40-Day Water Fast: Comprehensive Guide & Personal Journal

Recently I completed a 40-day pure water fast. It had been one of my goals for many years now, and yet I never seemed to have the time to set aside 40 days. Like everyone, I am very busy and just could not fathom cutting myself off from the world for so long. In the last few years, I’ve done a 3-day water fast and a 10-day water fast and I had very good results, feeling clearer in the mind and spirit and more balanced and peaceful after each fast. This year I planned to do another 10-day water fast and possibly 14 days depending on how I felt. When I saw the results on Day 8 which I will explain below, I decided that I had to continue no matter what. And that’s what led me to do 40 days.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

Water fasting means to drink only water, in the same way that juice fasting means to drink only fresh juice. Only water is consumed during the fast and no food. Natural Hygienists agree that having small amounts of fresh lemon or lime in the water is ok; however in this water fast, I did not do that.

One week after the fast, enjoying fresh, delicious food!

Water fasting is not for the weak-minded. It takes a lot of mental strength, trust and faith to live on only water for an extended period of time. If one has prepared for the fast well and has a full reserve of minerals and vitamins, this type of detox is totally safe. It is important to prepare the body well in advance, cleaning the colon with some intestinal cleansing and then moving gently into pure water by drinking only juices for a number of days.

If someone is extremely toxic from a typical Standard American Diet and they have never done any type of detox before, then they are NOT a safe candidate for water fasting. They would need to do a lot of gentle cleansing first, build up their mineral and vitamin reserve and ensure an alkaline pH at the very least.

Water fasting is certainly not a new concept or some type of ‘fad’ diet. Almost all the great spiritual leaders including Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and Gandhi practiced fasting.

This is the only type of cleanse where the body is not getting any food at all. For that reason, it can go deeper and is more powerful for healing.

I believe that a water cleanse is the best way to release toxins from the mind, body and spirit. It’s that simple. The body knows how to heal itself, it just needs a chance to do it. When you fast, you are directing the body to takes it’s energy inward. It can then start cleansing and healing itself.

40-Day Water Fast – The How & Why of this Pure Detox on Day 40

There are many different cleansing reactions that can occur during a water fast as the body releases toxins into the blood. Based on my experience, I recommend a daily water enema during the cleanse to help the body minimize cleansing reactions. Dry skin brushing also helps. It’s good to be in an environment where the body can have some exposure to sunlight and fresh air every day. Being close to nature is best.

An example of how you don’t want to feel from breaking a fast incorrectly…

In addition to taking care during the fast, having a plan for breaking the fast is absolutely essential. So many people make the mistake of bingeing on comfort foods after a long fast, and in the case of drinking only water, this can actually be dangerous. It is very important to gently ease back into solids foods and only 100% raw juices and foods to allow the organs to ‘wake up’ gently. In my eBook, I discuss in detail how to break a water fast safely.

As the saying goes, ‘Any fool can fast, but only a wise man can break it properly.’

My new book, A Comprehensive Guide to Water Fasting, is a complete guide detailing every aspect of water fasting. This book is currently for sale in ebook format and is immediately downloadable in either .pdf or .epub format. (To view this ebook on your iPhone or iPad, simply choose the .epub version and install the free iBook app on your device before downloading your ebook file.)

In my water fasting book, you will learn:

  • What is Water Fasting
  • Benefits of Water Fasting
  • Water Fasting vs. Starvation
  • How Long to Fast
  • Hunger
  • Preparation for a Water Fast
  • Pre-fast Cleansing
  • Finding the Right Location
  • Preparing the Body Nutritionally
  • Water – What Kind, How Much
  • Enemas
  • Warnings when Water Fasting
  • Emotional Cleansing Reactions
  • Weight Loss – What to Expect
  • How to Break a Water Fast
  • Information on Parasites
  • Follow-Up Cleansing
  • Affirmations
  • Energy Devices to Energize the Water

Water Fasting by Jennifer Thompson

In addition to that, I documented my 40-day experience and the entire journal is included in the book. The big surprise for me came on Day 8 of my cleanse. I saw an ascaris intestinal roundworm (parasite) released in my enema and it was a huge wake-up call that I had a possible worm infestation. Looking back, this actually made sense because I had been experiencing a lot of strange symptoms in the last 4 years, all of which is explained in the book. When I saw this worm on Day 8, I just knew I had to continue. And the amazing thing is, that they just kept on coming! I had worms and worms, all roundworms, released almost daily during the entire fast. There was no choice but to keep going!

