Benefits of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (or ACV for short) is one of those amazing healing foods that has lived up to its health benefits for almost 2,000 years. I always say, look at the ‘tried and true’ if you are looking to add better staple foods to your diet. I’d say a 2,000 year success rate is pretty good, don’t you think?!

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a Raw Food!

First of all raw ACV should be raw and that means unpasteurized. It should say on the label ‘raw’ or ‘from the Mother.’ Household brand names of ACV like Heinz are not raw. It’s the fermented or raw ACV that is so good for you so be sure to buy the right one. My favorite brand is the Bragg’s Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. Raw ACV is the only vinegar that is alkaline-forming to the body. All other vinegars (white, balsamic, red wine, etc) are acid-forming. For a health balanced pH, raw apple cider vinegar is one of the best things to add to your diet. To understand more about acid and alkaline pH, read this article: ‘Alkalize Your pH – How Alkaline Acid Balance affects your Health’.

According to Paul Bragg, Apple Cider Vinegar is a ‘perfect food’:

Natural (undistilled) organic, raw ACV can really be called one of Mother Nature’s most perfect foods, the worlds first natural medicine. It is made from fresh, crushed apples which are then allowed to mature naturally in wooden barrels, as wood tends to “boost” the natural fermentation. Research worldwide supports and commends what Hippocrates (the father of medicine) found and treated his patients with in 400 B.C. He discovered that natural, undistilled Apple Cider Vinegar (or ACV)* is a powerful cleansing and healing elixir – a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs, bacteria, mold and viruses – for a healthier, stronger, longer life!

Label reads ‘With Mother of Vinegar’

One of the benefits of having raw ACV every day is it is a naturally high source of potassium and enzymes. Many people link potassium deficiency to dark circles under the eyes, early senility, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, arterial and heart problems, arthritis, kidney stones, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease. Signs of potassium deficiency include fatigue, achy bones and muscles, tired eyes, itchy eyes, dry scalp and brittle hair and lack of mental alertness.

Paul Bragg says, “But the truth is . . . you must have potassium to build and maintain youthful, healthy tissues! If you don’t get required amount of potassium daily, you soon acquire an old-age look and feel.This premature ageing is usually due to potassium deficiency and unhealthy living!”

Can you see how a healthy diet is really the key to feeling better?

With the standard diet of devitalized foods that clog the small intestine and ferment, leaving backup and buildup, most people have a much lower absorption rate than normal. The reason why raw apple cider vinegar is a good source of potassium is because, in liquid form, it is almost instantly and fully absorbed.

Available Online, Click Here

You can even gargle with raw ACV (1tsp. to 1/2 glass of water) to help clear a sore throat, naturally! It is also good for insect stings, bites, ear infections, acne, viruses, yeast (candida) and fungus problems. You can apply a watered-down solution directly to the infected area and also drink 2 Tbsp. of raw ACV in a glass of water both morning and night.

To improve digestion, gas, heartburn, burping and stomach bloating sip 3 tsp. of ACV before your meal. Hold in mouth for a minute before swallowing. This helps digestion to start in the mouth.

On a daily basis, try to have at least 2 Tbsp. of raw Apple Cider Vinegar to keep your body healthy and strong. You can mix 2 Tbsp. with water and drink upon rising, add the ACV to a juice or smoothie, or make a delicious salad dressing.

For a salad dressings try this recipe:

Mix 2 garlic cloves (chopped), 2 Tbsp. ACV, 2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, 1 Tbsp. raw organic honey, 1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice, 1/3 cup water, 1 tsp. dried basil leaves, dash cayenne pepper, dash cumin powder and Himalayan salt to taste.

For more information on the healing power of ACV, I highly recommend the book Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System by Paul and Patricia Bragg.

A good brand of ACV to try for yourself is the Bragg’s Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar.

