2012 Why I don’t buy 90% of the ‘food’ at WholeFoods

#23 – September 2012 Finding Peace after Honey Boo Boo

#22 – June 2012 How to Do a Coffee Enema at Home

#21 – May 2012 Green Smoothies for a Healthy Summer and Top 10 Tips to Make Your Kitchen a Healthy Place!

#20 – January 2012 New Year=New Plan=New You!

#19 – December 2011 Give the Gift of Health

#18 – November 2011 Top 10 Foods to Buy Organic

#17 – October 2011 5 Easy Detox Tips to Improve Your Next Cleanse

#16 – August 2011 Gain Control of Overeating

#15 – July 2011 Top 10 Surprising Causes of Constipation

#14 – April 2011 Harmony of the Whole: Releasing Inner Noise

#13 – January 2011 Juicing, Water Fasting or Colon Cleansing?

#12 – December 2010 The greatest gift you can give the world is a healthy you!

#11 – October 2010 Lots of Raw Food Recipes and Jennifer in Israel

#10 – August/September 2010 Staying Healthy While You Travel

#9 – July 2010 Raw Food to Cleanse, Lose Weight, De-Stress & Heal

#8 – June 2010 Mother Nature’s Secret Magic Pill

Travel eZine June 2010 Healthy Bliss Hong Kong!

#7 – April/May 2010 Peace, Green Smoothies & Love

#6 – March 2010 Looking at the Happiness Factor in your healing journey

#5 – February 2010 Time to Get Focused on Being Healthy!

#4 – January 2010 New Year, New Journey, New Beginnings

#3 – December 2009 Positive Manifestations, Love & Gratitude for Your Health!

#2 – November 2009 Koh Samui Update from Jennifer Thompson – News & Inspiration for Your Health!

#1 – October 2009 Welcome to Jennifer’s Healthy Bliss News!

If you’re already on our list but want to update which mailings you receive, here’s what to do:

1. Open a recent email from us and scroll to the bottom.
2. Click the “Update your profile” link in the lower right
3. You will be directed to your profile page. Select your choices and click “update profile.”
…. That’s it!


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