Raw Food Breakfast: A healthy start = a healthy, harmonious day!
Here’s a yummy raw food breakfast recipe I made recently:
- 1 chopped apple
- 1 chopped pear
- 1/4 cup fresh chopped pineapple
- 1 orange peeled and chopped
- Put all fruit in a bowl.
- Sprinkle ground flax seed and ground hemp powder on top.
- Squeeze fresh lemon or lime juice.
- Add soaked goji berries (can soak overnight or for 1 hour minimum). Drizzle the goji berry water onto the mixture as well.
- Top with 1 chopped strawberry.
- Give love and gratitude to your food during preparation.
- Sit and eat consciously.
Watch and experience as a beautiful, energized day unfolds!
Be creative with your breakfast and get out of the Western ideas of what breakfast foods are and aren’t. Un-teach your body away from the unhealthy, poorly food-combined standards of fried eggs, toast and bacon and learn a new way with a new high vibration of raw foods for your body’s inner harmony and joy.
Chopping your fruit and eating it with a spoon makes it feel like a meal and can be much more enjoyable than eating fruits from hand-to-mouth. Take the time to chop into small pieces so that it is easy to eat. Try different combinations and use different superfoods to bring variety into your diet.
Have several ideas for breakfast so you don’t get bored. Try a fruit salad, green smoothie, fruit smoothie or even a raw vegetable salad. Why not?
Variety in your diet will exercise your colon. Having different color vibrations in your food balances out the chakra energies inside. Many reasons not to have cooked, de-vitalized, low vibration white toast. What can your body do with that besides go back to sleep!
Affirmation: ‘I am putting effort and love into my breakfast giving my body the best possible start to every day.’
More on Green Smoothies:
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