Read more information on the liver and liver cleansing here:

Gallstone Liver Flush – Recipe & Cleanse Info

How to Do a Coffee Enema at Home

How to Do a Castor Oil Pack for Liver Cleansing

How to Do Onion Socks for Healing

More on Skin Cleansing:

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Jennifer Betesh has been working with raw food, juices, smoothies and detox for over two decades to help people heal. Today, she shares her expertise worldwide, offering lectures, workshops, training and one-on-one consultations at various health and detox retreat centers. She provides Iridology Readings & Health Coaching via Skype and Phone to clients and continues to educate, motivate and inspire others on their journey of healing. When she’s not working, you’ll find her hiking in the mountains, power-walking along the sea or globe-trotting to a new and exotic health destination.
91 replies
  1. Susan
    Susan says:

    I have horrible reflux and had nissanfudplaction surgery and also suffer from chronic post nasal drip I love ace and was wondering about the drink with juice . Do you think it will help? If so how many should I drink a day?

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Dear Susan,

      Adding one healthy food item like ACV is great. But, what’s the rest of the diet like? You have to look at the WHOLE diet for WHOLE BODY health. ACV probably won’t make or break your symptoms. For preventative maintenance, adding 1-2 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar to a healthy diet is ok!

      For the rest, do you eat any dairy, wheat or refined sugar? Those 3 foods are known to be mucus-forming. Things like coffee, alcohol, processed foods, fried foods, packaged foods, and refined sugar can all exasperate acid reflux. You may have some food intolerances as well, and these can include even healthy foods. Prescription medications can also trigger reflux, so if you are on any drugs – ask your doctor and check the side effects. There are really a lot of factors involved. I always start my coaching clients with a whole diet approach to address things like reflux or GERD and with that, they get very good results.

      To your health,


  2. Stacey
    Stacey says:

    Hi there
    I have acid reflux that hits up to my throat know as silent reflux or LPR along with Gerd. My stomach burns at times and I get post nasal drip, sore throat, hoarseness to name a few. Lots have mentioned to try ACV with mother? I’m scared as my throats is already burning and worried it may cause further damage? Your thoughts.
    Thank you

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Hi Stacey,

      What’s the rest of your diet looking like? What is a typical breakfast, lunch and dinner for you? Do you drink coffee, eat wheat or refined sugar?

      The raw apple cider vinegar won’t necessarily help if you are still eating too many acid-forming foods. Aspartame (artificial sweetener) is one of the most acid=forming foods there is.

      Alkaline forming foods include fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. In my book – Green Smoothies for Dummies – I have several recipes for green smoothies designed to help reduce acid reflux and GERD.

      • Stacey
        Stacey says:

        I use to enjoy one cup of coffee a day around 4pm before starting to prep dinner. I no longer do as I was told to stop
        For breakfast I’ll make a fruit smoothie with homemade almond milk and I add Collagen. Lunch is salad with olive oil no vinegar with organic chicken or fish. I also make my own soup from boiling a whole organic chicken for stock, then add spinach, celery,carrot, kale and bokchoy.
        Dinner is again fish or chicken with sweet potato and greens be it broccoli.
        I have been on a very clean diet the past year. No dairy, wheat, sugar. Eating organic chicken. Wild fish and lots of greens and smoothies. Can’t seem to get this lpr under control.
        Not sure what more I can do

        • Jennifer Thompson
          Jennifer Thompson says:

          Hi Stacey,

          1. What are the ingredients in the collagen?

          2. Are you adding any spices to the soup, if so which ones please (name/brand/ingredients)?

          3. Is any of the fish/chicken smoked?

  3. Tania Geraldi
    Tania Geraldi says:


    I have bcc in my right nostril, after
    Having been cut , the biopsy showed that the bcc is of possible modular or micronodular subtypes,
    Extending to 1.5mm below he surface. As a result I was referred to a plastic surgeon who told me that he would have to cut 3mm each side for safe margin and that I would need skin graft.

    As I was not happy and asked for other options, he sent me to see a dermatologist, which will happen on the12th of March.

    In the meantime I cut one eggplant in little pieces and put into a glass bottle and filled up with Braggs ACV. Everyday I have been soaking a piece of cotton and put it on my nose hopeful that the ACV
    Will disappear. I also take 1 Tbs of Braggs in a glass of water everyday. What do you think of what I am doing?

