Tag Archive for: exercise

5 Things You can do to Start Your New Year RIGHT!

It’s that time again! The new year is a GREAT opportunity to take advantage of the collective consciousness or universal wave of energy in making change. Think of “riding the mental wave” with the millions of other people in the world who have decided to improve their health. It’s a powerful and exciting time for a real reboot. What are your resolutions for the year? Do you want to get healthy, give up sugar or alcohol, lose weight, exercise more, travel, start a new relationship, change jobs, drink a green smoothie every day, do a detox (finally), eat a more alkaline diet or even start eating more vegan or raw foods? Any of those is achievable. Isn’t it time to live the life you really want? I say YES!

Your Mental Focus is Key to Your Success

Your Mental Focus is Key to Your Success

How to achieve Your Goals

I’ve created the following tips based on working with thousands of clients over the new year holiday and observing which ones succeeded and which ones didn’t. I want you to be on the success side this year. My goal is to see you reach your highest potential, because life is SO much better when you feel good on the inside, knowing that you are achieving your goals!

1. Let yourself be 100% Human!

What that means is: It’s OKAY to make mistakes; It’s OKAY to get angry; It’s OKAY to feel frustrated; It’s OKAY to make mistakes; It’s OKAY to get scared; It’s OKAY to feel nervous; It’s OKAY to not know everything and once again It’s OKAY to make mistakes!! 

The biggest reason WHY people fail is because they put too much pressure on themselves to be 100% perfect.

Look around you. Do you see ANYONE who is 100% PERFECT? Here’s a major secret for you: 100% perfect doesn’t exist! Ok, now that we got that out of the way, you can take a nice big inhale and then a huge exhale, and breathe a sigh of relief.

Now, turn your attention on being 100% HUMAN. In the human world, there’s this special thing called “good enough.” Running 1K a day, for example, is good enough if that’s all the time you have. Having one raw food meal per day is good enough if that’s where you feel comfortable. Bringing one new food into your diet per week is good enough if you feel too overwhelmed to change all of your diet at once. You are NOT a raw food failure if you are eating 99.9% raw food diet and you eat 0.01% cooked food. Same for vegan, paleo, helio or otherwise. Do you get it? Do you see where trying to be 100% perfect can stop you dead in your tracks before you even get on the field? Let go of that! When you love and accept yourself, life already feels better!

You have to start somewhere! The sooner you get comfortable with good enough, the sooner you’ll start.

It’s all about self-value, self-worth, self-love! All of your motivation and inspiration blossoms from there.

On the issue of anger, frustration and fear: Feeling a negative emotion is normal. The more you get in touch with your feelings, the more you can release negative emotions and make more room for forgiveness, acceptance, and unconditional love.

2. Every day, do a minimum of ONE thing

Loving yourself is just one part of success. You still have to do the work if you want to start seeing real change. Every day, you’ve gotta do something. If you think you don’t have time, you have to make the time.

What’s your list of goals? Is exercise on the list? Don’t trick yourself into thinking you need 2 hours at the gym on high cardio and anything less is a waste of time. (If you’re still thinking that, please re-read Step #1!) Are weekdays completely packed for you schedule-wise? Look deeper. Take the stairs to your Monday meeting. Make your Tuesday lunch date a one-hour walking session.On Wednesday, get up 15 minutes earlier and roll out the yoga mat for a quick stretch. On Thursday, bring a green smoothie and go for a 30-minute walk at lunch instead of eating out. Think of something new and different to do on Friday. Doing something is always better than doing nothing! 10 minutes is always better than 0 minutes, every single time!

A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. – Confucius

Once you make even a small amount of time for preparing food at home, exercising, taking a new class or starting a new project, you’ll be surprised how much easier it becomes to continue. Doing one small task every day is the key!

3. Stop comparing yourself to the person next to you

Watch out for the comparison danger zone! It’s all too easy to scroll through social media pics of everyone else’s awesome, picture-perfect life and start feeling less and less capable, motivated or courageous. Realize that what see will merely be a reflection of where you feel less confident in your own life, whether it’s your weight, your hair, your house, your partner or something else.  Remember this: what you see and what someone else sees are two different things. So in reality, it’s all an illusion and just a thought or opinion that you’ve created in your mind. That means you can change this thought to a better thought, one that is loving and supportive of YOU!

Spending your time comparing yourself to someone else is only going to do 2 things: 1) it wastes energy that you could be using on yourself right now and 2) it’s an never-ending road of not feeling good enough that will never make you feel good. Choose healthy role models for inspiration and motivation but steer clear of the comparison game.

