Recipe: Raw Food Healing ‘Jamu’ or ‘Love’ Juice from Indonesia
Finally! A new video featuring our favorite Ms. Ta, my dear Thai friend and raw foodist from Thai Organic Life. With Ms. Ta, we never know what we will get, and on this particular day I rang her up to say hi and she told me to come over for some Jamu Juice. So I brought the camera and that was that. Totally unplanned. That’s just how we roll 🙂
The Jamu Juice was taught to Ta by her friend from Indonesia. It’s not something that they normally drink in Thailand, although we have all the ingredients here. Later I found out that this juice was featured in ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ as the juice that healed Elizabeth Gilbert (Julia Roberts) during her time in Bali. Some people call it the ‘Love Juice.’
The ingredients for this delicious raw food creation are: fresh turmeric, fresh ginger, fresh wild ginger, Thai leaves, what I swear is betel nut but Ta says is not (you can decide) and raw honey. It’s a medicinal juice that cleanses the body and is a great blood purifier and mini-detox for the liver.
In between, we also had to pay heed to the beloved ‘Durian Ban’ or ‘House Durian’ that was calling out to me from behind the camera. The smell was distracting me into a happy durian raw food bliss! A bit of durian and a yummy detox juice makes for a healthy moment shared between friends. Hope you enjoy!
More on Juicing and Smoothies:
- Liver Flush Detox Drink – Recipe for a Daily Liver Cleanse
- Detox Juice Recipe
- Recipe: Raw Food Healing ‘Jamu’ or ‘Love’ Juice from Indonesia
- Beginner’s Guide to Green Smoothies
- 10 Detox Tips
Green Smoothies for Dummies
Yep, I wrote the book! Get your copy here for the best Green Smoothie recipes ever!
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