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Dear Tania,

      To be honest, I personally never heard of anyone using the remedy you described although there may be some success stories out there. I have read success stories about people using castor oil and also black salve, although the application of black salve needs to be done very carefully and with tiny amounts, like the tip of a toothpick. I can’t say for sure what might work for you, but you may want to research those. Eating high chlorophyll foods, aloe vera, fresh watercress and drinking fresh wheatgrass – all of these are also very good for the skin.

      All the best in health,


    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Hi Michelle,

      Yes, that’s ok. I make a nice homemade salad dressing as a way to get the acv in on a daily basis. I mix acv, evoo, raw honey, fresh garlic, dried basil, cayenne pepper, and Himalayan salt. The taste is great!

      • Paul
        Paul says:

        Braggs brand of apple cider vinegar says it has been watered down to 5% acidity. What is the acidity of absolutely non-watered down apple cider?


    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Dear KB,

      I’m not a fan of coconut aminos due to the high glutamate content. People who are sensitive to monosodium glutamate (MSG) can also have a reaction to coconut aminos. As for the vinegar, you need to make sure that it’s only organic coconut vinegar with no other additives or ingredients. If so, it should be ok. Try a small amount at first and make sure there are no reactions. This is especially important for someone like you who already has existing food allergies. I hope that helps!

      My best,


  4. Brenda Lee
    Brenda Lee says:

    I know the apple cider vinegar had become the big craze now but I have also heard that continued use of this product can cause problems with the esphogus. I wanted to try it to help me loose weight but my doctor discouraged against it. Can you comment on th side effects of continued use of the product?

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Dear Brenda,

      I would always say…why doesn’t anyone worry about what Coke or Pepsi does to the body? Have you ever seen the youtube videos of using Coke to clean rust off of cars? I’ve used it myself to clean the rust off my wood stove!

      That said, I understand you have concerns about using apple cider vinegar because of what you may have read or heard. Just remember, you don’t have to drink it straight or even just with water. You can add apple cider vinegar to a super yummy homemade salad dressing, drizzle it on your raw or steamed veggies and enjoy it with a meal…that way no “problems” on the way down. Alternatively you can mix 1 tsp. of raw apple cider vinegar in your green smoothie or green juice, again diluting any strong effects of vinegar on its own.

      I hope that helps! Good luck!

      To your health,


  5. Jyoti
    Jyoti says:

    I am having a course of biotin tablets named perfectil will it b okie if i have ACV night b4 sleeping and morning after i wake up will is cause any side effects cause i take the tablets after breakfast and after dinner

  6. Anjali
    Anjali says:

    Hello i want to get pregnant and i need to raise alkaline environment in my Virgina ? Can Raw ACV help me to reach my goal ? Please help?

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Dear Anjali,

      Drinking a green smoothie every day can start to change your pH to alkaline from the inside-out…which is very effective for pregnancy. In fact, I have one client who calls her child “the green smoothie baby” because she got pregnant after consulting with me and starting to drink green smoothies! There is also an herb known as red raspberry leaf (available is tea or capsule form, can buy it on iherb here). Red raspberry leafy specifically helps to alkalize the uterus which is exactly what you want for pregnancy. Raw acv added to your diet can certainly help, but I would go with a daily green smoothie and red raspberry leaf more for success in getting pregnant. Good luck and healthy blessings!

      My best,


  7. Sharon
    Sharon says:

    How should the ACV (of course, organic, raw and unpasteurized with the mother) be taken? How much in water. How often can it be taken?

  8. Syed
    Syed says:

    I am using freshly Apple cider venager brand name its good for blood sugar yes or no my blood sugar level is 117 mg/DL in fasting

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Dear Syed,

      The rest of your diet is much more relevant to your blood sugar levels than a small amount of apple cider vinegar. The American Diabetes Association recommends more fiber in the diet for diabetics. The fiber is actually what regulates the sugar intake of food, so the more fiber the better! (There is no fiber in acv, but you can add 1 tsp. of acv to a Green Smoothie plus 2 Tbsp. ground flaxseed and that will give you a lot of fiber for breakfast, for example.) ACV is good for killing off excess yeast and bad bacteria in the stomach, and those critters can definitely crave sugar when they are hungry. So, there are benefits to having the acv for sure…but make sure you are getting good whole food fiber and NO refined flours or sugars, also no alcohol…for blood sugars to be more stable. I hope that helps!

      My best,

      To your health,


  9. mel
    mel says:

    Hello, I have been dealing with recurrent bacterial vaginosis for over one year now. I have read online that apple cider vinegar douches can help treat bv. I was wondering if you could tell me how apple cidar vinegar affects the ph levels inside the vagina. thank you

    • Toni
      Toni says:

      Wow, I am surprised that your grandma didn’t tell you? Well for me it was my one and only older sister. I learned a lot for her. Hygiene was one of those things. Have a cleansing if active, and if you add too much? It makes it tight, hehe..

  10. Cora San Miguel
    Cora San Miguel says:

    I am aType 2 diabetic for over 16 years now. My blood sugar is erratic. How will ACV help. I would like to give it a try. Thank you.

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Dear Cora,

      The good news is that you are open to trying new things and are researching natural ways to heal….that’s a great first step so well done there! But the truth is there are A LOT of other dietary changes and some mineral supplementation that would help you much more than ACV for Type 2 Diabetes. To start, take Magnesium Citrate – 200mg three times daily. Magnesium helps greatly to regulate blood sugar levels.

      To your health,


  11. Michael
    Michael says:

    Hello Jennifer, I’m a little confused by the statement about ACV being the only vinegar that is alkaline forming to the body? Could you or someone else explain how this could be?

  12. Ellen Cook
    Ellen Cook says:

    Thanks for all of the information. I’ve been drinking my Bragg’s for over a week. I really enjoy it. I drink it ice cold. It relieves my thirst. I am having less digestive issues. From the information you have given, I see I need to increase my intake. Thanks again.

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Hi Carel,

      The Heinz brand is not raw and it’s pasteurized so it’s pretty worthless for any type of natural cleansing, but not bad for cleaning the toilet or washing the sink (combined with bicarbonate soda). For any type of health cleansing, you want to have RAW and UNPASTEURIZED acv. That said, in my experience I never found that apple cider vinegar worked for warts at all. You would be better off trying systemic enzymes – start with 1 in am + 1 in pm on an empty stomach. I got rid of a niggly thumb wart years ago after just 4 DAYS of taking systemic enzymes – true!

      Blessings to your health,


        • Jennifer Thompson
          Jennifer Thompson says:

          Hi Monique,

          The Heinz brand is NOT organic so I would NOT recommend it. (Nice try on Heinz to jump in on the health wagon but come on man – make an organic product – we are not that stupid to miss the most important thing, that is use of 100% CERTIFIED ORGANIC apples!!!) Bragg’s is RAW and ORGANIC – and it always was that way, made for health first – the way it should be!

          My best,


      • Cecelia
        Cecelia says:

        Apple cider vinegar will work on a wart or a mole, I have used it for that before. You just have to dab a cotton ball into the vinegar, put it over the wart or mole then hold it in place with a piece of tape. Do this every night until the wart or mole just falls off. I don’t know why but it works.

      • Rose Williams
        Rose Williams says:

        What kinda of synthetic enzymes did you take and where did you purchase it .I have skin tags and would it work to get rid of them

        • Jennifer Thompson
          Jennifer Thompson says:

          Dear Rose,

          I haven’t seen great success in people using systemic enzymes to remove skin tags (the enzymes do work great for warts though). I also haven’t seen good results with black salve, since the salve seems to have to dig really deep to get the skin tag out, and you don’t want that situation if the tag is on your face especially!

          What I would recommend for skin tags is to apply organic castor oil on the tags 2x daily. It may take longer (maybe 3 months or more), but it won’t leave a scar and should not do any harm. When you apply the castor oil, you can mix it with a bit of baking soda to get it to stick to the skin longer. Apply each night before bed with the baking soda. In the morning, apply just the castor oil on the tags after showering.

