Enter my FREE Vitamix Blender Giveaway here!

This Beauty of a Blender could be Yours for FREE!

Imagine starting the New Year with a Vitamix Blender…for FREE! Thanks to the generous folks at Vitamix, I have one FREE Vitamix Blender to giveaway this holiday season! This blog post will tell you everything you need to know about the FREE Vitamix giveaway, so keep reading and be sure to add your comment below! In addition, I’m also offering a FREE online Iridology Analysis and a FREE Green Smoothie DVD and eKit to the lucky winner. This is our way of saying ‘Thank you’ to all of my loyal Twitter followers, clients and Facebook friends. If we are willing to offer you the chance of a clean, fresh start to your health and well-being for 2013, you better believe that we believe in what we do and we believe in you too!

Just in case you don’t know what a Vitamix is, it’s a blender. That means it blends the fiber and the liquid of whatever you put inside. It is not a juicer (a juicer separates the fiber from the liquid, leaving only the liquid for you to drink). A blender is very practical for busy people because it takes a just a few minutes to prepare your creation, is very easy to clean, and with a blender, you get all the nutrients from your food plus you get the fiber too. Most people are simply not eating enough fiber in their daily diet; the result can lead to poor digestion, acid reflux, arthritis, bad skin, weak liver, sluggishness, foul breath and even restless sleep. Getting fiber in your diet is so easy when you simply have 1 healthy smoothie a day. Add superfoods to your smoothie and you can really maximize the power of your foods to get the most fiber, nutrients, minerals and chlorophyll – all valuable tools for healing and all elements needed to make you feel that Healthy Bliss!

The ‘BMW’ of blender motors!

Now you know that the Vitamix is a blender. But I didn’t mention that it is the BMW of blenders. Well, it better be…for a price of $449.00 USD!! It’s the dream blender of every raw foodist and health enthusiast I know, including me! The reason why the Vitamix Blender is considered the best blender on the market is because it has an excellent motor, it’s extremely well made and it’s guaranteed for 7 years. You can blend anything in this blender thanks to that motor, even an avocado seed, it’s true! This is a blender that lasts for life; that’s why people pay a lot for it, because it’s really a long-term investment in your health. I am really excited to have the chance to give this away because I’ve seen the change that my clients have made, and I know that good food is the key.

The Vitamix Blender ($449.00 value): What it can do for you

Enter in the Comments below to Win!

Create every course of your home-cooked meal—from frozen drinks to creamy desserts—in minutes. The Vitamix 5200 is the universal tool for family meals and entertaining. A Vitamix blender is designed and built for outstanding performance and unsurpassed durability. You’ll enjoy:

  • Easy-to-use equipment paired with extreme versatility
  • The ability to chop, cream, blend, heat, grind, churn, and more, with a single machine
  • Quick and easy self-cleaning with a drop of dish soap and warm water; just run on High for 30 seconds
  • 7-year full warranty – Industry’s best
  • Ongoing recipe ideas and community support

An Online Iridology Analysis ($99.95 value): What it can do for you

Iridology is the science of the iris, or colored portion, of the eye. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue of the body by way of the brain and central nervous system through the optic nerve. The optic nerve connects to the central nervous system (CNS) which is the main communication link to everything that goes on in the body.

Jennifer Offers Iridology via Skype, Phone or Email

Jennifer Thompson is a Certified Comprehensive Iridologist (CCI) and offers a complete Iridology Analysis via Skype, email or phone. After taking your iris photos with a digital camera or iPhone, you will email the photos to Jennifer and arrange a time and day to discuss the results. During the reading, Jennifer gives you a good, clear understanding of where your body is at in terms of strengths, weakness, imbalance and any areas of toxicity or inflammation. She makes recommendations for improvement that may involve doing some form of a detox (colon cleanse, heavy metal detox, kidney cleanse, skin cleanse, etc) and a change in diet that may include adding certain foods to your diet and reducing/minimizing others.

  • The skype call is 1-hour in length and is recorded. The video file is sent to you by email after the call.
  • Any skype chat is also sent by email after the call so you have all records of any scientific terms discussed.
  • Follow-up Q&A by email is available for up to 2 months your consultation to ensure you have all knowledge and information needed to achieve your goals.

Green Smoothie DVD and eKit ($69.95 value): What it can do for you

The Green Smoothie DVD and eKit Course

Jennifer’s Instructional DVD will make you a Green Smoothie Expert! Find out for yourself why thousands of people are turning to Green Smoothies for more energy, better health, detox & weight loss! Are you not experiencing the level of energy and good health you desire? Green Smoothies could be your answer to start getting results. Jennifer’s NEW Green Smoothie Power DVD teaches you how!

With the DVD, you also receive 3 eBooks. Use the Quick Reference Guide eBook to get started immediately. Read the How to Make Green Smoothies eBook for inspiration and motivation. Experiment with 200 amazing recipes in the Green Smoothie Recipe eBook. You can be making your first Green Smoothie within minutes!

  • Green Smoothie DVD by Jennifer Thompson
  • How to Make Green Smoothies eBook by Jennifer Thompson
  • Green Smoothie Quick Start Guide eBook by Jennifer Thompson
  • 200 Green Smoothie Recipes for Your Health & Well-Being eBook by Jennifer Thompson
  • How to Sprout and How to Make Nut/Seed Milk book by Jennifer Thompson
  • Set of 2 Sprout and Nut/Seed Milk Bags (9.5×11″, 100% Cotton)

Sample Smoothie Recipe for the Lucky Vitamix Winner

Here’s a fun recipe to make in a your new Vitamix Blender: Hearty Selenium Boosting High Anti-Oxidant Smoothie! This Smoothie is so fast, easy and yummy! It’s perfect for a cold winter morning or after a workout when you’re really hungry and want something filling!

Now that’s some Healthy Bliss!

– 1 red apple, cut into slices and core
– 1 banana
– 1 large handful of fresh blackberries
– 1/3 cup raw walnuts
– 1 Tbsp. organic tahini (sesame paste)
– 2 Tbsp. ground flax seed
– 1 Tbsp. Fresh organic aloe vera juice
– 1/2 cup filtered water

Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

Blackberries are very high in anti-oxidants (for immune system); Tahini is high in calcium (for the bones); Walnuts are high in selenium (for the brain); Aloe vera is great for the skin and digestion. Let your food be your medicine!

How to Sign-Up for the FREE Vitamix Giveaway

All you need to do is this:

1. Follow me (@rawfoodbliss) on twitter
2. Follow Vitamix (@vitamix) on twitter
3. Leave a Comment on this post, answering the following question:

What is one positive change that you’ve made in your diet and how has your health improved as a result?

Thanks for entering, and Good Luck!

That’s it, you will be entered in the giveaway.

All entries must be received by 25 December 2012 at 12 midnight USA EST.
The winner will be announced on 26 December, 2012 at 12 noon USA EST.

The winner will receive a FREE Vitamix Blender, a FREE online Iridology Analysis and a FREE Green Smoothie DVD eKit course.

This contest is open up to all entries worldwide. Please note: The winner will receive a blender with whatever voltage is required for their country (either 220v or 110v). Any import duties imposed at delivery (for an international winner outside of USA or EU) are the sole responsibilty of the recipient.

Answer this in the comments below:
What is one positive change that you’ve made in your diet and how has your health improved as a result?

Your comment will not appear immediately as all comments are moderated for spam before approval. The winner will be contacted by email, and will also be announced on my Twitter feed and Facebook page on December 26, 2012 at 12 noon USA EST. Thank you!

And the winner is…….
Lois and Earl Stokes of Volcano, Hawaii!!

Congratulations to Lois and here is her entry:

“My husband had a stroke and found out that he was a diabetic one year ago. We have turned his diabetes around (no more insulin shots) and have improved his blood work by limiting processed foods and drinking two green smoothies a day. I as a side benefit have lost 30 pounds and no longer suffer from bowel spasms. Mahalo (Thank You) for this generous offer and for the opportunity to become a winner. Actually I am already a winner because of our lifestyle change.”

Thank you to everyone who entered this amazing contest…I wish I had a free Vitamix to give to all of you…..your stories of healing touched my heart!!

More on Vitamix:

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Jennifer Betesh has been working with raw food, juices, smoothies and detox for over two decades to help people heal. Today, she shares her expertise worldwide, offering lectures, workshops, training and one-on-one consultations at various health and detox retreat centers. She provides Iridology Readings & Health Coaching via Skype and Phone to clients and continues to educate, motivate and inspire others on their journey of healing. When she’s not working, you’ll find her hiking in the mountains, power-walking along the sea or globe-trotting to a new and exotic health destination.
1122 replies
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  1. Louise Dyson
    Louise Dyson says:

    I cut out the C-R-A-P.. Caffeine, Refibed foods, Alcohol, Processed foods.
    Ate Green, Drank Green & wish I had done this years ago.
    Feel & look the best ever in my 40’s.!

  2. Maria Mignone
    Maria Mignone says:

    The biggest dietary change I’ve made is to get away from processed foods and start eating whole foods, including lots of fruits and veggies.

    Several months ago I started juicing, which is great. However, my integrative onoclogist recommended I get more fiber into my diet and start making smoothies as well. Changing my diet in this way has made my skin glow, my nails grow, given me more energy, and made me an all around healthier person. It has also enabled me to introduce healthy foods to my family, including my picky twin boys! Now they even ask for smoothies, and they don’t even notice the handful of spinach I sneak in! 😉 I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to know I can finally get them to ingest something green, and even like it, LOL!

    I would love to own a Vitamix, the Rolls Royce of blenders, to be able to make rockin’ smoothies, as well as expand my repetoire with soups, nut butters, and more! Also, since I will use it every day, I need something reliable!

    Thanks for the opportunity to enter the drawing! Fingers crossed! 🙂

  3. Jason I
    Jason I says:

    I as many others have incorporated smoothies into my morning breakfast. It’s fabulous, this allows me to take care of my daily fruit and vegetables in one shot and saves me time. If I am able to win this contest, this will allow me to create healthy meals and especially ice cream!!

  4. Viviana longoria
    Viviana longoria says:

    After experiencing health issues I decided to change how and what I ate. Less eating out and carbs, I also excluded all soda from my diet. I increased my veggie intake through yummy smoothies. Not only are they much easier to consume but, are convenient to drink during breakfast/lunch time. I also wanted to make the changes since high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol run in family. I truly believe that eating healthy is essential in preventing these illnesses.

  5. Theresa
    Theresa says:

    I changed my health 19 years ago when I went on the Macrobiotic diet. I love the food on the diet and also lost 50 pounds in the process. Quite a deal, I think.

  6. Theresa Halbrook
    Theresa Halbrook says:

    I changed my health 19 years ago when I went on the Macrobiotic diet. I love the food on the diet and also lost 50 pounds in the process. Quite a deal, I think. You are what you eat!

  7. Patty Graves
    Patty Graves says:

    I’ve made a concerted effort to add more fresh foods in my diet as well as my families. I also buy more local, organic meats when available. Positive change I noticed at the beginning was how our dishes were full of flavor and tasted like real food! I can tell during the weeks that I have more fresh foods are when I feel good, energized, and can think clearly. I fall off the wagon occasionally because of work stress and can immediately feel the difference at the end of the week. More raw food!! It does a body good 😀

  8. Dawn
    Dawn says:

    I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 22 years. I have tried every medication
    there is. Nothing was working for me. I read article after article on a Raw food diet. I have been doing raw for 7 months now . This is the first thing in My life that has worked for me. I lived in pain and stiffness daily.
    Some pain on a rainy day, stiffness gone. I am so greatful to enjoy life now.
    I am going to live Raw forever. I would very much like to win this vitamix
    to enhance My new found healthy life.
    Thank You

  9. Andrew Mckinney
    Andrew Mckinney says:

    I have radically corrected my health and my dependency to caffeine by introducing raw food and green juice into my life daily. This past year I have had 100% more green juice and veggies (raw) then I have had all 26 previous year combined! #pick-me #i-will-use-it-daily!!!