I learned many things about the ascaris round worm during my fast, including the symptoms of having intestinal round worms. Do you think you may have intestinal worms?

Symptoms of parasites or intestinal worms may include:

  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Gas and Bloating
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Digestive Problems
  • Weakness/Fatigue
  • Allergic Reactions to Food
  • Crawling Sensation Under the Skin
  • Eczema
  • Chronic Cough
  • Weight Gain
  • Inability to Gain or Lose Weight
  • Anemia
  • Numbness of the Hands and/or Feet
  • Fast Heartbeat

You can imagine how having so many parasites could affect your overall health and well-being! Even I was surprised and amazed to see the results, something I was never able to achieve with juice fasting, colon cleansing or parasite programs alone.

It is likely that countless individuals are suffering from ascaris round worms, other parasites and/or candida in their bodies and that their symptoms are being misdiagnosed as other medical conditions instead.

The book also includes a detailed section on follow-up cleansing and nutritional support to keep the body clean and free of parasites after a long fast or detox program.

My experience was so powerful that my neighbor became inspired, and she started a water fast too, about 18 days after I started. Throughout the book, I also detail her experience. In the end, it was great to have someone to share my stories with daily and certainly, we both benefited from the mutual support.

Breaking a 40 Day Water Fast – Eating on Day 41

Of course, in only drinking water for 40 days, I lost a lot of weight. In total, my weight loss was about 15 kg or 33 pounds. During the first 2 weeks, I lost most of the weight; after that, my weight seemed to stabilize and that was quite comforting actually, because my goal was to heal myself, not to waste away!

After the fast, I gained 5kg back rather quickly and I was very happy because I had really gotten too thin. Since then, my weight has remained stable. I crave less food in general and less high-sugar content fruits. For certain, with over 21 feet (6.6 meters) of worms out of my body, my metabolism has changed for the better and I am happy to say that my food is now only feeding me! Yes, 21 feet!!! It is an amazing story of healing.

The path to good health is so simple – trust that the body knows. Feed it well, think positive thoughts, bring love into your heart, and cleanse and detoxify your body and you will begin to feel superior states of consciousness and well-being that you never even knew existed!

Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. Read full disclaimer here.

New and improved edition! This eBook is now available with the parasite photos or without parasite photos, with the same text in each version.



Water Fasting eBook: A Comprehensive Guide & 40-Day Personal Journal (.pdf)



eBook: Water Fasting (No Worm Photos) – A Comprehensive Guide & 40-Day Personal Journal (.pdf)



Water Fasting eBook: A Comprehensive Guide & 40-Day Personal Journal (.epub)



eBook: Water Fasting (No Worm Photos) – A Comprehensive Guide & 40-Day Personal Journal (.epub)


More on Spiritual Health:

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Jennifer Betesh has been working with raw food, juices, smoothies and detox for over two decades to help people heal. Today, she shares her expertise worldwide, offering lectures, workshops, training and one-on-one consultations at various health and detox retreat centers. She provides Iridology Readings & Health Coaching via Skype and Phone to clients and continues to educate, motivate and inspire others on their journey of healing. When she’s not working, you’ll find her hiking in the mountains, power-walking along the sea or globe-trotting to a new and exotic health destination.
174 replies
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  1. Amber
    Amber says:

    Hi Jennifer, I am interested in reading your ebook. Back in 2011 I was doing a lot of exercise and detox diets. I noticed about three times in my stool (Over a period of a few months) that I had passed something that looked like a worm. After reading your experience with ascaris roundworms I realized that was a similar look to the type of worm that I had passed.

    1) is it possible that I still have these worms living inside me (The last time I noticed anything was 2011)
    2) I got pregnant first try in 2011 and had a healthy baby. However, we have been trying for a second since 2012 and have had no luck. Is it possible that the reason I am having a hard time is because, A) I need to cleanse and purify my body or even B)because I have pestisites feeding off my nutrition?

    Are these dumb questions! These roundworms leave me feeling a little uneasy about what is going on inside my body :I

    Thanks for your help, and for sharing your experience! 🙂


    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Hi Amber!

      1) Yes
      2) A) Yes and B) Probably not

      I’ve worked with many women during fertility, pregnancy and post-birth nutrition and there is definitely no “one size fits all” – in fact, each women is unique and the approach I take in improving your fertility is based on the success I’ve had with my clients. If you are interested in working together, I’d be happy to help. Please get in touch!

      My best,

      To your health,


      • Amber
        Amber says:

        Thank you for your response! I am interested in learning more about how I can purify my body naturally to get pregnant. I know that it is possible because I was able to get pregnant before, so why not now:) My Progestrone levels are low and are causing me to not ovulate. I think with a little nutrition help I would be able to get pregnant. I could be living in a dream world haha But that is just the intuition I am getting;)

        Do you offer any books or programs that focus on this specifically. If not I am still interested in just doing something to improve my digestive system and to improve my over all health.

        Thanks again for your help. You are very inspiring.

        • Jennifer Thompson
          Jennifer Thompson says:

          Hi Amber,

          Contact me to book your health consult via Skype. I can definitely help! I’ve coached many women for fertility and with low progesterone too. There are usually a lot of points to work on and that’s why having a guide and professional support can help get you there faster than you could on your own.

          Imagine how soon you want to fall pregnant. It CAN happen!



        • Amber
          Amber says:

          I would love that! What is the best way to contact you, also can I get a price for the consultation? Thank you!!


        • Amber
          Amber says:

          I just found all the information I needed on pricing and contacting you. I will be in touch as soon as I figure out which plan I want to go with. Thank you again for all your help!

  2. JessH
    JessH says:

    Hi Jennifer, I want to plan to do a water fast in about a year and a half. Right now I am pregnant for three more months and then will probably be breastfeeding afterwards for about one year – so I will wait until all that is done. I am very acidic right now and probably missing a lot of nutrients. Do you have recommendations about how to prepare over the next year and a half? I’ve been considering this for years and didn’t realize so many others had already done it! I’ve known for awhile I’d always do it someday. This is so helpful and inspiring. I’m even more determined, but I want to do it the right way.

    • Jennifer Thompson
      Jennifer Thompson says:

      Hi Jess,

      See me for a private consult. I’d be happy to help you. At the moment, your focus should be having the best nutrient-rich diet for a healthy pregnancy and birth. One step at a time. Contact me for more details on how to set up a consultation over Skype.



  3. She-She
    She-She says:

    Hello Jennifer,

    I am a student but I stay home and do not have a job. I really do not have stress and feel like I need to go on a 30 day water fast. I am on my first day of water fasting. I am drinking all alkaline water. Is there any aches and pain that my body have to go through? I am excited because I planned for this day. I am ready to see the results. I understand that the body tend to eat those thing in the body that is not suppose to be there. For example: if I have fibroids, my body will eat up those things once it goes into the ketoses stage. Is that true? What about acne? How many day do I have to go through until I see my skin look different. I have more weight on my body then you probably did, does that mean that I may lose more? Today is the first day and I feel actually good but I sure can eat a big fat steak about now. I get up and pray and I make sure positive energy is around me as long as I am on this fast. I am like you, I sure wish I never told anyone because I got negative feedback and the first thing that I want to know from them is: “Have they done a 30 day fast before given advice?” Any advice or ideas you recommend on how to heal easier or faster?

  4. ShannonB
    ShannonB says:

    I am interested in starting a water fast…my only concern is that I have three small children (7,5 and 3). I am also a military wife and have no family here to help. The term “rest” is not even an option in this house…should I do a much shorter fast?

  5. David
    David says:

    Hi, Jennifer. I have been practicing water fast for many years now. I do 6pm-6pm fasting daily for at least 4 times in a week. I also do total water fast for about 3 days. My question is these; i have been managing to fast for this short periods with stomach ulcers. Can i go on a longer water fast and not be hurt?

  6. Jonny
    Jonny says:

    I am surprised at the part of the worms. Does it mean that the fasting had no effect on them? I would have thought that the fasting could have become a starvation to the worms.

    Also, what kind of worms crawl under the skin? I used to feel something like that but I dismissed it thinking it must be my blood vessels.

    Regarding the water fast, I tried one and was squashing small madarin in hot water and drinking, does that turn it into a juice fast? I did that because I am quite slim and almost fatless (good weight though) and was trying to prevent too much weight loss.

    Also, was there an end to all your worm expel before the end of the fast or it was until that 40th day, which could imply they may not have been fully expelled?

    I am really encouraged to go for it, too!

  7. Acacia
    Acacia says:

    I’ve read all through this and it is something that I REALLY want to experience. I have done a couple water fasts in the last couple years for about 10 days. This sounds like it would be an all around amazing experience, my only concern is that I’ve read your previous responses saying not to exercise and just REST REST REST. I go to college full time but it’s only twice a week and also work part time but it isn’t any type of strenuous work whatsoever. I know that only consuming nothing but water for this long will give me a lot less energy, but my question is, if I were to still work and go to school would there be a risk of passing out or fainting?

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi Acacia,
      I don’t recommend that you try to work or go to school while doing a water fast. You are setting your body up to be under too much stress, and defeats the whole purpose. This type of fast has to be done as a “time out” from the world, to rest and take your energy inside, and be able to use what energy you have on healing. You could try to do 1 or 3 days if that’s all you have time for, and it’s always a good ice to slowly build up to doing a longer fast anyway. In a few months or even a year when you have more time to set aside, then you can try to go longer. Of course, you should get medical clearance before trying anything like this at home. Many blessings to you!

  8. Shaun
    Shaun says:

    I just came across your story so I haven’t read your book but I just wanted to say kudos to you on the things I’ve read. I’ve read so much garbage from people doing water fasts and then going on about how they took supplements, drank coffee and teas, smoked cigarettes, etc. I’m on day 10 of a water fast and I can feel the huge improvements. I can only get to 20-21 days because I have to leave town so I need time to break and get back to “normal” before I travel. I also have a lot of gastrointestinal problems which really limits my foods as an organic raw person so I’m hoping 20 days will help remedy that. Cheers

  9. Paola
    Paola says:

    Hi dear Jennifer,
    We want to have another baby, do you think it’s a good idea to start a water fast?.
    I’ve been vegetarian all my life but I started to have allergies after having my daughter (alnost 4 years old) and now I’m almost 100% raw vegan, I just want to be healthy.
    Thank you and greetings from Barcelona Spain ♡♡♡

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi Paola,

      Your body needs nutrients to make a baby, lots of them! Doing a water fast before pregnancy is not a good idea. You could even still be deficient in certain minerals from your last pregnancy. Please see for for a private Skype consult and I will prepare the best fertility and pregnancy diet for you…details can be found here: https://healthybliss.net/consultations/iridology/

      Thank you!


  10. Gladys
    Gladys says:

    Have you ever had a colonoscopy? Not sure if that would have detected worms, but am curious if that many worms would be noticible to an ordinary person and if organic foods would have been a cause?

  11. Peter Whiting
    Peter Whiting says:

    Thanks for your work. I’m really interested in doing a water fast but my job makes it hard (senior position in a global company). I’d have to take a long time off work to be able to rest sufficiently during the fast.

    My subconscious is also a bit scared about something going wrong. Sometimes I feel like I’d be happier to go off to some sort of health farm where I could do this with some supervision.

    Would appreciate any advice you have to give.

    I’ll certainly buy your ebook and read it.

    Thanks again.

  12. Gry
    Gry says:

    Does the epub. work for kindle? 🙂
    I’m looking forward to reading this. you seem like a sensible person with your integrity still present.

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      If you have a Kindle, you can read your ebook in .pdf format by using the Amazon application to send-to-kindle-from-pc or send-to-kindle-from-mac.

      Thank you!

      To your health,


  13. Katrina
    Katrina says:

    I have completed several fasts. My longest being 31 days. I have found it very beneficial to exercise for thirty minutes to an hour daily throughout my fast. it actually increased my energy levels.

    I really struggle when breaking the fast, and find I eat excessive amounts of food or do not re-implement properly. Any advice?

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi Katrina,

      It’s really great that you were able to achieve 31 days…well done! Certainly 31 days of water fasting is no small feat!

      As you now know, the hardest part of fasting is actually breaking the fast in a safe and healthy way. You should have a plan for breaking your fast well in advance. You must practice control because it can be very dangerous to break a water fast with excessive food. This is non-negotiable! I also think it is best to break a water fast with 100% organic food for at least 10-14 days. In my eBook, I discuss in detail how to break a water fast.

      Good luck and Many Blessings to your Health!


  14. Mariah
    Mariah says:

    I’m 21 years old and getting ready to start my first 40 day water fast! It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for the past few years for Christian/spiritual and health purposes, but I’m really anxious about doing it. You really inspire me though and I’m going to buy your book after writing this.

    When I was a child I went on a 7 day fast and at 11 years old a 10 day fast. I did many more 7 and 10 day fasts over the years. Then when I was 18 years old I went on a 17 day juice/water fast. It actually wasn’t that hard for me because I had a very sedentary lifestyle. On that fast I found myself appreciating the smell of my family’s cooking. For me it was like it was as gratifying as eating.

    I have three questions:

    1) Do you know if a 40 day water fast would be good for someone who has depression? Or bad?