          Meanwhile, if you wanted to take a systemic enzyme at the same time just to try the combo, it wouldn’t hurt. In that case, try a serrapeptase enzyme and follow instructions on the bottle.

  13. Josh
    Josh says:

    I’m wondering if Bragg’s is any different than HEB brand (or any other) raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized, organic and with the mother ACV. My wife says Bragg’s is the only option, but for half the price I can get, what I believe to be, the same thing.

    Can you explain?

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Hi Josh,

      Bragg’s is one option but nowadays with the rise in popularity of RAW ACV, you can find many other brands. Just has to be “raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized, organic and with the mother” as you mentioned. I personally like the taste of Bragg’s the best… and maybe your wife feels the same way. You can usually get a pretty good price for Bragg’s on iherb or vitacost so you might want to try there. Thanks and many blessings to your health!


  14. ANDREW
    ANDREW says:

    Thx Jennifer for gr8 article. I read tt I can mix aloe Vera with ACV. Any truth in tt? Worried abt it cancelling each others benefits

  15. Bert93257
    Bert93257 says:

    What is Mothers? Can I take ACV with a history of hyperthyroid/Graves?(levels have normal for a few years). Also, is there any truth to ACV use to clean the vaginal area?

  16. Suchita Anbhore
    Suchita Anbhore says:

    Hi, I’m frim India, i am suffereing from five years acidic blood, stool is not created it is very painful for me. give me suggestion.

      • JoAnn Sampson
        JoAnn Sampson says:

        No disrespect intended but why did you stop giving medical advice and tell people that it’s best to consult their doctors? Truth is, doctors don’t get taught nutrition. Unless they’re naturopathic doctors, then it’s likely a useless question for the doctor. It’s best to do research online or seek a nutritionist. Vinegar is alkalitic and helps reduce artery diseases therefore reducing cardiac symptoms alot of the times. The gut always benefits when it’s alkaline…the body in general benefits from being more alkaline than acidic. The best thing for you to do is to take probiotics and fiber along with the vinegar when it comes to gut issues. The vagina? Take care of the metabolic issues, stabilize blood sugars and only do weak vinegar douches initially, then leave the douches alone. Your body produces its own cleansing juices…it may also be that your partner needs treatment.
        These tips are things I learned in nursing school and hopefully they help. And yes, we had to study nutrition.

        • Jennifer Thompson
          Jennifer Thompson says:

          Dear JoAnn,

          Thank you for your comment! For anyone who doesn’t know, legally only a medical doctor can advise someone to go on or off a drug, and legally only a medical doctor can “cure” someone of a specific diagnosed condition. That’s the system that we live in. I have to do my best to help others while staying within the correct legal terms. I’m very sorry if you cannot accept or understand that, but I don’t think you would be willing to go to jail for me! Hopefully someday things may change but for now, it is what it is.

          My best,

          To your health,


    • Roxane
      Roxane says:

      Alkaline producing foods create blood alkalinity. You are constipated. Not sure the two are related. An acidic diet will create blood acidity and heartburn. Of course, heartburn can be due to under producing HCl too. As for constipation, try eating more fiber. Fruits and veggies, flax seeds and other natural seeds like chia, hemp, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame can help.

  17. Diana5700
    Diana5700 says:

    I’m in my 9th day of suffering from awful hives, itchy red bumps, I have bought out the store in remedies. I have watched everything I have put in my mouth, drank chamomile tea till I am about to bust, With not much relief. Then I found an article online about becoming more alkaline, and getting balanced, it healing all kinds of alimentary, so here I go with my first act drink 2 tabs. To 8 oz filtered water I will do this three x a day. Stay tuned to see if this helps relieve the hives. I refuse to give in to living with this it is awful! P.s. I have never had anything like this and I am very aware of eating right and healthy, I have no idea where this came from, the only thing different I did was had my hair colored at a new salon and when I walked out I had the back of my shirt and neck were wet, and I was over processed. A mess! The next day I woke up with hives! Signed itchy gramma!