  10. Sarah
    Sarah says:

    I have been trying to make my own green drinks for a year now, and I will drink them for as long as I live! I just turned 22 and have suffered from cystic acne since I was 18. The most significant way green drinks have helped me is they have improved the appearance of my skin in a remarkable way. After trying multiple topical agents and PO antibiotics for my skin I am truly amazed that food has had the biggest impact on my skin. I am in nursing school and it makes me so angry to witness the push for pharmacological measures that happens every day in the health care setting. I think that nutrition should be the first priority! People need to know what to eat and why and they need to be educated on the ways they will benefit from eating well and exercising regularly. I am very interested in learning more about healing with food and I am interested in educating patients, as well as the general public, about how REAL food is the foundation for achieving an optimal state of health! Since I became interested in green drinks and eating well, both of my parents have gotten on board and we try to eat clean as a family. I have two younger brothers who are in high school and they think I am nuts, calling me a hippie and what not- but hopefully one day they will listen and understand. Changing the way we eat has required much effort because our family has eaten ‘fake’ food for as long as I have been alive, but I cannot imagine a life-change that could be anymore rewarding. We are grateful for online resources, like your site, that give us the life-changing and life-saving information that we can use to help ourselves and others!

  11. Suzi Q.
    Suzi Q. says:

    A couple of years ago, I was diagnosed with an untreatable brain stem condition that often depletes my energy & ability to focus. I have incorporated a huge amount of green leafy vegetables to my diet by making green smoothies every day, and now I have more energy and feel well more consistently when I eat raw fruits and vegetables every day.

  12. Sarah
    Sarah says:

    I gave up wheat – just to see how I felt. Muscle aches and pains I didn’t even realize I had are done and the dull ache in my stomach is a thing of the past. Although previously low I now take in almost no refined carbs. I feel great.

  13. Kim
    Kim says:

    I stopped eating processed food after I was reading your tweets about ‘Improving Your Health’. After I asked you when your first book was ready I began to follow your health tweets. One by One.
    One thing misses though… and that’s the VitaMix blender! 🙂

  14. Collane
    Collane says:

    I changed a lot of things and it brought me a good health.
    But introducing raw almondmilk was the best! My yogateacher
    calls it ‘a kingsmeal’ and she is right! An almondmilk/cacao/coconut
    smoothie gives me powers for hours! 😀

  15. Adriana
    Adriana says:

    My breakfast before a cup of coffee, now a delicious green smothie!! It’s a small change but u star somewhere!! Now my daughter who is four is enjoying green smoothies also, Thanks Jennifer!!

  16. Brianne
    Brianne says:

    My skin was starting to look like I was going through puberty all over again, so I knew my diet was the culprit.

    My changes so far are very simple. I drink more water, eat a spinach salad every day and eat at least 3 fruits a day. I’m especially addicted to apples right now. I MUST have one every day or I feel like I’m forgetting something.

    Since I’ve been essentially addicted to “foodlike substances” (as Jennifer says) for a while now, I’ve taken baby steps to improve my health and diet, but I’m eager to jump head first into big change towards a raw food diet!

  17. Kesha
    Kesha says:

    I completely stopped eating processed meats and have eliminated almost all processed foods. In the process of giving up foods containing wheat as well. #Paleo I have seen a change In weight, stamina, skin, hair and nails as a result. Life is much clearer!

  18. Julie Wiemann
    Julie Wiemann says:

    I’ve started incorporating green smoothies into my diet on pretty much a daily basis and have been trying to eat more greens; less refined sugars. I’ve been using my Magic Bullet for my smoothies and have longed for a Vitamix for at least 5 years so I can make larger quanitites now that my husband is starting to get on board.

  19. Rocio
    Rocio says:

    My family and I are overweight, and I have been trying to incorporate healthy juices/meals in my families nutrition. I have noticed within a couple months a improvement in the health of my family, such as increased energy, digestive improvement. My family and I now prefer juicing instead of drinking sodas.

  20. Jon Stiffler
    Jon Stiffler says:

    I have read “Eat to Live”, and the best takeaway I have, that I use several times a week, is that I don’t use oils much anymore. I water saute garlic and onions (I blend the fresh garlic in my blender so I don’t have to chop it) and I use very little oil in salads, preferring to blend a half avocado or some nuts into the salad instead. Instant weight loss!

  21. Tiffany Smith
    Tiffany Smith says:

    I bring my lunch. I am a single mother, college student and
    I work part time. while preparing my daughters lunch I also prepare mine. By taking 5 extra minutes a day to prepare my lunch I have saved money and unneccesary calories. Before, I used to pick up whatever was fast (usually mcdonalds or the coffee shop at my school). I dont know gow much weight I have lost because I dont weight myself, but people have told me they noticed that I have lost weight. I still have a long, long way to go.

  22. Betty
    Betty says:

    We started to eat more greens ,raw veggies,smoothies. We are in a gradual process to cut meat out of our diet.
    We eat seeds of the apple ,use skin of banana to treat inflamination on skin
    I.e psoriasis.
    We drink only quality purified water min . 2 litres a day.
    Green juice and raw diet is the source of full health and mental productivity.

  23. Leteisha Grangaro
    Leteisha Grangaro says:

    I have managed to increase my energy levels and in turn increase my overall happiness by introducing beautiful green juices into my daily routine. My morning starts with a green veggie juice and on the mornings when I do strength training I make it a green ‘thick’ smoothie instead by adding frozen berries, banana or avocado when in season. I stick to using the fruits and veggies that are in season and my body and my mind thanks me for it.
    I remind myself that this is my way of giving a little bit of kindness back to myself each and every day!

  24. Michelle McCoach
    Michelle McCoach says:

    I have been working with Arnold of Arnold’s Way in Lansdale on a 30-day raw food challenge. And a challenge it has been! Today is day 12 eating raw and I’ve only cheated twice on chicken! Even with that setback, I am feeling more alert, I wake up right away needing no snooze on the alarm, I’ve gotten comments on how good I look, and the best part – yesterday I slept through the whole night without me waking up scratching my chronic itchy skin! Halleluiah! I am addicted to green smoothies now!

  25. Mary limpus
    Mary limpus says:

    I have been using fruit smoothies almost evey day to replace one or more unhealthy meals fell better hope to lose some weight

  26. Caitlyn
    Caitlyn says:

    In May I read the book Finding Ultra by Rich Roll and it completely changed the way I started thinking about food & fitness. I had previously been going to farmers markets and buying organic produce. I was overall feeling a lot better and that was just eating organic, you can taste the difference. But back to Rich Roll, he is so avid about the Vitamix blender and has some great recipes using plant based foods.

    We began eating mostly plant based & juicing and eating meat very rarely and never eating dairy. My husband had the biggest change, his skin starting clearing (he had acne on his back) and he began to lose weight. I personally had more energy and I got rid of some female issues I had (woohoo!!!). My doctor couldn’t believe it! I couldn’t believe it! My body is now incredibly healthy and energized and my husband is so much happier because of our diet change.

  27. Kim
    Kim says:

    One positive change I’ve made in my diet is to completely let go of meat. Since committing to this, I’ve noticed that my digestion has improved, that I feel lighter, and that I don’t have as many problems with gas.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  28. Diana Cote
    Diana Cote says:

    I have made several changes and I am always trying to make more, slowly instead of drastically I hope to one day eat clean and healthy for optimum health. The main thing I have cut from my diet are sodas and store juices, I do not drink alcohol, i decided i didnt want any after i started working out and it’s stuck with me. I include fruits and veggies in almost everything we eat. I try to use organic, fresh produce as much as i can, we take organic raw vitamins and consume lots of water. we try to use natural products in our home as well. from the moment I got pregnant i became very aware of everything that could put my child in danger, I want to do everything I can to help her live a healthy, happy life I would also love for me and my husband to be a positive part in her life. 🙂

  29. Ada
    Ada says:

    One positive change I’ve made in my diet is getting making smoothies for breakfast – quick, easy and not full of sugar, fat and calories!!

  30. Nicole
    Nicole says:

    I have incorporated fiber into my diet this year. I always have irregular bowel movement issues (sorry, Too Much Info!) and I was trying to figure out how to end it. I looked it up, and found out that fiber will help me out. So now, I will put flax seed on my food (had some last night on my organic mac and cheese! YUM!), I eat cereal high in fiber and only 100% whole wheat breads. Ever since I started doing this, my bowel movements have been regular. 🙂

  31. Anna
    Anna says:

    Ever since I started drinking green smoothies, about two years ago, I have no more winter colds and flus as I used to have on a monthly-freaking-annoying basis. I love my green smoothies and can clearly feel and see the difference!

  32. Christian
    Christian says:

    twitter – @CaptainCunuck72 – since I started on this journey to living better and eating better. I have dropped 30 pounds and have never felt or looked better. I have stopped eating all pastas, dairy as well as wheat products and given way to more fruits and vegetables and high quality H2O. I thank you for posting your knowledge as well as educating not only myself but others on how to read labels and live a better lifestyle. We can only change if we want too.

    I Thank You,

  33. Melissa Culver
    Melissa Culver says:

    I stopped eating energy bars for breakfast (they are quick and easy and I used to think good protein / nutrition to start my day). Instead, when I have time I make a smoothie in my basic blender (which is a pain) or more often, I eat fresh fruit and some nuts. Having a Vitamix would help so much with this breakfast and other lifestyle changes for me and my 6 year old and my husband. Less convenience foods and more whole foods getting in better nutrition for all of us. The change – savings on cost of energy bars, and I have better digestion and energy to start my day.

  34. Katherine Martinelli
    Katherine Martinelli says:

    I would LOVE a Vitamix – great giveaway! Following you both on Twitter. I’m by no means on a low carb diet, but I’ve definitely diversified my diet by eating less pasta and bread and more whole grains and other healthy, filling sides (like quinoa and bulgur).

  35. judith
    judith says:

    One positive change that I have made is that I changed my lifestyle from 100% rawfood to 70% rawfood 🙂 it helped me to relax away from my strictness(?) and enjoy more of a social life again. Eating out is still very much a challenge as a raw foodist here in holland. So more Love and Joy entered through this decision. <3

  36. Lorraine
    Lorraine says:

    I became a Vegan and it changed my Life @ 56 years old I feel better then when I was in my 30, I have more energy, my overall health is wonderful. I’m not on any medication…my total being is positive 🙂

  37. Daria
    Daria says:

    Going vegan has no doubt been the biggest choice I’ve made for my health. As someone with a family history of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, what started as a preventative choice has become the single biggest facet of my life.

  38. Cheryl
    Cheryl says:

    I left my stressful job and enrolled in a holistic nutrition course and am loving all I am learning. No more “dirty whites” (white flour, sugar, salt or refined-damated fats) Eating whole fresh foods makes all the difference

  39. Marsh
    Marsh says:

    I changed to eating and drinking REAL food. I fly for work and always notice a difference between airport food and home food. Thanks to my wife who endlessly learns about real food and implements that knowledge into our daily lives educating our children and myself.

  40. Ines
    Ines says:

    I’ve always struggled with my weight… I was a bit overweight when I was a kid, suffered from bullying everyday in school. I have asthma and hypothyrodism and kids can be very mean to eachother. I had no self-esteem. At some point I was so tired of everything I just thought I had to stop eating to fit in. Lost alot of weight actually, but I was unhealthy. I felt weak and cold all the time. As I grew older I realized I did very harmful things to my body going from one extreme to the another. I began eating healthy everyday, like a way of life and not just diet. I never eat processed foods, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. The key is: green. I also started smoothing everyday. Unfortunatly I can’t afford a Vitamix… But I use what I can and I feel really good myself, I have energy, and my health improved dramatically. I always have a positive mind towards life, and now I help other children with the same issues I’ve had. I’m trying to make people more conscious about health and stop that misconception that following those famous hollywood diets will lead you to a healthy lifestyle.

  41. Fatima Miller
    Fatima Miller says:

    I have been living with I.B.S. (Irritable Bowel Sysndome) for almost 3 years now, the most positive changes in my diet were to get rid of all processed/ fast foods from my diet and I replaced them with more Fruits,Vegetables , and Vegetarian Liquid Vitamin Suppliments. This change has facilitated and repaierd my degestive system,I am more energized, my bowel health has improved and I have lost 60 pounds.


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