FREE Vitamix Blender Giveaway ($449.00 Value) + Liver Flush Green Smoothie Recipe

Friends, I’m so excited to share this awesome FREE giveaway with you! It’s an absolute honor for me to present a VITAMIX 5200 BLENDER! We’re starting this giveaway as a healthy kick-off to Black Friday shopping week and a reminder to stay focused on a clean diet and healthy living for the new year. What a great start to the new year to have a beautiful 2HP blender, ready to blend up some healthy bliss!

The Winner will receive a FREE Vitamix 5200 Blender and my NEW Green Smoothies for Dummies book!

Vitamix 5200 Blender Giveaway (Closed – See winner below): The Details

Someone’s getting a new $449.00 Value 2HP Vitamix 5200 blender for Christmas, ready to make Green Smoothies for many years to come! Here’s what we’ve got in this FREE giveaway for you:

1 Vitamix 5200 Blender + My NEW Book: Green Smoothies for Dummies

In case you don’t know what a Vitamix is, it’s a blender. That means it blends the fiber and the liquid of whatever you put inside. It is not a juicer (a juicer separates the fiber from the liquid, leaving only the liquid for you to drink). A blender is very practical for busy people because it takes a just a few minutes to prepare your creation, is very easy to clean, and with a blender, you get all the nutrients from your food plus you get the fiber too. Most people are simply not eating enough fiber in their daily diet; the result can lead to poor digestion, acid reflux, arthritis, bad skin, weak liver, sluggishness, foul breath and even restless sleep.

Having a high power professional Vitamix 5200 blender is definitely some good motivation to start making change. Combine that with the delicious recipes in my Green Smoothies for Dummies book and you are going to start the new year right!

Vitamix 5200 blender

Vitamix 5200 blender

Vitamix 5200: $449.00 Value!

The Vitamix 5200 Blender is a universal tool for family meals and entertaining. A Vitamix is designed and built for outstanding performance and unsurpassed durability. And, it’s guaranteed for 7 years.

You’ll enjoy:

  • Easy-to-use equipment paired with extreme versatility
  • The ability to chop, cream, blend, heat, grind, churn, and more, with a single machine
  • Quick and easy self-cleaning with a drop of dish soap and warm water; just run on High for 30 seconds
  • 7-year full warranty – Industry’s best
  • Ongoing recipe ideas and community support


How to Join: Vitamix Blender Giveaway

1. RaffleCopter is organizing this Giveaway…so CLICK BELOW to SIGN UP. The more tasks you complete in RaffleCopter, the greater your chances are to WIN!

There are 5 tasks in the Raffle which are mandatory in order to win:
1 and 2. Find us on Facebook – /HealthyBliss and /Vitamix.
3 and 4. Follow us on Twitter – @rawfoodbliss and @vitamix
5. Leave a comment below – answering the question: What is ONE healthy change that you will make for the New Year?

Additional tasks are optional, but if you complete them, you increase your chance to win. Good Luck!

Start Date: 24 November 2014
End Date: 15 December 2014
Winner Announced: 15 December 2014
Open to: US and Canada Addresses ONLY
Prize: Vitamix 5200 Blender (110V) and Green Smoothies for Dummies Book

No purchase necessary.
Contest closes at Midnight (EST), 15 December 2014.
Winner announced at 12pm noon (EST) 15 December 2014 EST.

Winner: Congratulations Maria Matos of Miami, FL


Liver Flush Green Smoothie Recipe

All this talk about blenders and green smoothies makes me want to drink a healthy green smoothie ASAP! Here’s a super-yummy Liver Flush Smoothie recipe straight from the 3-Day Green Smoothie Detox chapter in my new book. (Yes, the winner gets a copy for FREE!) The combination of detox ingredients in this recipe helps the liver flush toxins more quickly.

Liver Flush Green Smoothie Recipe Ingredients:

  • 2 oranges, peeled and seeded
  • 1 ripe banana, peeled
  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2-inch piece fresh ginger (peeled)
  • 1/4 tsp. ground turmeric
  • Dash cayenne pepper
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1 cup dandelion greens, loosely packed
  • 1 cup fresh spinach, loosely packed


1. Combine the oranges, banana, lemon juice, olive oil, ginger, turmeric, cayenne and water in the blender and secure the lid.

2. Starting at low speed and gradually increasing toward high, blend the ingredients for 30 to 45 seconds or until mixture is smooth.

3. Add the dandelion greens and spinach and blend again at medium speed for 30 seconds, gradually increasing the speed to high. Blend on high for another 15 to 30 seconds or until the entire mixture is smooth.