  18. Ev
    Ev says:

    I am beginning this treatment and do believe proper nutrition, which is contrary in every way to our modern American diets, is the number one way to stay healthy. It’s really a no brainer. Anyway, since trying the acv, it always burns my throat and I’m afraid this acid is going to burn my esophagus on the way down. Also is there more info on how an scuff is metabolized by the body to turn alkaline, just a lil co fused on this… Thanks!

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Hi Ev,

      You can dilute the acv with water, or add 2 Tbsp. to a green juice or a green smoothie. If you’re feeling a burning sensation, then perhaps you are using too much for your body. In that case, start slowly…using 1 tsp. in a juice or smoothie per day. When you feel comfortable, increase to 2 tsp. then slowly to 2 Tbsp. Being gentle and patient with your body is key! This is a healing food that Hippocrates used to give his patients. I can assure you that refined sugar, aspartame, fried foods, processed foods and the like will do much more damage to your body than any amount of apple cider vinegar.

      To learn more about acv and its powerful health benefits, check out the book by Paul Bragg called the Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System book.

      To learn more about the acid-alkaline nature of foods, go to these articles I wrote here:

      What is an Alkaline Diet? Know your pH Health

      Alkalize Your pH – How Alkaline Acid Balance affects your Health

      Keep up the GREAT work!

      Blessings to your health,


  19. Jerry
    Jerry says:

    I am a 75 y/o male at 220 lbs

    I drink the juice from 1 large lemon and 1 teaspoon of natural honey in a cup of warm water every morning.
    I have read that apple cider vinegar is good for me also, so can I safely add this to my mixture. If so, what amount of ACV should I add.
    i rinse my mouth immediately after consuming the above to help prevent enamel erosion.

    Also, I plan on continuing this for the rest of my life to help my immune system and the other benefits if it is advisable.



    • Saronda
      Saronda says:

      I do a mix of 2 tablespoons of the Braggs ACV, 1 tablespoon of raw organic honey, 1/2 a lemon, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and mix it with 8 oz of water. I drink three of these a day and within 2 weeks, I have seen my skin clear up and am loosing weight. I think the mix is so natural, it can’t hurt. However, make sure you run it past your doctor.

  20. Rahima Payne
    Rahima Payne says:

    How effective is the Bragg ACV drinks? I find it more convenient, but are there any nutritional benefits I’m losing out on?

  21. Bianca
    Bianca says:

    I am a firm believer in ACV as I always take it as a preventative and even for a quick pick-me-up. Actually, just yesterday I felt as if I were about to come down with a cold; my nose was runny, my throat felt scratchy, and my eyes were watery and tired. I took a shot of ACV with a bit of apple juice and I felt 100% better within minutes and I’m not sick today! BUT my 2-year-old had a fever for two days earlier this week. The first day, I gave him ACV in some apple juice and he drank about two cups of that and he was PERFECT. The second day, he woke up irritable and still fever-ish so I gave him ACV in his juice but then his grandmother gave him a fever-reducer immediately afterward. About an hour later, he vomited and all we could smell was the ACV. The doctor said because the ACV is so acidic it counteracted with the medicine and made my child vomit. I thought ACV was alkaline-forming? (I would have raised this question at the office but his grandparents took him to the doctor because I had work that morning). Could you inform me more on this?

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Hi Bianca,

      It seems from your story that when you gave only acv and juice, everything was ok… then, when you gave acv + prescription drug, there was a reaction. Since I am not a medical doctor, I cannot comment further on the medication side of things, but I am sure that you doctor is correct in saying that certain foods or drinks are counter-active with taking drugs. So, maybe the acv was not the problem! 🙂 It’s an interesting story, thanks for sharing!