    2) Is it safe to drive much while on this long a fast?

    3) I have a routine of walking several miles every day and doing stretching exercises at a local gym. Will I be able to continue this?

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi Mariah,

      To answer your questions:

      1) No way!
      2) No way!
      3) No way!

      The only thing you should be planning while doing a long water fast is REST, REST and more REST!
      I highly recommend that you read my eBook on Water Fasting…it’s available on my website at healthybliss.net.

      Thank you!

      To your health,


  15. Allison
    Allison says:

    Your story has inspired me. I am on day 2 of a 21 or longer fast. Haven’t decided yet. I just wanted to tell you about something that I found recently that I have been taking now for 6 mos. Diotomaceous Earth (silica) food grade only for ingestion. it is fossilized minerals that you can drink and it removes toxins and metal as well as parasites and worms. The health benefits are off the charts. If you are concerned about more worms it will kill them. I had quite a bit come out when I began taking 4 tbsp a day. I am curious to see how my fast will go. I do not plan to do enemas. Maybe I should but I am so undecided. Check it out on the Internet. Thank you

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Diotomaceous Earth falls under the category “If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.”

      We really have to be careful about jumping on the next miracle cure bandwagon and remember to use common sense. Diotomaceous Earth is basically sand. Why would you eat sand, and why would you even pay money for it? This material is known to be extremely hazardous to the lungs when inhaled. Isn’t that alone reason enough to avoid?

      To be clear, I do NOT recommend Diotomaceous Earth to anyone. There are much better (and safer) natural herbs to be used for parasite cleansing which are extremely effective and do not have harmful side effects.

  16. Aquela
    Aquela says:

    I’ve been motivated to do water fasting for about a year now but I don’t if I should do it. I have school and I do a lot of school work. It’s not that tiring but is it recommended to do water fasting while having school?

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi Aquela, You could always try a 1-day water fast on a day off from school, and if it is easier, try to fast from 6pm to 6pm to split the 24-fast over 2 days. Anything more than that would not be recommended while having to go to school. I cannot emphasize enough how critical rest is for the success of a long water fast. You body simply does not have the caloric energy to run around like normal. One woman emailed me and said she was planning to move house, go to a wedding and work during her 40-day water fast. Well, of course she quit after only a few days. This is a type of cleansing meant for meditation and stillness. That is how the great religious leaders in the world used it, and they all honored the process of water fasting with great respect and humility.

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Definitely not a good idea! I advise people to rest, rest and rest while water fasting. Any other approach is unwise, unsafe and not in a mindset of good health.

  17. Daniel Kim
    Daniel Kim says:

    Do you think water fasting even cure tissue invasive parasite infection?

    2 Naturopatics told me I do have ascaris infection along with strongyloides.
    and I do have strange feeling under the skin
    I am now on juice fasting Day 6th. and still don’t see any improvement.
    I do have very seriouse intestinal obstruction symptom which happen at night between 3 and 4 am. I have to massage the area so that food food move forward in the intestine and then I can go back to sleep again.
    it’s been for about a year. and I am vegatarian for my whole life. and I did parasite cleanse one time( 40days ) this year. it help me alot. but not cured completely. your story about Ascaris is real shocking.

  18. Alberto
    Alberto says:

    Hello Jen, I wanna give water fasting a try, but is it advisable for a guy like me to fast if im working 6 days a week? I heard that for a person to do fasting, they need to conserve energy to achieve maximum results. How is it possible to do fasting it if my line of work requires me to use alot of energy. Looking forward to your reply.Thank you..

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hello Aberto, In the book I explain how important it is to rest, rest and rest while doing a water fast. Working for 6 days at a time is not advised during a water fast. Thank you!

  19. Charles
    Charles says:

    Hi Jenn. I have fasted for 28 days twice trying for 40 days but seem to hit a brick wall after 27-28 days where water taste nasty. Is this normal?

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi Charles, This could happen if you were using a lower grade or quality of water, if you were deficient going into the fast or if you have any significant heavy metal accumulation. Thank you! Jennifer

  20. Mike
    Mike says:

    hi Jennifer…I am fascinated with the idea of water fasting and am going to do a 3-day water fast for a starter, before the end of this month – Nov. 2012. Am also going to buy your book and hope to work up to the very challenging 40-day fast within a years time, by following all of your expert advice as detailed in your book.