4. Pour the smoothie into 2 glasses and enjoy!

Green Smoothies for Dummies by Jennifer Thompson for Wiley Publishers, NY NY

Green Smoothies for Dummies by Jennifer Thompson for Wiley Publishers, NY NY

In Green Smoothie for Dummies, I’ve created a beautiful 3-day detox where each recipe focuses on a different organ of elimination, giving you a full-body cleanse in just 3 days!

Find plenty of other recipes and healthy tips too…everything from the best way to clean your blender to how to store your superfoods. I’ve created a “bible” for the best green smoothie making, and it’s all based on what I learned from teaching Green Smoothie classes for years. Every question that any student has ever asked me is in this book!

PS. If you’re looking for some awesome Christmas presents, you can head over to amazon and buy a few copies for everyone you love!!

The WINNER of this giveaway will receive a FREE Vitamix 5200 Blender PLUS a copy of my Green Smoothies for Dummies Book (with over 90 recipes!).

Don’t forget to sign up for the Vitamix Giveaway…Good Luck and Healthy Blessings!!

Winner: Congratulations Maria Matos of Miami, FL


Free Vitamix Giveaway - Winner Announced on 15 December 2014

Free Vitamix Giveaway – Winner Announced on 15 December 2014


Answer this question in the comments below:

What is ONE healthy change that you will make for the New Year?

(My answer: I’m exercising more! I’m going to yoga class every Thursday & starting to run again too. Oh yeah, bring it on 2015!!)



Congratulations to the WINNER!

Maria Matos of

Miami, FL

on your New VITAMIX 5200


and a copy of my book Green Smoothies for Dummies

What a GREAT gift for Christmas – Thank you Vitamix and John Wiley & Sons!


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More on Green Smoothies:

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Jennifer Betesh has been working with raw food, juices, smoothies and detox for over two decades to help people heal. Today, she shares her expertise worldwide, offering lectures, workshops, training and one-on-one consultations at various health and detox retreat centers. She provides Iridology Readings & Health Coaching via Skype and Phone to clients and continues to educate, motivate and inspire others on their journey of healing. When she’s not working, you’ll find her hiking in the mountains, power-walking along the sea or globe-trotting to a new and exotic health destination.
246 replies
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  1. Nadia Dedic
    Nadia Dedic says:

    The things I would like to incorporate in the new year to ensure a healthy lifestyle are: challenging negative thoughts through mindfulness and meditation and helping others.. Juicing and getting sleep are also two of the things that have improved my health this past year.

  2. laura
    laura says:

    One healthy change I will be making next year is I will stop drinking carbonated drinks. I love juicing and water, but I tend to slip every so often.

  3. Carol Lustig
    Carol Lustig says:

    I have been glued to this book, been experimenting with so many suggestions in the book and I cannot tell you how much better I already feel. Thank you for all your great knowledge. We benefit everyday and every way from what you share with us.

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      That’s so nice to hear Carol, thank you!

      I worked really hard to write a a Green Smoothie book that’s filled with good tips and recipes so I’m happy to hear that you enjoy!

      To your health,


  4. Tasha
    Tasha says:

    I believe a major part of our being physically healthy lies in being mentally/spiritually healthy. I plan on developing a greater spiritual practice, and try to spread the “love” around.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  5. Rick yen
    Rick yen says:

    My healthy change for this year is to drop yeast products Aka “breads”, and add more dehydrated healthy flatbreads instead.

  6. stephanie!
    stephanie! says:

    I am determined to eat 100 days of salad in the new year! Hopefully it’ll be a habit that sticks and I can share my new recipes with family and friends!

  7. Charlotte
    Charlotte says:

    My one healthy thing is to pay attention to me – to get healthy I need to focus on me and not be everyone else’s caretaker… so Mommy needs to swim and write down what she puts in her mouth!

  8. Catarina
    Catarina says:

    Hey Jennifer 🙂

    I’ve been having problems with my gut and my hormonal balance for years now. My gut has been causing problems to me all my life. Pretty much all my money and time goes on searching the answer to my problems. My mental health has crashed down because of my hormonal acne. The cortisol levels are touching the sky, even though I should just let go of the stress. Although it’s harder than it’s sounds.

    Still I’m not a giver, so I’m really trying as hard as I can. So for new year’s promise I’m going to find my peace with myself again and really just let go of the self-hatred. I wanna breath, laugh and smile again, because that’s me. I wanna find myself again and stop stressing for my health!