      To your health,


    • Lauren
      Lauren says:

      As someone who is permanently advised to stay on a completely alkaline diet (I have Interstitial Cystitis), I can tell you that vinegar of all types are in fact acidic. Many dentists find it troubling that it has become in vogue to drink Apple Cider (or any) vinegar. Try to dilute it with water as much as possible because it can remove the enamel from your teeth. Please be aware of this with your children and their delicate tummies. I test everything that goes in my mouth with PH strips and had also heard that ACV was supposed to make our bodies alkaline. Not so. My bottle of ACV from the Bragg’s label came to be a 2.5. My urine was also much more acidic than usual after taking the ACV. While usually a five, I was a three after drinking the ACV. Here is a scale so you can compare. On that scale, 7 is normal water, 13 is bleach, and 2 is stomach acid. Try to be aware that whatever health benefits, you are quite literally pouring acid into your stomach.

      • Jennifer Thompson
        Jennifer Thompson says:

        Hi Lauren,

        It would be most helpful for you to understand the terms “acid-forming” and “alkaline-forming” to determine what foods are hindering or helping your pH health. Testing a food outside of your body does NOT define how much acid your stomach needs in order to digest that food. Lemons, for example, are acidic on the table but when you EAT them, your stomach produces almost ZERO acid in order to digest that food. Refined sugar feeds bad bacteria and is very acid-forming; raw apple cider vinegar (acv) is naturally anti-parastic, anti-viral and anti-fungal and is also alkaline-forming.

        Refined sugar is the elephant in the room when it comes to tooth decay. I’ve been ingesting plenty of lemons and raw apple cider vinegar for almost 20 years and I have the best looking teeth of anyone I know (that’s without bleaching agents or braces too). In fact, my dentist told me no need to come for 2 years!

        The enemies with imbalance or dis-ease are NOT natural whole and pure foods. Eliminate refined sugar, wheat, dairy, animal proteins (very harsh on the kidneys and extremely acid-forming!), aspartame (the most acid-forming food there is) and alcohol – those will always hinder your pH health. An alkaline diet consists of plenty of fresh fruits, veggies, dark leafy greens, and fermented foods like raw apple cider vinegar and homemade sauerkraut (both great for gut health too).

        Hippocrates (the Father of Modern Medicine) prescribed raw apple cider vinegar to his patients (as well as fresh parsley and watercress). Yes, there was a time not so long ago when food was used as medicine!

        Many blessings to your continued good health!


        • Hasn
          Hasn says:

          HI JENNIFER.. as i understand from your reply …you are saying that ACV is acid in nature but when enters the body .. the body will no need to form more acid in the stomach so it will be ( alkaline forming )) what about alkaline water ? if we drink alkaline water the stomach will issue more acid in order to deal with the alkaline water so that alkaline water has ( acid effect and acid forming) on the body ???!!”””” could you please explain more and correct

        • Jennifer Thompson
          Jennifer Thompson says:

          Dear Hasn,

          With much respect, it seems like you are getting yourself confused by trying to make a hard and steady rule about the pH of a food outside of the body and how that corresponds to what occurs in the stomach. That’s not how it works. Remember the words “alkaline-forming” and “acid-forming” – these terms are the relevant terms that will determine what the stomach “deals with.”

          The stomach does not have to make extra acid with alkaline-forming foods or drinks. Broccoli is alkaline-forming. Apple cider vinegar is alkaline-forming. Beets are alkaline-forming. Alkaline water is alkaline-forming. Apples are alkaline-forming. Papaya is alkaline-forming.

          The stomach does need to produce extra acid in order to digest acid-forming foods. Coffee is acid-forming. White vinegar is acid-forming. Alcohol is acid-forming. Refined sugar is acid-forming. Bread and cakes are acid-forming. Aspartame is acid-forming (I’ve had clients get acid reflux just from chewing gum!)

          Alkaline water is NOT acid-forming. (However, it does waste a lot of water during separation and from an environmental impact, it always seemed like a big waste to me.) I would advise to just add fresh lemon or lime (both are alkaline-forming) to your water instead. I hope that helps! Good luck and healthy blessings!