4. Stop trying to please everyone

You want the quickest, fastest, surest way to have absolutely zero energy left for yourself? Just give all your time and energy freely to everyone and anyone! Word will get out fast, and before you know it, you’ll have a line around the corner and more on the way. I guarantee that in no time, you’ll feel completely overwhelmed and exhausted. You may even start to feel resentful. After all, with all that pleasing, you didn’t have 5 minutes for yourself all year! How dare they! Wait…… they? or you?

Here’s an example: Imagine driving to see your friends. You stop to pick up a hitch-hiker, then another one, and then another one (in reality, you don’t need to pick up strangers, this is just an example!). The first one wants to go left, and the other one wants to go right. It’s not that far and you feel bad so you go over there and then back again and over there and you take everyone exactly where they want to go. They are thrilled of course! But, you lost track of time and now you’re late for dinner. Not only are your friends disappointed because you missed the meal, but all the food is gone and you’re left feeling hungry. Perhaps you could have helped one person and made it on time, and that would have been totally OKAY and not selfish in any way! Or, you could have simply said NO.

Learning How to Say No is probably one of the hardest things for a lot of people to do (and not feel guilty about it either!). You can help people of course, but you cannot help everyone all the time; otherwise there’s no time left for you. This is all about honoring yourself!

5. Stay Focused on YOUR goals

Remember, if you do 10 things halfway, you’ve still done nothing! Whatever your goal, stay focused on it. Don’t fall into the trap of doing this and that and then jumping over there to give that a go too. If you’ve got limited time in your day (which everyone I know does), then you don’t have time to waste. Discipline and time management are the keys to success in any realm.

Write your goals for the year on a piece of paper and put it in a place where you see it every day. Check in with yourself every week – are you still on track or did you start to veer into an entirely different place? You entered your goals into your virtual GPS, now you’ve gotta drive the route to get there and it’s up to you to stay on course!

For more on how to achieve your health goals and actually start feeling great, book a private health consult with me via Skype.

Self-value, self-worth & self-love

Self-value, self-worth & self-love

How to Book Your Health & Nutritional Coaching Session:

1. Take photos of your eyes with a digital camera.
2. Email the photos to me for approval.
3. We schedule a time to meet via phone or Skype!

More on Manifestation and Motivation:

More on Spiritual Health:

5 Things You can do to Start Your New Year RIGHT!

It’s that time again! The new year is a GREAT opportunity to take advantage of the collective consciousness or universal wave of energy in making change. Think of “riding the mental wave” with the millions of other people in the world who have decided to improve their health. It’s a powerful and exciting time for a real reboot. What are your resolutions for the year? Do you want to get healthy, give up sugar or alcohol, lose weight, exercise more, travel, start a new relationship, change jobs, drink a green smoothie every day, do a detox (finally), eat a more alkaline diet or even start eating more vegan or raw foods? Any of those is achievable. Isn’t it time to live the life you really want? I say YES!

Your Mental Focus is Key to Your Success

Your Mental Focus is Key to Your Success

How to achieve Your Goals

I’ve created the following tips based on working with thousands of clients over the new year holiday and observing which ones succeeded and which ones didn’t. I want you to be on the success side this year. My goal is to see you reach your highest potential, because life is SO much better when you feel good on the inside, knowing that you are achieving your goals!

1. Let yourself be 100% Human!

What that means is: It’s OKAY to make mistakes; It’s OKAY to get angry; It’s OKAY to feel frustrated; It’s OKAY to make mistakes; It’s OKAY to get scared; It’s OKAY to feel nervous; It’s OKAY to not know everything and once again It’s OKAY to make mistakes!! 

The biggest reason WHY people fail is because they put too much pressure on themselves to be 100% perfect.

Look around you. Do you see ANYONE who is 100% PERFECT? Here’s a major secret for you: 100% perfect doesn’t exist! Ok, now that we got that out of the way, you can take a nice big inhale and then a huge exhale, and breathe a sigh of relief.

Now, turn your attention on being 100% HUMAN. In the human world, there’s this special thing called “good enough.” Running 1K a day, for example, is good enough if that’s all the time you have. Having one raw food meal per day is good enough if that’s where you feel comfortable. Bringing one new food into your diet per week is good enough if you feel too overwhelmed to change all of your diet at once. You are NOT a raw food failure if you are eating 99.9% raw food diet and you eat 0.01% cooked food. Same for vegan, paleo, helio or otherwise. Do you get it? Do you see where trying to be 100% perfect can stop you dead in your tracks before you even get on the field? Let go of that! When you love and accept yourself, life already feels better!

