Compassion Exercise – Practicing Love, Forgiveness and Joy

Honesty with one’s self leads to compassion for others.

Love is the best thing in the world, and it's free!

Love is the best thing in the world, and it\’s free!

OBJECTIVE: To increase the amount of compassion in the world.

EXPECTED RESULTS: A personal sense of peace.

INSTRUCTIONS: This exercise can be done anywhere that people congregate (airports, malls, parks, beaches, etc.). It should be done on strangers, unobtrusively, from some distance. Try to do all five steps on the same person.

Step 1: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
“Just like me, this person is seeking some happiness for his/her life.”

Step 2: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
“Just like me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in his/her life.”

Step 3: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
“Just like me, this person has known sadness, loneliness and despair.”

Step 4: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
“Just like me, this person is seeking to fulfill his/her needs.”

Step 5: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
“Just like me, this person is learning about life.”

To be done by family members to increase understanding.
To be done on old enemies still present in your memory.

Try it today 🙂 We will all benefit from more compassion in the world!

More on Motivation:

Integrate and Balance your Healthy Journey with your Work Life now!

You can be healthy & successful at work!

You can be healthy & successful at work!

My message today is so simple yet so needed in this increasingly busy and crazy time…as people become more and more stressed, more and more imbalanced and less and less healthy, we are at a critical stage in our journeys. There isn’t time to put off your healing journey anymore! I have so many clients who are working themselves to death, just hoping that they can get through another year or two of insane hours and horrible stress and then they will stop, change work and find better balance.

What I want to say is you have to find a way to integrate your healthy mission with your work life NOW…because in another 6 months or one year you may just very well crash and burn and not have a chance for change at all! The goal here is to stay on the preventative side of healing and de-stress in natural, healthy ways.

Invest in your health now so you will enjoy your life in the future!!

Balance is the Key to Life

Balance is the Key to Life

So the million-dollar question is…how??? There are some simple steps you can take right now. First, start to set boundaries. Learn how to say ‘no,’ even just some of the time. Keep some of your energy for yourself every day – don’t give it all to your job. Make time for exercise – call a friend to walk with and then socialize and exercise at the same time. Make small positive changes to your diet – start somewhere. Reduce your coffee and alcohol intake. Be positive and feel gratitude for what you do have in your life. Thank people around you. Spread happiness, not hatred. Speak only positive things about others.

And don’t forget to start making your Green Smoothies every day too!

Think about your true path, and embark on a journey to follow it. Laugh more. Enjoy life. Live as if this is all there is! All of this is completely in alignment with the Law of Attraction theory, but you don’t have to be a follower of The Secret in order for this stuff to work. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change – remember that!

More on Juicing and Smoothies:

More on Green Smoothies:

Success Tips: De-Stress Naturally and Achieve Your Goals

Now more than ever, it is so important for us to focus on what REAL wealth is, and that is HEALTH! I have 2 clients recently from different parts of the world who had co-workers die of heart attacks in their early 40’s…what a shame and a waste and for what?? All that success and money and no life to even enjoy it or share it with their loved ones.

Balance is the Key to Success in Life!

Balance is the Key to Success in Life!

So please, take care, and realize that money is only money – it can’t buy you happiness, laughter, health or love and these are the things that add true quality to our lives!! Re-focus your energy and attention on the things in life that do matter, be sure to take care of yourself during these stressful times – make rest, relaxation, nutrition and exercise a priority.

Remember that YOU are your most important asset!

As Dr. Bernard Jensen says, ‘Your health isn’t everything, but without your health, you have nothing.’

What a wonderful time to feel the importance of our true goals and intentions, and to bring our focus on what we really want in life, NOT on what we do not want. Take some time to sit down with yourself and visualize yourself in a perfect state of health, in the life that you want surrounded by people who love you, support you, motivate you and encourage you.

Our thoughts create our reality, so be sure to focus your attention on the things in life that you do want.

Good health comes from addressing every level of consciousness. Long term healthy habits come from loving yourself and knowing that YOU deserve the very best of everything in life!

Always remember that HEALTH is WEALTH!

More on Skin Cleansing:

More on Liver Cleansing:

More on Colon Cleansing:

How to Deal with Social Pressures on a Raw Food Diet

I consider myself very lucky to have a few raw food vegan friends (ok, 2)…but it really helps when you try this new path and way of living to try to find others around you doing it too, mainly just as an avenue to share thoughts or ideas and also to help inspire and motivate.

Often I find if I am in a ‘normal’ group of people, they immediately begin to defend and preach about why they think eating meat is essential or why eating cooked foods is necessary, and I find it, well to be honest, exhausting sometimes. I am never judging others for what they eat or don’t eat, and in that respect I find it quite harsh when I feel people judging me. What’s da dilly guys?? Can’t you just accept me for who I am where I am on my life’s journey? I accept you unconditionally, regardless… so why all the fuss???

What a wonderful world it would be if we all had more love and compassion for each other. Friendship should be about support and acceptance, yes?

Where's the Love??

Where\’s the Love??

One time last year while I was on a 100% raw food diet, I went out with friends for a meal. I mainly went out to appease my one friend – her other 2 friends I didn’t even know…anyway my friend at the time knew I was eating raw foods, but mentioned nothing of it at the meal and I proceeded to order a salad without a hitch, also not mentioning any special dietary requirements myself. All safe and cruisy on the down-low. My friend then ordered a Bailey’s shake made with coconut and banana…when she tried it she said ‘Jennifer you must try this it’s amazing…’ so I said ok, and had a sip. At that VERY moment, her friend immediately commented a ‘Oh, so much for the raw food diet!’ I said’ ‘Excuse me? There isn’t any milk in the shake…’ And she said’ ‘Um, Bailey’s, DAIRY, Hello???’ I mean, can you imagine???? In front of a group of people having this stranger try to humiliate me? If I had any ego whatsoever about the diet, maybe, maybe, I could see that response, but never did I ever mention it to anyone….I was horrified to know that I was being watched like a hawk when I was simply trying to experiment with a healthier way of living.

The whole ‘healthier than thou’ tactic to me is quite elitist, condescending, and ultimately self-defeating.

These are some of the obstacles you may face when transitioning to a better diet and lifestyle.

Celebrate your differences!

Celebrate your differences!

And this is why I mention how wonderful it can be when you meet others who are already on your same journey and who help to uplift, love, support and inspire you – it is very important to find a few people like that on your journey! When you find them, stick together!!

True friends will love and support you no matter what you eat or don’t eat, but they are rare gems in this world today, and when you find them, keep them!

Anyway, my 2 raw food friends had recommended some books for me to read and I am so grateful that I asked because I am now reading them and have learned so much new information already!

Based on the one, I am going to try more green vegetable smoothies and see if I can feel a difference…up to this point I was having my ‘standard’ smoothie but with more fruit mainly and just spirulina as a green…now I see that I must add the whole green veggie as well – spinach, kale, bok choy, etc….today I made my first one and it was great!

Green Smoothie Recipe:

  • Fresh Kale
  • Fresh pineapple, banana, & papaya
  • Ground Flax Seed
  • Probiotics
  • Water

More on Detox and pH Health:

More on Raw Food:

More on Organic Food: