Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions
1. No Gossip!
Gossip feeds negative energy and that’s not a healthy frequency for healing! Speaking positively of others brings more alkalinity, joy and peace to you.
2. Clean out the pantry.
Get rid of any old food that will not serve the New Healthy You for 2013. Organize your kitchen.
3. Make Time for Your Health.
No one is going to do it for you! Find 30 minutes per day to read an inspirational book or go for a brisk walk. Do it every day!!
4. Seek out Support.
Find a local raw food potluck to make new local, healthy friends. If there isn’t one in your area, then start one yourself! A great place to find raw food and vegan groups is on
5. Forgive Yourself!
Let go of mistakes in the past. You ARE worthy of being loved for everything you are now in this very moment! You are who you are and that is ok!
6. Daily Green Smoothie!
Make a goal to have 1 Green Smoothie per day as a replacement meal for 2013. A Green Smoothie for breakfast sets you up for a healthy day every day!
7. Weekly Green Smoothie day.
If you do a one-day per week detox, after 7 years you will have done an entire year of 100% raw food detox! Just one day a week, have a 100% Green Smoothie Day as a mini-cleanse and reboot.
8. Floss Your Teeth!
Bleaching does not give you good teeth, Eating more raw foods and flossing every day does. Daily flossing reduces inflammation and bacteria in the mouth.
9. Be Kind Online.
Being tired, stressed and toxic can lead people to have a different persona online. Treat everyone in every tweet, comment and email with the same courtesy and kindness as you would to their face.
10. Stay Alkaline!
An alkaline-pH is the basis to good health. The most alkaline-forming foods: Fresh fruits and vegetables. The most acid-forming food: Aspartame. Replace chewing gum with a sprig of fresh parsley or mint.

Happy New Year!! Here’s to a New Healthy You!
More on Motivation:
- Whole Body Health – The Importance of a Good Diet
- The 45 lessons life taught me…
- 10 Easy Ways to Make Time for Your Health
- Visions of the Big Island, Hawaii
- Coconut Philosophy – It’s What’s Inside that Counts!
More on Raw Food:
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