You have to start somewhere! The sooner you get comfortable with good enough, the sooner you’ll start.

It’s all about self-value, self-worth, self-love! All of your motivation and inspiration blossoms from there.

On the issue of anger, frustration and fear: Feeling a negative emotion is normal. The more you get in touch with your feelings, the more you can release negative emotions and make more room for forgiveness, acceptance, and unconditional love.

2. Every day, do a minimum of ONE thing

Loving yourself is just one part of success. You still have to do the work if you want to start seeing real change. Every day, you’ve gotta do something. If you think you don’t have time, you have to make the time.

What’s your list of goals? Is exercise on the list? Don’t trick yourself into thinking you need 2 hours at the gym on high cardio and anything less is a waste of time. (If you’re still thinking that, please re-read Step #1!) Are weekdays completely packed for you schedule-wise? Look deeper. Take the stairs to your Monday meeting. Make your Tuesday lunch date a one-hour walking session.On Wednesday, get up 15 minutes earlier and roll out the yoga mat for a quick stretch. On Thursday, bring a green smoothie and go for a 30-minute walk at lunch instead of eating out. Think of something new and different to do on Friday. Doing something is always better than doing nothing! 10 minutes is always better than 0 minutes, every single time!

A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. – Confucius

Once you make even a small amount of time for preparing food at home, exercising, taking a new class or starting a new project, you’ll be surprised how much easier it becomes to continue. Doing one small task every day is the key!

3. Stop comparing yourself to the person next to you

Watch out for the comparison danger zone! It’s all too easy to scroll through social media pics of everyone else’s awesome, picture-perfect life and start feeling less and less capable, motivated or courageous. Realize that what see will merely be a reflection of where you feel less confident in your own life, whether it’s your weight, your hair, your house, your partner or something else.  Remember this: what you see and what someone else sees are two different things. So in reality, it’s all an illusion and just a thought or opinion that you’ve created in your mind. That means you can change this thought to a better thought, one that is loving and supportive of YOU!

Spending your time comparing yourself to someone else is only going to do 2 things: 1) it wastes energy that you could be using on yourself right now and 2) it’s an never-ending road of not feeling good enough that will never make you feel good. Choose healthy role models for inspiration and motivation but steer clear of the comparison game.

4. Stop trying to please everyone

You want the quickest, fastest, surest way to have absolutely zero energy left for yourself? Just give all your time and energy freely to everyone and anyone! Word will get out fast, and before you know it, you’ll have a line around the corner and more on the way. I guarantee that in no time, you’ll feel completely overwhelmed and exhausted. You may even start to feel resentful. After all, with all that pleasing, you didn’t have 5 minutes for yourself all year! How dare they! Wait…… they? or you?

Here’s an example: Imagine driving to see your friends. You stop to pick up a hitch-hiker, then another one, and then another one (in reality, you don’t need to pick up strangers, this is just an example!). The first one wants to go left, and the other one wants to go right. It’s not that far and you feel bad so you go over there and then back again and over there and you take everyone exactly where they want to go. They are thrilled of course! But, you lost track of time and now you’re late for dinner. Not only are your friends disappointed because you missed the meal, but all the food is gone and you’re left feeling hungry. Perhaps you could have helped one person and made it on time, and that would have been totally OKAY and not selfish in any way! Or, you could have simply said NO.

Learning How to Say No is probably one of the hardest things for a lot of people to do (and not feel guilty about it either!). You can help people of course, but you cannot help everyone all the time; otherwise there’s no time left for you. This is all about honoring yourself!

5. Stay Focused on YOUR goals

Remember, if you do 10 things halfway, you’ve still done nothing! Whatever your goal, stay focused on it. Don’t fall into the trap of doing this and that and then jumping over there to give that a go too. If you’ve got limited time in your day (which everyone I know does), then you don’t have time to waste. Discipline and time management are the keys to success in any realm.

Write your goals for the year on a piece of paper and put it in a place where you see it every day. Check in with yourself every week – are you still on track or did you start to veer into an entirely different place? You entered your goals into your virtual GPS, now you’ve gotta drive the route to get there and it’s up to you to stay on course!

For more on how to achieve your health goals and actually start feeling great, book a private health consult with me via Skype.