  9. Katherine Lambert
    Katherine Lambert says:

    Nature and her seasons are so very inspirational – a simple goal is to strengthen connection with our universe and nature – via cleansing/fasting/eating (seasonally-locally) & living in harmony with the seasons! (I know this may sound a bit hippie-dippy) just knowing we are made up of 60% water?- just think of the impact the moon/tides have on the earth and on us!!!???
    You are a gift indeed!

  10. Jeane Campbell
    Jeane Campbell says:

    Hubby is like a kid. Avoids veggies. But I look to find ways to “sneak” them in. Especially since he is diabetic. He needs that balance to keep his numbers low.

  11. Jeane Campbell
    Jeane Campbell says:

    Going to put my Fitbit back on and start my walking routine again. Right after Christmas. Well, probably after New Year’s. Next year, for sure. I hope. ….if I’m not scrapbooking, or cooking, or being with the grandkids..

  12. Candace
    Candace says:

    2015 is dedicated to deepening my spiritual practices. I have begun gathering basic yoga inversions to incorporate into my morning routine and a journal to use over the next few weeks to stay in touch with gratitude! 🙂

  13. Tijen
    Tijen says:

    Keep eating raw vegan and gluten free as much as I could. Thanks for sharing your story and knowledge with us. I’m grateful for everything you do!

  14. Tomislav-Emilio Ivanus
    Tomislav-Emilio Ivanus says:

    For 2015 I have decided to become a yoga instructor and healthy smoothies demonstrator.
    I have been practicing hot yoga intensively for the last two years and blending healthy juices for 6 years.
    Combination off those two can rejuvenate you and your life.
    I want to spread the experience.

  15. Zoe
    Zoe says:

    I’m making some progress in turning my health around but I won’t be able to fully complete a 180 if I don’t learn to (enjoy) cook(ing). That’s my 2015 goal.

  16. Anne
    Anne says:

    I’m looking forward to feeling “healthy bliss” and living my life (not hiding from it). I want to be able to take care of my family better but I know I have to start with myself first. The blender would be another valuable tool to getting to me to my best self. Love your website. Thank you for the chance.

  17. Sophia
    Sophia says:

    My biggest goal for the year is to practice more self love by cleansing quarterly (something I used to do regularly then became less vigilant about). Self love is the first love. Thank you for this wonderful contest. Can imagine making green smoothies, soups, and more, every day, with this! #love #gratitude

  18. Claudia
    Claudia says:

    I would like to know if you are familiar with healthy eating for women with a Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome. What is the healthiest way to treat a child with Asthma, get a sugar addict to change his way and what is best for a senior who had her thyroid remove and what to give someone who is trying to quit smoking. I know its a lot but I will be happy with just one. Thank you.

  19. Claudia
    Claudia says:

    I am once again planning on drinking more water and less fruit juices. I do notice when I drink more water my skin looks way much better. I just have to stay on it and not go back to drinking juices and neglected pure water.

  20. Sharon St Brice
    Sharon St Brice says:

    For the New Year I want to remain focus, Not to let anyone or anything deter me from striving to have a healthy body,

  21. Paul Baril
    Paul Baril says:

    Hi Jen,

    Thank You for this opportunity!

    The up coming year is a work in Paul year! A year dedicated to my health! Start off with a repeat of your recommendations : immune boosting, then humaworm, then a couple cleanses followed and always accompanied by green smoothies and fresh juices – let’s not forget daily shots of either ginger or wheatgrass!! Then keep on bringing my health back up … Thinking of my family, wife and kids before my comites and work!!! I know this is a biggie!!! But I’ve been conditioning myself since my last iridiology sessions!!!

    Looking forward to consulting again very soon 😉 and good luck to all!!!

    Paul 😉

  22. lina
    lina says:

    No more yo yo nutrition, a life style change due to my diabetes. Heal from the inside out and I truly believe by properly juicing that will enhance my health to a more effective path, including physical activities and my goal is to be productive not perfect.

  23. Matea
    Matea says:

    I’m almost scared to write this down… My goal is to get off sugar and tame my sweets habit! And again making raw foods a higher percentage of my diet.

  24. sandover
    sandover says:

    My goal is to decrease gluten and dairy intake. I had a dream I won a Vitamix which is my inspiration for entering. I hope it comes true! Thank you for the chances. 🙂

  25. Domi gonzalez
    Domi gonzalez says:

    My goal for the new year is to get more creative in the kitchen and to put more healthy meals on the table for my husband and kids to enjoy.

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