      • Sugarboo
        Sugarboo says:

        Hi Lauren, what most people doctors women men don’t know about interstitial cystitis, is that 99.9% of the time the reason you get it is because you took a Particular antibiotic, usually Flagyl for Bacterial Vaginosis, or one of about ten other antibiotic that kills a particular bacteria that us humans have in our gut. Called Oxalobactor Formigenes. This microbe spits out an enzyme that dissolves oxalates we get from the foods we eat. Without this microbe, the oxalates don’t get dissolved, and they embed themselves in our soft tissues , like our bladder, causing interstial cystitis. The oxalates , under a microscope, look like little tiny sharp crystals, that act like microscopic razor blades. They embed themselves and cause inflammation and pain in the tissue. You have to eat a low oxalates diet to stop the pain. Spinach, and chocolate are the 2 highest oxalates foods. Once antibiotics kill off this human microbe, there is no way to recolonize it in our intestinal tract. I’m praying that someday, they will figure out how to do it. In the meantime, look up the oxalates food list and drink lots of water everyday and makes sure you research every food you eat to check for oxalates content. And Raw Apple Codr Binegar, particularly BRAGGS, does help with pain relief from interstitial cystitis. I’m living proof of that.

  22. S.P.
    S.P. says:

    Hello before I read your Indg.& that Heinz is not good Vinegar, I bought some of Heinz. It does say unfiltered all natural apple cider vinegar with the Mother .

    Also it says it has been made from 100% APPLES & crystal clear water,
    and unpasteurized. So what is the difference between Bragg & Heinz?

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi S.P.!

      The Heinz vinegar you mentioned is okay; however the Heinz version is NOT organic. The Bragg’s version is 100% certified organic and unpasteurized, etc, so it’s definitely the best choice! Thank you!

      To your health,


    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi Samantha,

      If your child is only 7 years old and has acid reflux, I would advise that you go see an allergist (medical doctor) and get tested for possible food allergies. After that, I would highly recommend a nutritional consult so we can devise the best diet and make sure all nutrients are present in the diet.

      My best,


    • Rod
      Rod says:

      A lil of baking soda (like when brushing your teeth) prior to taking ACV (Braggs) will neutralize any effect on enamel. This varies for every person though. The key is to dilute the vinager in alkaline water.

  23. Jazz
    Jazz says:

    I have recently had my first bub’s (first 5months preg I had servere morning sickness) perhaps this is a contributing factor.. As soon as I read symptoms of potassium deficiency ALL the symptoms listed I have been experiencing for Months!

    I bought the raw mother apple cider vinegar the next day, having such a deficiency would you suggest I increase the 2tbsp dosage amount to support the lack of potassium ?
    I am feeling a really good boost since starting green smoothies every day too 🙂 Thankyou for the inspiration, information and support towards each ones unique journey to whole ness & harmony Jennifer!

  24. Sylvie
    Sylvie says:

    yes this is very true, 3 yrs ago, after being on every pill on the market for acid reflux for over 6yrs, i started drinking 3 Tbs of ACV with 1 Tbs of raw honey 3 times a day in a cup of hot water, then after a wk twice a day, then after 3 wks, drank it once a day for 2-3 wks and was totally cured, never taken another prolosec or nexium since. to this day i have not had any problems. I did lose wt easier after that as well, my stomach flattened out. I sometimes also squeeze fresh lemon into my ACV/Honey . It does take a little time acquiring to the taste, I love it now and drink it occasionally, like my body knows when it needs it, i always have ACV and raw honey in my cubboards.

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Have a look at my teeth…I have never had braces or whitening and my teeth and enamel are healthy and strong thanks to a clean, raw food diet! One thing that will destroy your enamel is the fluoride in drinking water. In fact, some countries are starting to lower the fluoride dose in their water because so many parents complained of their children’s teeth being destroyed! Clearly, apple cider vinegar is not the enemy!

  25. Sorrysob
    Sorrysob says:

    This will cure acid reflux. Acid reflux is a joke. Take a spoonfull of Braggs raw apple cider with Mothers before each meal and you can toss your Dr. meds. away . Trust me. I dont even have to take the apple cider anymore.

  26. NealnNYC
    NealnNYC says:

    ACV has relieved me of recurrent gout, something that multiple medications could not do. I am gout free and take 1 tablespoon of ACV daily instead of 2 perscriptions.


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