Self-value, self-worth & self-love

Self-value, self-worth & self-love

How to Book Your Health & Nutritional Coaching Session:

1. Take photos of your eyes with a digital camera.
2. Email the photos to me for approval.
3. We schedule a time to meet via phone or Skype!

More on Manifestation and Motivation:

More on Spiritual Health:

Dry Skin Brushing to Detox Lymphatic & Reduce Cellulite Naturally!

The lymphatic system is a cirulatory system in the body. It’s cleaning cells and dumping toxins into the blood all the time to keep the body clean. But, unlike the blood, the lymphatic system has no pump. If you don’t move, the lymph doesn’t move. It waits for movement to ‘surf’ from the contraction of muscles. So, in order to keep the lymph moving and clean, you have to move!

All information in this article is for educational purposes only.
It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

Practice Daily Dry Skin Brushing to Detox the Lymphatic System

According to David Wolfe in The Sunfood Diet Success System, “The average person has 1.2 gallons (4.5 litres) of blood. But each person has four times as much lymph fluid as blood. Clean and light foods allow the blood to become clean and light, which in turn allows the lymph to become clean and light. Cooked fats are thick, heavy and have a deranged structure. They clog the blood, arteries and lymphatic system.”

The lymphatic fluid rests just below the skin; if it is toxic or sluggish (from processed foods, smoking, chemical body products, lack of exercise), the skin simply won’t look good. A healthy glow comes from the inside out.

If the lymphatic system becomes sluggish, it will try to ‘off-gas’ through the skin. If someone is wearing nylon or polyester clothes or putting chemical creams on their skin, there is nowhere for those toxins to go (imagine wrapping yourself in plastic wrap). So those toxins get re-absorbed. That’s creates a back-log of internal work. This is where a detox can be a good idea to give all the organs a chance to catch up.

How to Clean Lymphatic System

Exercise is the best for lymphatic. Many people who sit all day long develop a sluggish lymphatic system simply because they do not move! Lymph likes gentle exercise, like walking, stretching, swimming or yoga. Go for a walk during lunch, stretch throughout the day and develop a regular exercise routine. Drink plenty of water to keep the lymphatic cells hydrated. Choose a natural deodorant with no added aluminum. Avoid foods with chemical coloring, flavoring, sugar replacements and preseratives which all add more internal housework to the body. Dry skin brushing and wearing natural fiber clothes also allows the skin and lymph to breathe.

Always brush towards to heart to stimulate circulation

How to Practice Daily Dry Skin Brushing To Detox Lymph

Dry skin brushing means to brush the skin when it’s dry. Brushing the skin in the shower is wet skin brushing. Using a loofa in the shower will not give the same effect because once the skin cells are wet, you’re essentially pushing all the dead skin cells around over the surface of your skin. Dry skin brushing adds just the right amount of pressure to move the lymph while at the same time flaking any dead skin cells off of the skin. Many people will say that the skin actually becomes more clean from dry skin brushing than from taking a shower!

You only need 5-7 minutes a day to do your dry skin brushing. The best time is just before you get in the shower in the morning. Brushing the lymph will stimulate circulation and this can also make you feel more awake and alert for the day. You can also do your dry skin brushing later in the day or in the evening too, whatever works best for your schedule. I prefer morning because not only does it get the circulation moving first thing in the morning which is great, but it also gets me into the habit of doing it every day.

Always use a natural bristle brush. Nylon brushes will scratch the skin. A natural bristle brush can be found in any health food store. Most will also come with a handle for brushing the skin on the back.

Brush the skin with a reasonable amount of pressure, but not too strong. Start at the feet using short to medium strokes and always brush towards the heart. You can brush your arms, torso, back and chest but avoid sensitive areas like the breasts and face.

Daily Dry Skin Brushing To Reduce Cellulite

Now, the keyword here is daily! If you practice dry skin brushing on a daily basis, you can start to break up the toxins that have settled into the fat cells creating those unwanted pockets of cellulite. If you practice this daily for a minimum of 3 months, you can start to see results.

Clean Diet for Clean Blood and Clean Lymph

Remember, your body is ‘a community’ of organs. A natural whole and pure diet is always best. Everything you eat affects the entire body, including the lymph. If you choose to eat a lot of animal-based fats, fried foods or processed foods, you will still be creating a daily burden of internal toxicity giving all of the organs more work to do. Combining a healthy diet with healthy practices like dry skin brushing will give you the best results for a beautiful, healthy energetic you!

More on Skin Cleansing: