Written by Jennifer Thompson for the September 2013 Naturalioji Medicina, a Lithuanian Publication:
What is the history of Iridology? When it was started to use?
Documentation exists showing that Iridology was used up to 2,000 years ago in India, Egypt and China where they were able to determine certain distinct patterns in the eyes that correlated to specific health conditions. In the 1800’s, scientists in Hungary and Germany started to research further and finally, in the late 1800’s, Iridology became a modern science thanks to the work of Dr. Ignaz von Peczely.

An article written by Jennifer Thompson, Certified Comprehensive Iridologist
Why did you become interested in Iridology?
I personally became interested in Iridology through my own journey of healing when I was sick and undiagnosed by doctors for 2.5 years while living in Australia. Out of sheer desperation, I went to an Iridologist in hopes of getting some new piece of information that the doctors may have missed. And I did! The Iridology advised me to go on an elimination diet which, after several months, revealed the exact cause of my illness: an intolerance to one chemical food additive. After that, I was convinced. I knew I wanted to learn this science and share it with as many people as possible.
As a Systems Engineer, I am trained to look at a system as a whole and to optimize the best solution for a system based on any set of parameters. Iridology is very much the same, because we look at the whole body system, with organs, circulation, minerals and stress and then factor in inherent weakness, lifestyle habits, injuries, location and availability of herbs and foods, and find the best solution to get long-lasting health.
What is Iridology?
Iridology is the Science of the Iris of the Eye. The eye is connected to the central nervous system via the optic nerve and is therefore getting real-time information on what’s happening in the body at the same time as the brain. Think of your brain as your hard-drive. Your eyes are like your file folders, but they contain folders of information about your health!
Is it reliable survey method?
In my opinion of working with over 4,000 clients from all over the world, yes! Sometimes I will advise further medical testing based on my Iridology Analysis, for example a skin check for unusual moles or further examination of a calcified deposit ion the breast or kidney tests for elevated uric acid levels or a biopsy of the throat area. Every single time I have referred someone for more tests, my suspicion has been correct. Luckily, when a person catches an imbalance or dis-ease well in advance, they have a much higher chance to correct it and recover back to a good state of health.
What are the main principles of Iridology? How to diagnose the illness when looking into Iris?
It’s important to be clear that legally only a medical doctor can ‘diagnose’ an illness. In Iridology, we simply assess one’s overall health based on the color, variations of color, any spots or pigmentation, the iris fibers, the pupil size and shape and any markings in the sclera (white of the eye). Iridology is not used to diagnose any disease.

The eyes really are the windows to your health!
Does the Iridologist need some specific equipment or tools?
With my live clients, I simply use a flashlight and a magnifying lens. For my online clients, I provide instructions on how to take one’s iris photos. They use a standard digital camera to take their pictures, and then send them by email. Once approved, we schedule a time to meet and discuss the results!
What do fibers in Iris mean? Maybe you can mention some examples?
The fiber structure is used to determine certain subtypes in Iridology and from that, we can know where the person might have additional stress or weakness. Certain fiber structure shows a tendency for glandular (hormonal) imbalance; another shows the tendency for weak joints and bones; yet another shows the level of stress in a person and if it is affecting their health in terms of mineral loss and change in pH.
It is said that some illnesses is inheritable. As I know the color of the Iris can be inheritable too. Are these too facts connected?
In Iridology, we only have true blue and true brown eyes. A green eye is simply a blue eye with a yellow hue, and an amber eye is a ‘mixed eye’ color. Certainly, the eye color is an inherited trait and there are general characteristics about one’s health that we can ascertain from the color: mainly if they suffer from circulatory/blood problems and/or inability to store minerals, or excess mucous production and tendency for asthma, allergies, arthritis and skin afflictions, or liver/gallbladder weakness and sensitivity to fried foods and heated oils, chemicals, caffeine and likelihood for digestive disturbance.
Are there any interesting formations in Iris that iridologist can see (dark ring around Iris or anything else)?
In Iridology, we look at the pupil, the iris and the sclera. There are definitely certain things that are indicators or stress, inflammation, toxicity, deficiency or inherent weakness.
What’s important to remember is to always look at the body as a whole. So, if I see stress in the liver area, I will them check the colon, kidneys, lungs, circulation and hormones to try to understand what is causing that stress. If I see a cholesterol ring, then I need to check the liver, hormones, salt levels and colon. It’s requires a qualified Iridologist to be able to see these things. It’s best not to try and self-diagnose!
Maybe you know what is the opinion of skeptics (about Iridology)?
Remember, it used to be widely accepted that the earth was flat and doctors actually advised pregnant women to smoke cigarettes! Clearly not everything that the general public believes or is told is actually the truth. Anyone who has had a consultation with me and may have been a skeptic before is sold on the science of Iridology after!
Think about it. If the western medical approach was actually the best way, wouldn’t we be free of dis-ease? Iridology is a valuable tool because with it, we look at the body as a whole. A problem in one area of the body will always create stress on other organs in the body too. There can also be deficiency involved, or absorption problems, or heavy metal toxicity. In Iridology, we are taking all of those factors into account and not just diagnosing and then giving a pill to take away a symptom. When you strengthen an organ or area with proper diet and nutrition, the whole body gets stronger and healthier as a result.
The recommendations I make based on an Iridology reading are to strengthen and balance the body back into health through detox and/or change of diet. As nature intended!
Is this health survey method popular around the world?
In the Philippines, Iridology is recognized as a modern science and assessment tool, and you can get an Iridology Analysis by a medical doctor in any hospital. In other parts of the world, big pharma has created a ‘medical dictatorship’ and alternative or natural methods of healing are not widely recognized. It’s a sad and twisted world we live in when it’s ok to kill 60,000 people with an FDA-approved drug like Vioxx, but if I want to look into someone eyes and recommend a liver detox or colon cleanse, it’s considered ‘radical.’ Luckily, many people are starting to understand that diet is the key to health, and they are searching outside of doctor offices for more answers. I’ve had clients on Skype from Holland, UK, Germany, Spain, Saudia Arabia, New Zealand, Australia, USA, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Korea, China and Dubai just to name a few. I am very happy to see people taking responsibility for their health. An Iridology Assessment is a great way to fast-track a personalized plan to vibrant health!
This article was translated in Lithuanian by Kristina Gailiute for Naturalioji Medicina.
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