  21. Dev
    Dev says:

    Good evening Jen, I am seriously thinking of doing the 40 day water fast for weight lost and detoxification of both physical and emotional and would like to buy your e-book. I have never done any kind of fasting before and I, too, have a fatty liver disease and would like to lose 35 lb’s. You mentioned above that if a person has a fatty liver disease, he/she MAY want to do a liver detox first to strengthen the liver before starting the 40 day water fast. So, my question is this, do you have a topic in the book that guide a person on how to detox a liver? Is it necessary to detox a liver first or can I go ahead an start the 40 day water fast without cleansing my liver? Thank you so very much and God bless you.

  22. Gerard
    Gerard says:

    Have you ever thought that all those parasites are caused by following a raw diet, which is not the wisest thing to do especially if you travel internationally!

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      It amazes me to see how ignorant people can be in relation to the topic of parasites. There was recently a study done in UK to find out how many mobile phones had fecal matter on them (http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/14/health/mobile-phones-contamination/index.html). The results: 1 in 6 cell phones had fecal matter! Londoners had the highest incidence of the E. coli bacteria, which are associated with fecal matter, on their hands (28%). Now I guess if you are American, you may consider London a 3rd-world country…but even in the good ol’ clean US of A, they have serious problems with e.coli and other food contamination. It was within the great borders of America that at least 13 people died from listeria in cantaloupes from Colorado (2011). All I can say is it’s time to wake up and see the real truth. Yes, I wash all my fruits and vegetables extensively now, but I wash them in the USA more than when I am in Thailand. Parasites are in every country – they don’t have passports and are traveling on your fecal-contaminated phone, imported fruits and vegetables and many other ways too!

  23. Cindy
    Cindy says:

    I just started a water fast hoping to do a 40 day water fast, I completed a 40 day juice fast some years ago but I am now needing to experience some spritual renewing. I am looking for a fasting buddy

    SAVANNA RAIN says:




    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      A detox can surely help the emotional and spiritual body, but if you consider yourself to be ’emotionally numb,’ I would advise additional professional support. Healthy blessings to you!

  25. Kate
    Kate says:

    Hi, do you know how much weight you lost was muscle mass, and how much was fat? I know in starvation, the body tends to hang onto the fat for reserves, and uses muscles first.

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      When water fasting is done correctly, it is not starvation…this is all explained in the ebook. When done correctly, fat reserves will be lost first for sure! Thank you and blessings to your health! Jennifer

  26. Mark
    Mark says:

    I planned a 40 day water fast when I suddenly stumbled at your “Comprehensive Guide…” on line. ( I have done 10 days before; and , 7 days several times). The information are very helpful on the 40 days fast ,too
    Thanks a lot!!!!

  27. Alomeda
    Alomeda says:

    Hi Jennifer, I just completed a 10 day water fast. I have been doing this kind of fast for over 10 years now but I haven’t been able to make it past 10 days. I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice to help me, I really want to do a 40 day fast. If there is anyone trying to go on a 40 day fast please let me know, it may be a lot easier if I had someone to keep me accountable.

    Congratulations Pene

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      In my eBook I explain how to prepare for more than 10 days up to 40 days. It takes mental resolve and physical preparation and should be done with guidance if you have never done it before. 10 days is amazing – congratulations for your efforts! Your body in saying ‘Thank you!’

  28. Peneleapaí
    Peneleapaí says:

    Hi Jennifer. Thank you for all the info and inspiration!
    I am completing my 42 day water fast on 2 June … and now am trying to sift thru all the info on Breaking the fast sensibly!
    Carrot juice i thought would do it.
    Friend sez No, blood sugar spike.
    I thought Mono diet on tomatoes
    No just green juice (maybe smoothie, keeping all the “stuff” intact)
    WELL here in Ireland, parsley and cilantro, mixd greens and salad leaves and spinach (tho i am not fond of raw spinach cos of oxalic acid) are in season.
    Then friend recommended half a melon. WHAT about that bloodsugar spike thing?

    Ha ha… as you see, i need help. I am aware the BReaking of the fast is going to be the toughest.
    I did the fast with my four kids around most of the time too. Not ideal i know. I am lame. but it seemd when i began that it was now or never. And yes, Health was king.

    Any wisdom you could impart to me, please ? Many thanks and Blessings to you!


    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi Pene, I have a detailed section in the book on How to Break the Fast with the foods that I recommend. I definitely suggest you read it, thank you and good luck!

  29. Sarah
    Sarah says:

    Hi Jen, I am starting my water fast tomorow, for about 14 days in total, mainly doing this fast for weight loss,detoxification and overcome bad eating habits which i have developed recently.
    My question is, how much weight can i expect to loss by average?(currently weighing about 129 lbs at 5’7) and i have heard that drinking less water, will increase the weight loss by 3 times, so is that true?
    Thank you very much


    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi Sarah, I wish you well on your water fast! In the eBook, I discuss how much weight one can expect to lose. Trying to drink less water in order to lose more weight is definitely NOT recommended. A water fast should be looked at as an intense physical, spiritual and emotional detox. If the goal is to lose weight and long-term bad habits are not addressed, one will gain all the weight back and more after the fast.

      It is important to have a long-term plan for after the detox…I can help you formulate a personalized plan that takes your diet, lifestyle and goals into account. Something to consider while you are doing your fast! Blessings and all the best! Jennifer

  30. Michele
    Michele says:

    Hi Jennifer. I am Vegan/Vegetarian eater. (I go back and forth at times, though, with cheese and fish or sushi) I am 5′ 2″ and weigh 110 Lbs, but I have been wanting to see what the spiritual clarity is like and I am interested in getting rid of any parasites or worms if there are any. What would be a safe fast for me. I don’t think I could last for 40 days, plus I think I would look horrible 🙁

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi Michele, It’s best to review your full health history before determining the best detox for you. Please send me an email through my contact form explaining your goals for doing a detox, and we can book you in for an online skype session right away. Blessings for a healthy day! Jennifer

  31. John
    John says:

    Hi Jennifer

    I have done a few water fasts since 1991 (the last 10 day one was about 4 weeks ago), and a long 75 day juice fast in 1997. I am about to do a 40 day water fast as I go into a Master of Wellness course at RMIT. The first semester includes a course of improving my wellness (on a number of fronts). I have a goal of getting into Masters Athletics by the end of the year, but I have some aches and pains and a lot of fitness work before that happens.

    In my last fast I tried using coffee enemas and I found them to be a great help. I hardly felt any negative detox effects, and they were great as an anti-inflammatory. Caffeine headaches stopped within 30 minutes, and so did my joint pains.

    I have read that there are good substances in coffee (organic) that stimulate the liver and the production of bile – to release toxins more quickly. I also added some powdered zeolite, with the hope that it would help with the liver and any heavy metals and other toxins. I have read that bentonite is often used this way, so zeolite should be even better (it has a much higher negative charge).

    Have you done any study on coffee enemas? I have only ever used water in my previous fasts so this was a first for me.

    Best regards


    PS. I have thought about being able to provide wellness coaching in Thailand. We lived there last year for seven months, after two years in Ecuador.

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi John, Thanks for your note. I am not done any studies on coffee enemas, but I have done many organic coffee enemas myself and I also discuss them in relation to water fasting in the eBook. As for bentonite and zeolite, while both are good for doing detox, I would not recommend putting either of those into enema water. Blessings to your health! Jennifer

  32. jherrie
    jherrie says:

    im going to start small then go bigger but the worm thing wow anyways u dont eat any food at all its all water all day long correct

  33. wagma
    wagma says:

    Hello Jenn, I have been really wanting to start a 40 water fast and would like your advice. I’m 5.2 and my weight is 210. Recenty I was diagnosed with fatty liver. Can I fast with having a fatty liver ?

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi M, You may want to consider doing some liver cleansing first to strengthen your liver and other organs of elimination before thinking to do a water fast. I hope that helps!
      To your health, Jennifer

  34. May
    May says:

    Dear Jennifer, Thanks so much for that info. Think I might have to get your book for some added motivation eventually! Wishing you the best x

  35. May
    May says:

    Thanks so much for your reply. Yes – they seemed to have worked fantastically for you. At the moment I am juice fasting and doing enemas daily as well. My problem is pretty deep however and a water fast seems to loom ahead in the future some time this year … Can I ask one final question about this – when you did the enemas did you do just “one fill” and release (eg a 2 quart bag) or do multiple fills and thus clean out much more than simply the lower colon? Thanks again. You are a true inspiration!!!

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hello May, During the first week, I sometimes did ‘two fills,’ with additional days on the fast I saw that ‘one fill’ one-time daily was enough. The important thing is to do enough ‘fills’ until the water runs clear. Thank you and good luck!

  36. May
    May says:

    Hi there! Great to hear about your experience. I am thinking of doing a water fast later this year and may buy your book as inspiration!! I was wondering though, Are enemas safe to do during a water fast? I have only heard of them being verboten because you disrupt your electrolyte balance or other similar reasons?

