Enter my FREE Vitamix Blender Giveaway here!

This Beauty of a Blender could be Yours for FREE!

Imagine starting the New Year with a Vitamix Blender…for FREE! Thanks to the generous folks at Vitamix, I have one FREE Vitamix Blender to giveaway this holiday season! This blog post will tell you everything you need to know about the FREE Vitamix giveaway, so keep reading and be sure to add your comment below! In addition, I’m also offering a FREE online Iridology Analysis and a FREE Green Smoothie DVD and eKit to the lucky winner. This is our way of saying ‘Thank you’ to all of my loyal Twitter followers, clients and Facebook friends. If we are willing to offer you the chance of a clean, fresh start to your health and well-being for 2013, you better believe that we believe in what we do and we believe in you too!

Just in case you don’t know what a Vitamix is, it’s a blender. That means it blends the fiber and the liquid of whatever you put inside. It is not a juicer (a juicer separates the fiber from the liquid, leaving only the liquid for you to drink). A blender is very practical for busy people because it takes a just a few minutes to prepare your creation, is very easy to clean, and with a blender, you get all the nutrients from your food plus you get the fiber too. Most people are simply not eating enough fiber in their daily diet; the result can lead to poor digestion, acid reflux, arthritis, bad skin, weak liver, sluggishness, foul breath and even restless sleep. Getting fiber in your diet is so easy when you simply have 1 healthy smoothie a day. Add superfoods to your smoothie and you can really maximize the power of your foods to get the most fiber, nutrients, minerals and chlorophyll – all valuable tools for healing and all elements needed to make you feel that Healthy Bliss!

The ‘BMW’ of blender motors!

Now you know that the Vitamix is a blender. But I didn’t mention that it is the BMW of blenders. Well, it better be…for a price of $449.00 USD!! It’s the dream blender of every raw foodist and health enthusiast I know, including me! The reason why the Vitamix Blender is considered the best blender on the market is because it has an excellent motor, it’s extremely well made and it’s guaranteed for 7 years. You can blend anything in this blender thanks to that motor, even an avocado seed, it’s true! This is a blender that lasts for life; that’s why people pay a lot for it, because it’s really a long-term investment in your health. I am really excited to have the chance to give this away because I’ve seen the change that my clients have made, and I know that good food is the key.

The Vitamix Blender ($449.00 value): What it can do for you

Enter in the Comments below to Win!

Create every course of your home-cooked meal—from frozen drinks to creamy desserts—in minutes. The Vitamix 5200 is the universal tool for family meals and entertaining. A Vitamix blender is designed and built for outstanding performance and unsurpassed durability. You’ll enjoy:

  • Easy-to-use equipment paired with extreme versatility
  • The ability to chop, cream, blend, heat, grind, churn, and more, with a single machine
  • Quick and easy self-cleaning with a drop of dish soap and warm water; just run on High for 30 seconds
  • 7-year full warranty – Industry’s best
  • Ongoing recipe ideas and community support

An Online Iridology Analysis ($99.95 value): What it can do for you

Iridology is the science of the iris, or colored portion, of the eye. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and central nervous system through the optic nerve. The optic nerve connects to the central nervous system (CNS) which is the main communication link to everything that goes on in the body.

Jennifer Offers Iridology via Skype, Phone or Email

Jennifer Thompson is a Certified Comprehensive Iridologist (CCI) and offers a complete Iridology Analysis via Skype, email or phone. After taking your iris photos with a digital camera or iPhone, you will email the photos to Jennifer and arrange a time and day to discuss the results. During the reading, Jennifer gives you a good, clear understanding of where your body is at in terms of strengths, weakness, imbalance and any areas of toxicity or inflammation. She makes recommendations for improvement that may involve doing some form of a detox (colon cleanse, heavy metal detox, kidney cleanse, skin cleanse, etc) and a change in diet that may include adding certain foods to your diet and reducing/minimizing others.

  • The skype call is 1-hour in length and is recorded. The video file is sent to you by email after the call.
  • Any skype chat is also sent by email after the call so you have all records of any scientific terms discussed.
  • Follow-up Q&A by email is available for up to 2 months your consultation to ensure you have all knowledge and information needed to achieve your goals.

