Mind, Body & Soul – Holistic Health News
Printed in the September/October 2009 Issue of Fah Thai Magazine, the Bangkok Air inflight magazine.

Referring to the eyes as windows to the soul might be a tad cliche, but how about calling them our windows to wellbeing? Iridologists use the eye to determine their patient’s health needs or concerns.
Just as reflexologists consider the foot a map to the rest of the body, iridologists say the iris is linked to our organs and tissues via the optic nerve and central nervous system. Iridology dates back to ancient Greece, Egypst and China, and became an internationally accepted alternative therapy in the 1950s.
The Four Seasons Koh Samui is now offering consultations with qualified practitioner Jennifer Thompson.
Readings are done in your villa and are completely pain-free – the iris is simply examined with a torchlight or magnifying glass. Jennifer says: “We can’t diagnose disease but we can help give you a thorough understanding of how your body works and why you may not be experiencing your optimum level of health.”

Read more press written about Jennifer.
Find out how to book an Iridology Session.
Learn more about Jennifer’s Green Smoothie classes.
Book a Personalized Detox with Jennifer today!
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