    Thank you!

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hi May, There are different opinions about enemas and water fasting. The natural hygienists will say not to do them, to simply let the body be…but in my opinion based on during water fasting without enemas and with enemas and seeing the difference (especially in what came out!), I now recommend doing one daily enema. All of this is explained in detail in the book. Hope that helps and good luck with your fast!

  37. John Hanna
    John Hanna says:

    3 Questions:
    – Do you explain in your book “HOW” to break the fast??
    – I want to order your book through amazon you have any links??
    – Do you address how much work load to do (As do I just stay at home in my room for the whole 40 days no walking outside no shopping, how much work to do).


    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hello and thanks for your interest in water fasting. To answer your questions:
      – Yes. Recommended foods and suggestions for breaking the fast are included.
      – The book will be sold on amazon.com very soon once the copyright registration is approved. Please check again in 2-3 weeks.
      – Yes, the activity levels are explained. A water fast is really a 100% commitment and the fast should always come first. If you have any extra energy to go shopping, it will be a bonus, but it is not recommended. As much as possible, activities at home such as reading, watching health dvds, working on the computer, light housework and some stretching are ok as long as you are feeling good. The more you slow down, the more the body can internalize it’s energy for cleansing and healing. This is especially true in the case of water fasting. More detail is explained in the book.

  38. leila
    leila says:

    Hello Jenn, I have been really wanting to start a longer water fast and would like your advice. I am 21 and have a 11 month old baby. I weighed 140 before i had my son and was in shape, I went up to 215 in my pregnancy and slowly lost weight and have maintained at 172, I really would like to go down to 130 though, that would be my goal weight. I had a lot of complications in starting my period since my labor and am always sick and just feel really grungy all the time. So i am hoping not just to lose weight, but to become healthier. I have been walking for an hr. mon to fri the past month, since i have been able to start working out. I am muslim and have fasted my first time this past year for 30 days, but that just means no food or drink till after sunset, considering I would rarely wake up early to eat. I did the fast just fine, and have gone on a couple 3 day water fasts. I really want to do a 40 day water fast, I am active, have an infant and full time school, I was wondering if that would get in the way? Any advice? i have been wanting to do this for a long time and am really motivated to do it.

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      It’s best to email me directly with personal questions and concerns. I’ve replied to your questions privately via email. Thank you!

  39. Jennifer
    Jennifer says:

    @Cindy N – Hi Cindy! As I wrote in the book, ‘Worms usually infect the host when the host directly and unknowingly ingests the eggs. Eggs can be transmitted from undercooked meat, water supplies, shaking hands, sharing drinks, dirty toilets, unwashed produce, petting animals and contact with feces. Once ingested, the eggs will eventually make their way to the colon where they will start to hatch into live adults.’

    So you can see, pretty much any person in any country can easily be exposed to intestinal roundworm eggs.

  40. Jennifer
    Jennifer says:

    @Patrick – Hello Patrick! There are sections in the book which cover How to Prepare and Weight Loss – What to Expect. There is also a section which details Warnings When Water Fasting. Keep in mind that you can always try a 3-day or 5-day or 7-day water fast first and see how you feel. It’s best to start slowly and then decide for yourself if a 40-day water fast is right for you. It should be done at a time when you are not experiencing excess stress in your life as well.

  41. Patrick
    Patrick says:

    HI, so i am really thinking about trying a 40 day water fast. obviously not anytime soon. I am 19 years old and i do eat a lot of fast food. So i am in no place to try it right now. but another thing is, i don’t have a lot of body fat so im really afraid of trying this. Do you know of any negative long term affects of this fast? and since i am in no place to start, how long do you think i would need to prepare for it?

    Thank you!

  42. Max - The IT Pro
    Max - The IT Pro says:

    Jenn, great stuff!!! Hmmn…am tempted to TRY a 3 or 10-day water fast. Can I still exercise or won’t I have enough energy?? Will my body utilize its fat for energy??

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      Hello Max,

      Light exercise (such as walking, yoga or swimming) on a 3 or 7-day water fast would be ok. After that, I would suggest that you mentally plan to rest as much as possible. Most likely, you will feel the need to do so anyway. It’s important to internalize your energy for healing; not to externalize it on exercise. For sure, it would not be recommended to do any weight lifting – your body would not have the power or ability to build muscle during that time.

      Hope that helps! If you choose to do a water fast, update with another comment to let everyone know how it went! Good luck! 🙂


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