Green Smoothie DVD and eKit ($69.95 value): What it can do for you

The Green Smoothie DVD and eKit Course

Jennifer’s Instructional DVD will make you a Green Smoothie Expert! Find out for yourself why thousands of people are turning to Green Smoothies for more energy, better health, detox & weight loss! Are you not experiencing the level of energy and good health you desire? Green Smoothies could be your answer to start getting results. Jennifer’s NEW Green Smoothie Power DVD teaches you how!

With the DVD, you also receive 3 eBooks. Use the Quick Reference Guide eBook to get started immediately. Read the How to Make Green Smoothies eBook for inspiration and motivation. Experiment with 200 amazing recipes in the Green Smoothie Recipe eBook. You can be making your first Green Smoothie within minutes!

  • Green Smoothie DVD by Jennifer Thompson
  • How to Make Green Smoothies eBook by Jennifer Thompson
  • Green Smoothie Quick Start Guide eBook by Jennifer Thompson
  • 200 Green Smoothie Recipes for Your Health & Well-Being eBook by Jennifer Thompson
  • How to Sprout and How to Make Nut/Seed Milk book by Jennifer Thompson
  • Set of 2 Sprout and Nut/Seed Milk Bags (9.5×11″, 100% Cotton)

Sample Smoothie Recipe for the Lucky Vitamix Winner

Here’s a fun recipe to make in a your new Vitamix Blender: Hearty Selenium Boosting High Anti-Oxidant Smoothie! This Smoothie is so fast, easy and yummy! It’s perfect for a cold winter morning or after a workout when you’re really hungry and want something filling!

Now that’s some Healthy Bliss!

– 1 red apple, cut into slices and core
– 1 banana
– 1 large handful of fresh blackberries
– 1/3 cup raw walnuts
– 1 Tbsp. organic tahini (sesame paste)
– 2 Tbsp. ground flax seed
– 1 Tbsp. Fresh organic aloe vera juice
– 1/2 cup filtered water

Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

Blackberries are very high in anti-oxidants (for immune system); Tahini is high in calcium (for the bones); Walnuts are high in selenium (for the brain); Aloe vera is great for the skin and digestion. Let your food be your medicine!

How to Sign-Up for the FREE Vitamix Giveaway

All you need to do is this:

1. Follow me (@rawfoodbliss) on twitter
2. Follow Vitamix (@vitamix) on twitter
3. Leave a Comment on this post, answering the following question:

What is one positive change that you’ve made in your diet and how has your health improved as a result?

Thanks for entering, and Good Luck!

That’s it, you will be entered in the giveaway.

All entries must be received by 25 December 2012 at 12 midnight USA EST.
The winner will be announced on 26 December, 2012 at 12 noon USA EST.

The winner will receive a FREE Vitamix Blender, a FREE online Iridology Analysis and a FREE Green Smoothie DVD eKit course.

This contest is open up to all entries worldwide. Please note: The winner will receive a blender with whatever voltage is required for their country (either 220v or 110v). Any import duties imposed at delivery (for an international winner outside of USA or EU) are the sole responsibilty of the recipient.

Answer this in the comments below:
What is one positive change that you’ve made in your diet and how has your health improved as a result?

Your comment will not appear immediately as all comments are moderated for spam before approval. The winner will be contacted by email, and will also be announced on my Twitter feed and Facebook page on December 26, 2012 at 12 noon USA EST. Thank you!

And the winner is…….
Lois and Earl Stokes of Volcano, Hawaii!!

Congratulations to Lois and here is her entry:

“My husband had a stroke and found out that he was a diabetic one year ago. We have turned his diabetes around (no more insulin shots) and have improved his blood work by limiting processed foods and drinking two green smoothies a day. I as a side benefit have lost 30 pounds and no longer suffer from bowel spasms. Mahalo (Thank You) for this generous offer and for the opportunity to become a winner. Actually I am already a winner because of our lifestyle change.”

Thank you to everyone who entered this amazing contest…I wish I had a free Vitamix to give to all of you…..your stories of healing touched my heart!!

More on Vitamix:

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Jennifer Betesh has been working with raw food, juices, smoothies and detox for over two decades to help people heal. Today, she shares her expertise worldwide, offering lectures, workshops, training and one-on-one consultations at various health and detox retreat centers. She provides Iridology Readings & Health Coaching via Skype and Phone to clients and continues to educate, motivate and inspire others on their journey of healing. When she’s not working, you’ll find her hiking in the mountains, power-walking along the sea or globe-trotting to a new and exotic health destination.
1122 replies
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  1. Sarah Garcia
    Sarah Garcia says:

    The most influential change I have made was eliminating coffee. Its been more than 6 months. I have now replaced coffee with green smoothies!! I love that it is fast and easy and very filling too. I make my smoothie and its perfect for on the go. I drink my smoothie in the morning on my way to work. I have also started juicing which is just delicious. My children love it too. I think it is great that they love the green smoothies because I know the benefits of it are just awesome. I was starting to have a lot of anxiety and since I have made simple changes, my anxiety has decreased, I have more energy and my body gets to soak up all the nutritional value green smoothies has to offer. Winning this contest would be the best investment for my health yet!

  2. Monet
    Monet says:

    Regulating my blood sugar by learning more about complete proteins & amino acids and eating those proteins every 2-3 hours has made all the difference in my energy level, quality of sleep and hormonal balance. There has been a drastic decrease in PMS symptoms, and the biggest surprise of all has been the elimination of mood swings. I had absolutely no idea blood sugar was the culprit!!!

  3. Tiffany
    Tiffany says:

    A positive change I’ve made in my diet includes trying to not eating as many processed foods. With all the artificial flavors and sweeteners nowadays, it’s easy for companies to make anything taste like what they want it to taste like and pass it off as food. We usually eat these foods because of convenience and the (artificial) great taste. By eliminating some of the processed foods I ate, I began to feel better overall. My energy, mood, and exercise endurance improved dramatically. This change also made me research and discover the powerful effects of juicing and fruit/veggie smoothies. I’ve purchased a few from healthy smoothie places (without sugar) and would like to start making my own at home. I would love to win this contest so that I can have some of the best tools to continue my healthy journey!

  4. Jane B
    Jane B says:

    Getting out into the sunshine for at least 25-30 minutes a day (with sunblock). My mood has increased phenomenally, and the only real change I’ve made is to leave my car home more and walk outside when I can. Both green and healthy!

  5. Carilyn Buschman
    Carilyn Buschman says:

    I’ve avoided gluten and dairy as much as possible and it has changed me so much.. I’ve lost inches and feel so much better overall.

  6. Héléna Walsh
    Héléna Walsh says:

    I start my day with a freshly made green/carrot juice blend and it sets me up for the day…as they say…..”Start as you mean to go on!”. I always add ginger & lemons or limes for some warmth & zest. My boyfriend thought I was mad in the beginning but strangely enough he’s hooked too 🙂
    I aim to eat raw, wheat free, gluten free, dairy free and sugar free foods as much as possible during the week and at the weekend I allow myself a treat or two! I also try to do at least 3 yoga classes a week & walk as much as possible (to & from work, when doing shopping, take the stairs rather than elevator).
    Don’t be confused and brainwashed by dieting trends that pop up in the media constantly. The only way one can maintain a slim, healthy physique & outlook is by changing your lifestyle choices…. and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise……and one last thing, be happy…afterall, happiness is a choice 🙂

  7. Michelle
    Michelle says:

    I have committed to following a gluten free diet and the results have been impressive! I was suffering from severe acne which has all but disappeared and I have lost almost 20 pounds without any other lifestyle changes. The increased energy I feel is also a great perk!

  8. fabiana castillo
    fabiana castillo says:

    What is one positive change that you’ve made in your diet and how has your health improved as a result?
    I used to hate drinking water, which resulted in getting a UTI and kidney infection.. I take Meds for it but I also drink around 4-6 bottles of water and eat a lot of greens and not so much dairy products. My skin feels way smoother and clear, I also feel healthier.

  9. Alison
    Alison says:

    I’ve added a lot more raw food into my diet over the past few years. It has made a huge difference in my health! I’m hoping to find more ways to eat healthfully without a lot of time-consuming preparations.

  10. Stephanie Baldi
    Stephanie Baldi says:

    I switched to a vegan diet about seven and a half months ago, and haven’t looked back. My digestive health has improved and I can feel that my body is healthier as a whole. I even feel happier. Though, there are still some changes I would like to make to achieve even better results, I still am pleased to be doing so much better than I was a year ago.

  11. Crystaja
    Crystaja says:

    I’ve committed to eating a veggie-based diet and I am vegan in my home. I’ve seen a marked difference in my digestive health and I’ve lost weight while making sure I get the nutrients I need.

  12. Tracy B. Gibson
    Tracy B. Gibson says:

    I was introduced to a healthier, quasi-vegetarian “diet” by a coworker who I was just amazed on how he prepared his daily salads for lunch. After about a week or so, I asked him about his choices in his salads. He kindly told over a period of a week or so what prompted HIM to become more health conscious, HIS results heath wise as a result of it. He then mentioned that he juiced with a Vitamix as well daily. I then did my own research into the benefits of juicing and in increasing raw food intake ( of course no meat/ poultry). I tried the juicing in my blender…lets just say, not as satisfactory..LOL. This coworker shared that he had his Vitamix for years and was EXTREMELY satisfied with it.
    I do continue to “blend” my raw vegetables as well as make yummy, colorful salads. The Vitamix is on my very short-list for the Holidays as I am looking to step up on juicing, preparing soups, and SLOWLY integrating this to my salad.
    Since I’ve made this change , my blood pressure has gone down, I’ve lost some weight, and my energy level has gone up!!!
    I’m excited about this offer with crossed fingers. Thanks for the opportunity to enter!!!

  13. Ann Noire
    Ann Noire says:

    The positive change I made in my diet is giving up the microwave and dairy, and replacing them with lots of fresh fruit and green vegetables. My sinus allergies and fatigue left. And, my skin cleared up with weight loss. My meat intake decrease naturally, and for the first time, I knew with fresh food, I could go vegan and lose weight without counting calories.

  14. janet
    janet says:

    We have just started juicing and with all the research we have done and talked to people we know that own one vitamix is the way to go..would love to win one but no matter our new year new healthy life will be a part of new beginnings in 2013..can’t wait

  15. Dave Hinkes
    Dave Hinkes says:

    3 years ago I woke up with the room spinning and my eyes couldn’t stay straight. I was told I had a growth on my hearing nerve that was pressing on my brain and needed either massive radiation or brain surgery. I opted for the surgery. 2 weeks before surgery, I met a holistic practitioner and suggested curcumin. After a few days the growth shrunk and nothing was spinning. I cancelled the surgery and have been symptom free since 2009. I became very interested in health and earned a few certificates on holistic practice and stated a website but still tweaking 4u4life.net. Currently I and fighting to eliminating Chem trails, Monsanto, and fracking and spreading the word about the myths of cholesterol. Thanks for all that I have read on this sight.

  16. Ashley M.
    Ashley M. says:

    The main thing I have changed was eating how I am suppose to properly eat. I use to load my 6ounce cup of coffee with about 5 packets of sugar, eat processed foods, never drink water & tell myself that juice is just as good & I am getting my water intake from the day from that, only eat vegetables when cooked by my parents for dinner & hardly ever eat fruits and allow stress & negative thoughts consume me. On the outside I was a healthy looking girl, but on the inside my body was screaming at me. 

    This year I began getting swollen everywhere. My hands were so swollen & I was in such pain I couldn’t open bottles of water, physically couldn’t even tighten my hand. My feet were so swollen I couldn’t fit my shoes anymore or walk, all my joints, elbows, kness, collar bones, it was bad. Being clueless & having no knowledge of symptoms & diagnosis, I thought it was as an allergic reaction to something in my apartment or something I was ate. Went to the doctors & they just confused me more, went back to another to later be officially diagnosed with lupus, lupus nephritis to be exact & stage 4 on part of one of my kidneys. If I would have waited a little longer I could have gone into a coma. After I realized how unhealthy I was & began a gluten-free & dairy free diet, drank green smoothies daily to lower the inflammation in my body, whole fruits & vegetables daily, grass fed meats, wild caught fish (scared to give up meats for fear of losing tooo much weight, only weigh 105) no sugar, no salt, the recommended amount of water daily & herbal non caffeinated tea only, no alcohol, & began mediation, better stress management & positive thinking etc etc. Also started seeing a holistic doctor & are taking supplements for all my deficiencies. 

    I have 10 times more energy, feel better as a person and I will get rid of my lupus by march as a birthday gift to myself (speaking it into existence). I am taking the, “treat the person not the disease, treat the cause not the effect approach”. Changing my diet has saved my life, my kidneys & if we update in March I can say got rid of my lupus. 🙂

  17. Sarah Proctor
    Sarah Proctor says:

    I have changed from feeling guilty about the food I choose to eat to feeling satisfied which, in short, has propelled my life to be one of balance -nutritionally and actively. Treating my body and mind with love and respect continues to make my soul happy.

  18. crys
    crys says:

    I was diagnosed with stage3 breast cancer last year. Immediately I changed my diet to vegan. Now I am an avid juicer! Truly wish I started juicing years ago. Despite it all, I am blessed to be 28 years old with a greater appreciation for life.
    Currently I am detoxifying with the use of greens and supplements.

  19. Tursha' Hamilton
    Tursha' Hamilton says:

    I’ve been much more conscious of adding more fresh/raw veggies into my diet recently. Since then, Im much more hydrated, my skin is healthier, and my energy is increasing. Though I havent seen it, Others have noticed that Ive lost weight as well. Gotta love that!! 🙂

  20. Dahlia
    Dahlia says:

    I am following your advice of adding smoothies to my diet and I feel much better!!!! I have more energy and my skin looks great!!

  21. KenJos
    KenJos says:

    My wife and I have at least one green smoothie per day, usually for breakfast..this practice has increased our intake of fruits and vegetables of course but also discouraged us from partaking in non-helpful foods…it also serves as a great alternative to unhealthy snacks that we love to employ from time to time. Yup!

  22. Katie (The Muffin Myth)
    Katie (The Muffin Myth) says:

    Wow, what an amazing giveaway! I’ve been coveting a Vitamix and would absolutely love to win one here! One positive change? I drastically increased the amount of raw vegetables and fruit in my diet. Most mornings I have a smoothie with a handful of greens blended in. My dinner most evenings is a huge salad. I like to eat light in the evenings and fill by body with nourishing whole foods as much as possible.

  23. Annette Benoit
    Annette Benoit says:

    I stopped eating beef, pork, & poultry for the past two months. I now only consume gulf coast seafood and have lost 12 pounds just by doing that.

  24. BYOL
    BYOL says:

    I’ve been vegan for 7 years. I’ve been whole food plant-based for 2 and this year I stopped using oil. I also trained for a marathon and did extremely well and noticed my body reached and maintained itself at peak fitness for longer periods of time, and recovered much faster between workouts.

    Thanks so much!

  25. Michele Bouchard
    Michele Bouchard says:

    I have cut out as many processed foods as possible and have been making things from scratch myself. By doing this I know for sure what is in the foods that I and my children are eating. My health has improved and I am more active than ever before.

  26. Pedro Montanez
    Pedro Montanez says:

    I’m a 45y old Sailor with the US Navy that used to eat whatever and whenever specially lots of stakes. Back in 2005 while in Iraq, got sick with who knows what that I was on bed for three days in a row, not able to eat much or move, bad cold symptoms, fever etc etc. After that I went and check everything, my cholesterol was in 307 with 205 on the trigly. Doctor told me had to take Lipitor for life 40mg once a day. Which I did but then my body started to change gain 50 pounds and was tired all the time and other things that happen when you drink pills that basically affect your liver. I decided to get educated about what to do and what to eat and not to eat so I can stop taking the pills and my body recuperate from all this sickness. I did change my whole diet, no more red meat, more vegetables and fruits, to the point that my co-workers called me bird. Because they say I eat like the birds fruits and seeds, Great news, I did recuperate and don’t have to take any more pills, the doctor was amassed and I haven’t been sick not even with a common cold since 2005. I started to make my own orange juice now I eat organics vegetables that I plant every spring. Now I prepare almost everything from my own salsa, juice etc. my next try is going to be the Almond milk, however my old blender cracked in the first attempt, now I need a new one, but I’m going to wait after december to buy one. If anyone that win the new one want to donate the old one to this sailor it will be appreciate. Thank you and Marry Christmas to all.

  27. Michelle
    Michelle says:

    One positive change that I’ve made in my diet is to alot one day a week as a total juice day: I drink fruit juices in the morning and wonderful grren juices through the day. How has my health improved as a result? I gradually lost 10 pounds over a few months! My skin is clear and no more bloating! Yyaaaayyyy!

  28. Jonathan Peluso
    Jonathan Peluso says:

    I was diagnosed with diverticulosis after having digestive issues for almost 7 yrs. I no longer each processed foods and replaced them with vegetables and fruits. My stomach attacks are happening less often and are less severe now, I finally seem to be healing. I no longer have migraines or feel sluggish and my mind is a lot clearer now. I’m learning to cook as well since I don’t eat out much anymore. It’s difficult but knowing what’s in my food and eating the right things is essential for my well being and health.

  29. Meeri
    Meeri says:

    me and my partner started a raw good diet nearly 8 months ago for purely for giving the body what it needs as we didn’t have any health problems at that point, what we though anyway lol we lost tons of weight, and I this odds probably to much information… I don’t get any vaginal discharge ant more… that made me really happy 🙂

  30. Lana
    Lana says:

    The most beneficial change I made in my diet was changing from being a vegetarian to being a raw vegan. Since I eat only raw my skin looks better, the energy level is much higher, I can exercise longer, I feel much happier, don’t have these terrible head aches that I used to have for all my life. I’ve been eating raw food for 6 years now (but have a few months off), I tried many different styles of raw food from mono eating (1 type of food for one meal) to preparing gourmet raw food using all king of kitchen equipment. Right now I’m testing an 80-10-10 life style (a lot of fruit and greens and a very low fat and protein raw food diet). Two years ago I also added green smoothies in my diet (thank you Jennifer) and still love to have it 1-2 times a day. I’m 37 now but feel much better then in my twenties. That’s a result for me so I will keep going 🙂

  31. Francesca
    Francesca says:

    II’ve been struggling with being over weight all my life… I have no one 2 blame but myself… I have control what goes in my mouth… I have been cutting out fatty foods alcohol consumption and drinking more water, exercising and keeping active… I’ve lost 60 pounds in 2 years… Since eating and exercising I no longer need or take any of my medication, my headaches aren’t as frequent and I’m living a healthier life Looking for a NEW healthier way for MORE energy other than coffee… I have a few friends that FELL IN LOVE with juicing real foods greener fresher varieties that gives them the push they need… They have lost weight their health has improved and are happier with the changes that they’ve made… I’ve always wanted a VitaMix Machine but can’t afford it…

  32. Arianna F
    Arianna F says:

    I try to cut out bad foods from my diet and very often fail. I work nights and it is easy to be good for a few days and even easier to cheat after that. I cut out drinking soda from my diet, which made a huge impact. I also try to substitute Crystal light whenever I am craving a soda, because it is the cravings that sometimes make it so hard not to give in.

  33. Kotarah
    Kotarah says:

    This year I’ve brought completely fresh fruit into my diet. Fresh, off the tree, fruit. This has many medicinal properties. I’ve also discovered how much more life has come into my life from eating the fresh fruit. My breakfast doesn’t cost five bucks, it costs me going outside and picking plums off the tree. This is an entirely different experience from any I’ve encountered. I feel more connected to life, and to myself.

  34. Tianna
    Tianna says:

    This year I gave up sugar. It was much easier than I thought! After several weeks I lost about 7 pounds without trying. I’ve stopped getting shaky spells from my blood sugar dropping. Also, my mind is no longer foggy in the morning when I wake up.

  35. Patience
    Patience says:

    I drink fresh lemon or lime juice (diluted with water, sweetened with a TOUCH of stevia) pretty much daily. In addition I’ve been a vegetarian for 2/3 of my life now, with many of my meals being vegan, while avoiding all fast food. Happy to say I rarely ever get the sniffles, even when sharing my living space with sick family members…

  36. Starlah
    Starlah says:

    This year I have startedstarting my day with lemon water. Because of this I have noticed an improvement in my energy, and my skin (which is often inflamed and irritated from eczema and lupus).

  37. rachel
    rachel says:

    I have made so many positive changes that picking just one is hard. But perhaps the best one was getting rid of high fructose corn syrup and other corn derived products. It’s a simple change and seemingly small, but as my husband was a junk food junkie and allergic to corn, by changing my diet along with his, not only have i reaped benefits from far less processed food, but my husband now has lost his craving for junk food and loves how well he feels.

  38. Justin Hodges
    Justin Hodges says:

    Jennifer’s tweets help keep me inspired, informed and motivated. I’ve incorporated many more raw foods into my diet, sometimes eating almost entirely raw. Some benefits include sleeping better, better skin, quick weight loss, and improved mood.

  39. Bren
    Bren says:

    Earlier this year, I switched to vegetarianism and am now mostly vegan. I juice/blend 2 meals per day. I feel great! So far I’ve lost 9 pounds and am so glad to be free of the processed crap!

  40. Kerry Phouthavong
    Kerry Phouthavong says:

    I’ve learned that you can make any of your favorite recipes and modify it into healthy and nutritious meal/snack/dessert. I’ve always enjoyed fruits and veggies but not as much as this past year. I can’t see myself eating a meal without something colorful on the plate. The concept of “eating a rainbow” has really stuck with me and I’ve lost 2 inches off my waist this year and have managed to keep it off 🙂

  41. Courtney
    Courtney says:

    In 2010, I was diagnosed with a really severe case of Ulcerative Colitis and since then, I’ve been given a diagnosis of Crohn’s. However, since I could not afford the medication because I was uninsured (and was subsequently denied disability benefits), I’ve made a few changes in my life. One thing that I’ve begun to do is to drink more smoothies and I bought a blender and detox (eat clean) with more regularity. Since buying my first blender, I’ve fallen in love with the idea that I can make simple and tasty meals that keep me energized and full for a while and that these things have helped me, and will continue to help me, as I navigate “having” these health issues.

  42. Candy Calderon
    Candy Calderon says:

    After a long history of cancer in my family and more recently (5 years ago) breast cancer with my mom, who is my ALL I decided to make a change in my life, for a healthier me and thus positively affecting everyone at my house, I decided to become vegetarian, drop the meat, do yoga and look for inner peace and contentment… I was obsessed with being skinny for all the wrong reasons and doing all the wrong things (fad diets, harsh detoxes and many other things that were not good for my emotionally and physically, it was draining me, I was miserable and it was taking a toll on my life.

    So I understood that we are what we eat, we are the way we live our lives, our life styles, I started to introducing juicing and smoothies to my life, and of course ditched the meat and never looked back, we are talking about 2 years back. I’ve never felt better and so satisfied inside that I decided to open a page an help others with my humble experience and at any capacity I could, I also thought as an entrepreneur and started a catering business only for vegetarian and vegan meals, in my country that’s not very common and people are not very healthy, so thanks God everything has been happening organically and almost magically.

    I invite you all to drop by my page https://www.facebook.com/NamiByCandy and also my Twitter @namibycandy I write in both Spanish and English since I would like to reach as many as possible with my message, I already have friends from USA, Japan, Laos, Estonia, France, Denmark, China, Canada, Venezuela, Chile, Haiti and those are the countries I have been able to rack so far 🙂

    I feel blessed to be doing what I love and at the same time inspire others, I live in Dominican Republic and I love how things are changing for the better and I love being part of that…

    Unfortunately Vitaminix are out of my range price wise, but God know I would put is to good use and I dream of the day I can have one in my hands, hence why I am participating with the conviction that I will receive the happy news!!! Fingers crossed!!! 🙂

  43. Christen M
    Christen M says:

    I’ve started drinking my greens. I invested in a juicer and make occasional green smoothies in my regular blenderl. By doing so my health has improved in soo many ways. My skin is clearer, my dermatitis has almost disappeared and I have seen a decrease in some of my sinus issues and of course I feel overall more healthy and energized.

  44. Thu
    Thu says:

    only 1? well, i consume lots-o-greens through green juice on most days even though it takes effort to prepare, juice and clean up. i can feel the difference. happy to report that i have “converted” several people in the last few years by example. 🙂


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